Chapter 10 The First Gift from Jiang Ning

The man had no reaction whatsoever to Jiang Ning's question.

His tall and straight body was curled up like an ostrich, trembling slightly, and he appeared to be in a rather bad state.

Jiang Ning gripped the handrail, her back pressed against the laptop bag she had been carrying all along.

She paused, suddenly remembering that when she was packing up earlier, she had taken a Small Night Lamp from the nightstand.

Jiang Ning turned and took out the Small Night Lamp from her bag.

This Small Night Lamp was bought by Jiang Ning herself, a palm-sized glass sphere, solar-powered, which emitted a soft glow in the dark.

Moreover, in the middle of this glass ball was a beautiful cosmic starry sky.

During the daytime, it looked unremarkable when not lit, but at night, in the darkness, it would shine with its own light.

Jiang Ning did not understand much about claustrophobia, having only heard the name and a rough idea about it.

But, perhaps if she could divert his attention, he wouldn't feel so bad?

After all, they were fellow sufferers trapped together in an elevator, and it would be best if everyone could safely wait for the rescue.

With her phone's screen blacked out and its flashlight feature turned off, unable to see the cramped space all around, Jiang Ning extended the glowing night lamp towards the man, "Look up, I'm giving this to you."

The light from the Small Night Lamp shone through the crack and into his line of sight.

The man, who had been keeping his head down all this time, stirred, lifting his head from between his knees to reveal a clear and handsome profile, his gaze intently focused on the glowing sphere in Jiang Ning's hands, so much so that he didn't even glance at Jiang Ning beside him.

The moment the man lifted his head, even Jiang Ning, accustomed to seeing handsome men and beautiful women in short videos, was dazzled by his clean skin and handsome features.

She had never seen someone so flawless!

The man staring at the Small Night Lamp had cold white skin, focused eyes, clean and sharp facial lines, and very profound features.

Under the warm yellow light of the Small Night Lamp, a soft shadow was cast across his handsome eyebrow bone and high, straight nose. When he looked down, his thick and long eyelashes could be seen, which flickered with a stunning shade as they blinked.

What made Jiang Ning fascinated wasn't just the man's outstanding appearance, but more so the quiet and harmless vibe he exuded, which seemed highly incongruous with his large stature.

Seeing the man intently staring at the Small Night Lamp in her hand, Jiang Ning subtly moved her arm, and sure enough, she observed his clear and beautiful eyes follow the direction of the Small Night Lamp.

It felt oddly amusing.

"Here, it's for you," Jiang Ning said as she extended the Small Night Lamp towards him again.

Finally, the man shifted his gaze from the Small Night Lamp to Jiang Ning.

He turned his entire face towards her, and under the hazy light, his perfect and profound features up close made an impact on Jiang Ning.

Quite a 'beauty strike'!

Jiang Ning maintained her composure as she locked eyes with him.

A few seconds later, the man slowly shifted his gaze away and took the Small Night Lamp from Jiang Ning's hand.

The man had not uttered a single word from the beginning to the end, and Jiang Ning was not bothered by it.

Beautiful people have their little temperaments, and considering his good looks, she could be tolerant for the time being.

Once the man had the Small Night Lamp, his attention was clearly diverted. His trembling body returned to normal, and he sat quietly in the corner, looking somewhat meek as he stared at the Small Night Lamp in his hands.

Jiang Ning was concerned about the rescue, occasionally glancing at her watch for the time.

After about ten minutes of silence, voices suddenly came from outside.

Jiang Ning quickly called for help.

Fifteen minutes later, the elevator doors were successfully opened by the rescue team.

There were far more people standing outside the elevator than Jiang Ning had imagined.

In addition to the 119 rescue team, there were hotel staff in uniforms, as well as a large crowd of onlookers surrounding the area.

Carrying her luggage, Jiang Ning stepped out of the elevator, thanked the rescuers, and was immediately approached by hotel staff who apologized to her. They had a good attitude and proactively mentioned that Jiang Ning's hotel stay would be complimentary as compensation.

Accidents are not something anyone wishes for, and since she was not injured, Jiang Ning nodded her acceptance of the hotel's apology.

Out of the corner of her eye, Jiang Ning noticed even more people gathered around the elevator entrance, the scene was quite a spectacle, and it seemed she even heard someone anxiously calling out "Young Master."

So, he was a scion of a wealthy family.

No wonder he seemed so ethereal.

Jiang Ning, suitcase in tow, left the elevator area in a hurry.

She did not know that after she left, the man—who was slow to stand up due to numb legs—cherished the glowing sphere like a treasure. As he exited the elevator, he immediately looked for her. When he couldn't find her after a quick search, the tall man stood dejected, his handsome face downcast, resembling a little dog abandoned by its owner.

A group of anxious people followed behind him, and someone promptly sent a message to the Qi family members: President Qi, the Second Young Master has been found, he was trapped in the elevator, but he's just been freed and is unharmed.