The Arrival

The sun hung high in the clear sky as Lily, Ava, Natalie, Chloe, Jake, Noah, and Ethan gathered at Jake's van, buzzing with excitement and a hint of trepidation.

The plan had been brewing for weeks—a getaway to an old house that Jake had found. Rumors swirled about the place, whispers of its haunted history adding to the thrill.

Jake, the de facto leader with his adventurous spirit, took the driver's seat. Noah, his best friend and the group's jokester, sat beside him, ready to keep everyone entertained on the road.

The back of the van was a jumble of bags, snacks, and laughter as the rest of the group settled in.


As they drove, the conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with stories, jokes, and shared memories.

Lily, always the planner, double-checked their supplies, ensuring they had everything needed for their weekend adventure. Ava, with her camera at the ready, captured candid moments, already envisioning the scrapbook she would create.

Natalie and Chloe, inseparable as always, chatted excitedly about the ghost stories they'd heard, their imaginations running wild.

After a few hours, the van turned onto a narrow, winding road flanked by dense woods.

The atmosphere shifted, the trees closing in like silent sentinels guarding an ancient secret. Finally, they emerged into a clearing, and there it was—the old wooden house, straight out of a horror movie.

Its weathered boards and sagging porch exuded an eerie charm, the perfect setting for their adventure.

The group piled out of the van, their excitement mingling with a touch of apprehension.

They stood for a moment, taking in the house's ominous presence before Jake broke the silence.

"Alright, let's get settled in," he said, grabbing his bag and leading the way.

Inside, the house was surprisingly well-preserved, if a bit dusty. The furniture was covered in white sheets, and the air carried the scent of aged wood and forgotten memories. The group quickly claimed their rooms, dropping their bags and exploring the nooks and crannies of their temporary home.




By noon, they had settled in. Jake suggested some fun activities to pass the time until nightfall.

They started with a scavenger hunt, searching the house for hidden trinkets and clues Jake had planted earlier.

Ava's camera flashed constantly, capturing their discoveries and the spontaneous bursts of laughter that punctuated the search.

Next, they moved outside, where Noah had set up a makeshift volleyball net. The game was chaotic and full of friendly banter, with Ethan's competitive streak coming out in full force. Chloe, though not the best player, kept everyone laughing with her exaggerated attempts at hitting the ball.

As the afternoon sun began to wane, they gathered around a fire pit that Jake had prepared. With marshmallows on sticks, they roasted s'mores, their faces glowing in the firelight.

Natalie and Chloe, ever the storytellers, shared ghost stories that sent shivers down their spines, each tale more chilling than the last.

The sky transitioned from the warm hues of sunset to the deep blues and purples of twilight.

Stars began to dot the sky, and the group settled into a comfortable silence, the crackling fire the only sound.

As darkness fully enveloped the house, Jake stood up and clapped his hands. "Alright, guys, let's head inside and get ready for the night. We've got a lot more planned."

The group reluctantly left the warmth of the fire and headed back into the house, their minds already buzzing with anticipation for the night's adventures.

But in all the events....there was someone who was thinking too much...Ava

She felt like they experienced this moment or something similar....

But why can't se remember it??
