The Last Day of School

Ava heard a voice calling her name, dragging her from the depths of sleep.

"Ava! Get up, or you'll be late for school!" The voice was insistent.

She slowly opened her eyes, blinking against the morning light to find her mom standing over her.

"Come on, get up fast. Did you forget today is the last day of school? After this, your summer vacation starts, and you can sleep as much as you want," her mom said with a gentle smile.

Without a second thought, Ava jumped out of bed, a whirlwind of confusion and disbelief.

**Ava's POV**

No, no, no. This can't be real. Am I alive? Mom said it's the last day of school. Was it all a dream? No, it can't be just a dream. Did I... did I travel back in time?

Hmm?? What was the dream exactly?

Did my friends died?

But how?


Ava was about to rush out the door when her mother stopped her.

"Wait a minute, what are you doing? Are you going to school in those clothes? What about brushing your teeth and getting dressed?" her mom chided.

"Oh, right," Ava mumbled, dazed.

"Just go and change, quick," her mom instructed.

Ava ran to the bathroom, her mind racing. After five minutes, she emerged, dressed and slightly more composed. She didn't bother with breakfast and dashed out the door.

"What the—! This kid!" her mom exclaimed, smiling as she watched her daughter run.

Ava arrived at school, her heart pounding. Only a few students were milling about. She ran to her classroom, her thoughts a jumble of panic....

**Ava's POV**

Was that a dream?

A strange dream...

And i forgot it...

I just know that everyone died...

But... but my friends aren't here. No, this can't be happening. No!

Ava started crying, drawing the attention of her classmates, who looked at her with puzzled expressions.

"Ava, what are you doing?" a familiar voice asked.

She slowly turned to see Noah standing there, confusion etched on his face.

"O-Noah?" she whispered, her eyes wide with shock.

Seeing her tears, Noah rushed over. "Ava, why are you crying? What happened?"

Before he could say anything more, Ava threw herself at him, pressing her lips against his. The classroom fell silent, mouths agape.

Noah was stunned at first but soon reciprocated. They were so engrossed in each other that they didn't notice the astonished stares of their classmates.

Their moment was interrupted by a loud shout. "OH, JESUS CHRIST, WHAT AM I SEEING?"

They broke the kiss and turned to see Lily and Jake staring at them in disbelief.

Ava ran to them and hugged Lily tightly while Noah looked on, jealousy flickering in his eyes.

"I missed you so much," Ava sobbed.

Lily, a bit bewildered, patted her back. "I missed you too, but it's only been a day."

Ava then turned to Jake, who was glaring at her. She smiled and hugged him too.

"What are you doing, you idiot?" Jake grumbled, though he eventually hugged her back.

Their reunion was interrupted by another commotion. Natalie and Chloe were approaching, bickering as usual.

"You always break things!" Chloe was saying.

Natalie replied, "I told you, it was a mistake!"

"So what? It was my favorite bike, and you broke it," Chloe retorted.

"Sorry," Natalie muttered.

Ava was about to run to them but was distracted when Ethan came bounding over, shouting and waving his arms.


Jake rolled his eyes. "For God's sake, Ethan, stop shouting."

"Ah, you're okay!" Ethan said, grinning.

**Ava's POV**

I watched them all, smiling like an idiot, tears streaming down my face. God, how much I missed them. And now, finally, I can see them again.


Her thoughts were interrupted by Noah. "Hey, Ava, what happened? Why are you crying?"

Everyone's eyes turned to her.

"Yeah, Ava, what happened?" Chloe asked, concerned.

They don't remember what happened.

Ava forced a smile. "Nothing, I just missed you guys too much."

"Come here!" Lily said, pulling her into another hug.

"Let's go, guys, class is about to start," Natalie said.

"Okay," Ethan agreed.

"Ava, are you okay? Will you be able to attend class?" Lily asked.

Ava nodded. "Yeah, I think I can."




Soon they all went to class. The day passed quickly, and before they knew it, school was over. They all gathered outside.

Jake stretched. "Finally, summer vacation starts. Now I can sleep all day."

Lily laughed. "You sleep every day, whether it's a school day or not."

"Shut up, Lily," Jake grumbled.

"Anyway, guys, I have a plan. Let's spend our vacation at Paris Beach," Lily suggested.

"Wow, beach vacation? I'm in!" Chloe said excitedly.

"Hyy...i suggest we go to a ghost house...

I saw it on a article, i think it's best place to go" jack suggested

"Now that I think about's a good idea" Chloe murmured

"Me too!" Ethan chimed in.

"Count me in," Noah added

They all turned to Ava.

For a moment she felt something strange...

But then that feeling disappeared...

She smiled. "I'd love to join you guys."

"Yay! Okay, we'll go in two days," Lily said.

Ava hesitated. "I have something important to do. I'll catch up with you later."

"Okay, no problem," Lily said, waving her off.

As Ava watched her friends walk away, she felt a mix of relief and sadness. They were alive, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The memories of what had happened were fuzzy, but the pain was real. She took a deep breath, determined to enjoy the time she had with them, no matter how surreal it felt.
