38- Moving Part II

We arrived at his apartment, and it seemed like everything had been cleaned, as it smelled like eucalyptus, which I really liked because it gave me the feeling of coming home. Dante headed to my room, which he had prepared for me, and I followed him. He placed my box on the bed so that I could unpack it later.

— I hope you like how I arranged the room to welcome you.

I stopped at the door and looked at the room again, and it seemed even more inviting. Dante had added more color to the room besides the gray and white, changed the bedspread to a cream one with red roses, and I don't know if I mentioned it before, but the room has a walk-in closet...

"Seriously, I can't believe it... It literally feels like a dream!" - I thought to myself as I looked around.

— Dante, I love everything! - I replied with a smile.

— I'm glad you like it! While I prepare something in the kitchen for us to eat, take a shower and try to relax, because tomorrow is going to be busy due to your move.

— Don't even mention it! Do you need help cooking? I can help you.

— No need, just try to relax, okay? I'll call you in a bit to keep me company.

— Deal! I'll take a shower. - I went towards the box, opened it, and took out some clothes I would be wearing (my pajamas). I looked back at the door, and Dante had already gone to the kitchen.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair, left the room, and went to the kitchen to see if he needed help. The table was already set, and the food seemed to be ready, but there was no sign of Dante. Today, since it wasn't too cold, I was wearing a cool fabric pajama (tank top and shorts) in blue with little stars. I went to the balcony to enjoy the delightful night breeze, which sent shivers down my spine, and I got lost in the vastness of the starry sky... Oh, how I loved that! What a sense of peace I hadn't felt in years...

I leaned on the balcony railing and got lost in my thoughts, not realizing when Dante joined me. I only noticed his presence when he placed a blanket over me so I wouldn't get cold.

— How long have you been out here? - I asked.

— Not too long, just enough to see how beautiful you are! - he said, smiling at me in a seductive way.

— Seriously? Come on... So many women have come into your life who were prettier than me... - I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

— None of them affected me to the point where I lost sleep over it.

— Lost sleep? I don't understand you. - I furrowed my brow.

— Yes, I couldn't find you anywhere after you told me you didn't want to see me anymore. I missed you more than you can imagine.

— I don't understand, how could you miss me when we never had a real relationship?

— Do you need a relationship to care about someone? - He looked at me intently.

— No, you don't... I fell in love with you even knowing you liked Lola.

— And I was foolish enough to let you slip through my arms. - He said, coming up from behind and wrapping his arms around me.

— Dante, I... - I couldn't finish because he interrupted me.

— Kyra... - He whispered in my ear. - I'm crazy about you, and you don't know how happy I am to have found you again.

— Crazy about me? - I replied incredulously.

— You may not believe it, but I want you for myself. I need you! You don't know how lost I've been these past years, how much I suffered not being able to forget you, and how much I regretted making you suffer.

— I don't even know what to say... - I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Dante kissed my neck and smelled my hair.

— This is like a dream I don't want to wake up from... I can't believe you're here, living with me. - He said huskily, and for the first time, I felt emotion in his words.

I turned to face him, and he held my hand and kissed it. I felt my skin burning with desire; I couldn't stand not touching him anymore. I loved him, and this time, just this once, I wanted to have him all to myself. I still didn't trust that he would want to have a relationship with me, but I wanted to give in to the temptations at least once in my life.

So, I decided to kiss him. I held his face in my hands and pulled him into a kiss, but not just any kiss, a deep one, conveying all my desires and feelings through that single act.

However, as I was putting my plan into action, the doorbell rang.

— Oh, darn it! - He said, heading to answer the door.

For a moment, my world stopped, and now that he had left, I was hit with a reality check.

"Wow! What's happening to me?" - I thought.

— The fact is: will I give up the plan or continue with it? Do I want to kiss him? Yes, very much... So it's decided... I'll take my chances on this!

Dante answered the door, and I couldn't see who it was. Moments later, he appeared on the balcony.

— Kyra, I have to travel for business... Something urgent came up: a friend asked for my help in managing his family's company, which had a deficit of millions, and they didn't know where that money went... Since I owed him some favors, I'll help him. I'll be back in about a week or so.

— When are you leaving? - I didn't want to show that I was sad, so I tried to show support at this moment.

— I have a flight in 3 hours, so I need to pack my bags and head to the airport. - Dante was already leaving the balcony when I hugged him from behind.

— Take care out there and come back to me, got it? - I said, my heart feeling tight.

— You want me to come back to you? I don't get it. - He acted like he didn't understand.

— Let me show you then. - I turned him around and finally managed to kiss him the way I wanted.

When we pulled away, he smiled at me, looking extremely radiant.

— Kyra, you're killing me like this, you know that? You waited until now to kiss me just because I have to travel... That's not fair. - He hugged me.

— And why wouldn't it be fair? - I smiled playfully.

— Because I want more. - He whispered in my ear.

— Pervert. - I said, enjoying it.

— Pervert? I only have one thing to say to you: I want to make up for all those lost years.

— How? - I pretended not to understand.

— Well, I still have some time to enjoy you a bit before I leave.




We spent the night together... I was bursting with happiness, and Dante seemed to share the same feeling because he couldn't stop smiling. And let me tell you, dear reader, he almost missed his flight... When we realized the time, I quickly helped him pack and accompanied him to the airport to say goodbye... I had never been so happy in my life! As he was about to take his boarding pass, I whispered in his ear:

— I love you! - I blushed with embarrassment.

I just didn't expect his reaction, as he scooped me up in his arms and spun me around happily.

— I love you too, sweetheart. Wait for me; this time I won't let you down.

— You better not, because if you do, there won't be a second chance.

— I know.

Dante kissed me, grabbed his luggage and boarding pass, and boarded the flight.




I returned to the apartment, driving Dante's car. Yes, I had a driver's license, but I didn't have a car. As soon as I arrived, I ate the food Dante had prepared, which, by the way, was delicious, brushed my teeth, and went to bed. The next day was going to be busy because I needed to finish the move.




I woke up to Dante's call. I fumbled for my phone to turn off the alarm and then saw that it was a call.

— Hello? Are you okay?

— Yeah, I just wanted to let you know I arrived safely and that I already miss you. Sorry for waking you up, but I didn't want to leave you worried.

— No problem! I'm glad you called, even if it's 5 in the morning! It puts my mind at ease knowing your flight went well.

— You truly are an angel in my life. I love you, my love.

— I love you too. - I said, feeling like the happiest woman in the world.

— I'll call you more times during the day, is that okay with you?

— Yes, that way I won't feel so alone in your apartment.

— Alright then! I'll let you rest, talk to you later! Love you.

Dante hung up the phone, and I went back to sleep for a little while.

I woke up to my alarm blaring loudly. I turned it off, got up, took a shower, made coffee, and went to the apartment where I lived to sell the furniture, as the used furniture guy was coming over to evaluate them. After lunch, the mover would pick up my boxes to bring them here to the apartment.

The day went by quickly, and I was already home (Dante's apartment) after taking care of the moving logistics (selling the furniture, cleaning the apartment, and moving the remaining items here). I would hand over the keys and finalize the contract tomorrow morning, as the apartment would undergo an inspection to see if I had taken care of it and returned it in the condition I received it.

Dante had called me about 3 times throughout the day, which was actually quite nice, I must admit.

I decided to start writing the romantic comedy book that I had been wanting to write. I spent hours dedicating myself to it, creating characters for the story, and developing the plot that I would use to convey all the emotions and characteristics of the characters to the readers. It was then that I noticed it was already past midnight. I stretched, took a shower, collapsed onto the bed, and fell asleep.

The next day, I managed to finish everything related to the apartment, handed over the keys and got rid of that headache. I returned home after another busy day, got lost in my writing, and went to bed shortly afterward.

The days passed in the same way for the rest of the week, with the difference that I didn't leave the house. I could write in my pajamas and have a more relaxed day. Dante called me every day to check how things were and to tell me he missed me.

A day before Dante's return from the trip, I went out to buy something different to eat than what was in the apartment. There was a grocery store near Dante's apartment, which was great because I could walk there and enjoy a nice morning stroll. I bought everything I was craving, and on the way back, I found a little black and white kitten (still a kitten), desperately meowing and asking for help. Without hesitation, I picked it up and took it home.