Chapter 1


 ~The Bilefast~

"If there comes another lifetime, I'll find you, If there's really another life after this, I'll definitely make sure to find you..." Those words wouldn't stop ringing in her head continuously as if they're put on repeat.

Her grip on the duvet tightens, so as her head keeps on shaking from one side to the other on the pillow it's laid on.

"'t" She kept on murmuring, her eyes tightly shut with beads of tears strolling down from her face to her already dampen neck, some sweats already gathered and settled on her occiput.

"" Her face squeezes more so as it produces tears with her breathing intensifying.

One could tell she was having a terrible nightmare.

"And when I do, I promise to remember you first, When we do meet again, I promise to love you first..." The words continued sounding loudly in her head nonstop getting her more agitated.

"Please...please don't...don't..." She whimpers out with shivering voice.

"So, wait for me...wait for me..."

" have to wait..."


"" She began to cry out loudly, her body shaking vigorously on the bed so as her breath seizing.

"MOKEE! MOKEE!! WAKE UP!!! GET BACK TO YOUR SENSES MOKEE!!!" A pair of hands began shaking her on the bed, trying to wake her up however, she keeps on gasping for breath like someone who would give up any minute soon. Alerted, the person waking her up put more pressure shaking her and her voice grew louder.

"WAKE UP YOU CRAZY B*TCH!!! YOU CAN'T GIVE UP! WAKE UP MOKEE PLEASE!!!!" She gave her a punch on the face out of desperation and strangely, that seems to work. Mokee let out a long breath with her eyelids flying open.

"Hey! Are you okay? Are you alright, look at me. Mokee are you back to your senses??" The lady bombard her with questions immediately she rose back to consciousness. Mokee slowly rotates her eyeballs to her and on seeing her, she bursts into more tears.

"Nana!!!" She cried out sitting up and throwing her arms around her.

"It's's going to be're fine" Nana assured patting her back slowly while Mokhee only cries more on her shoulder.

After stroking her back for a while, Nana pulled away from the hug cupping Mokee's wet face.

"What happened, I thought you stopped having this dream?" Nana questioned concerned. Mokee only shook her head in confusion.

"I don't know...I don't know also, I don't know why I'm suddenly having it again, I don't know why this is happening again I don't f**king know why I am...I am.." She gasps, choking on her tears.

"Hey, calm's okay. It's'll be fine hmm?" She hugs her again and sighs.

"What could have trigger's been long, what could have been the cause of you having this attack again?" Nana sighs deeply.

Mokee disengage and held Nana's hand.

"What is wrong with me, why...why is this happening to me, you must know since you're a psychologist uh??" Mokee asked with desperation.

Nana sighs.

"Do you still not remember any faces?" She asked. Mokee shook her head indicating a 'No'

"I can only hear their voices, I can only hear their screaming...their painful screams...the pains...the...argh!" She places her hand on her heart.

"My heart hurts, it hurts so much...I'm in pains Nana...please save me...please..." She says with her voice cracking.

"SNAP OUT OF IT ALREADY MOKEE!" Nana grip her shoulders.

"Listen to me, there are no voices anywhere, there's no are fine okay? Trust me, you'll be" She assured her again. Mokee slowly nodded.

"Now I want you to catch your breath slowly, breathe in" Nana took a breath in gesturing to her to do the same.

Mokee also took a breath in as she says.

"Then out...slowly" Nana let out a breathe and Mokee did also.

"Now do that five times" Nana commanded and Mokee did.

"Good. There's no cause for alarm. You're fine"Nana smiles. Mokee let out a reliving breath, unlike five minutes ago, she has calmed down and she could feel her nerves relaxing. 

She sniffs in and sweep her hair up.

"What's the time?" She quizzed.

"Prolly past 10" Nana replied simply, Mokee eyes went wide rather on hearing that.

"WHAT!! Pas...past what!"

"10. The last time I checked it was 9:45 and that was before I took my bath, choose my dress, apply make up and came to your room to wake you up but then I saw you on the verge of death and with my amazing skills I revived you" Nana replied tauntily.

"You crazy lady!" Mokee pushed her away sharply from the bed making her fall to the floor.

"Ah!" Nana yelp at the sudden push while Mokee sprang from the bed to the wardrobe pouring out the clothes there on the bed.

"I have a f**king audition by 11 and you're just waking me up!!" She yelled as she goes through her wardrobe like a crazy woman.

"Wow! Now it's my fault you overslept uh! You should be thanking me for saving your damn ass this morning, if I hadn't been here you would prolly be having an audition in the pit of hell right now you crazy bitch!" Nana yelled back at her.

" had some drinks last night didn't you, you came home totally wasted. What sane woman get drunk a night before she has an audition, only an insane woman like you does!" Nana added.

"Yesterday was my pay day how can I not drink? Those f**king debtors collected every dime from me!!!" She threw some clothes at her then march into the bathroom hurriedly.

"What a f**king pain she is seriously!" Nana huffs marching out of the room also.

In speed, Mokee did everything she is to do and within three minutes, she was dressed up already, speeding out of her room.

"I'm making some hangover soup, have it before you leave" Nana said from the kitchen.

"Do I look like I have time for that! I'm so f**king late!" Mokee replied searching the living room frantically, she seems to be looking for something.

"Where the f**k is it! Hey have you seen my phone anywhere??" She asked.

"You prolly dropped it somewhere unimaginable last night when you got drunk. The soup will be ready soon so wait a minute you can't go to the audition like that, I'm sure you're probably having hangover and taken the way you've bawled out your eyes this morning, are you trying to scare them there. What will happen if you suddenly faint, then the audition becomes useless" Nana says.

"Coming out from someone who gave me a punch on the face while I was on the brink of death" Mokee countered.

"Hey! That was to save you! I did that to bring you back to life" Nana defended.

"Ohhh...where did I put it last night..." Mokee held her head trying to recall.

"Ah!" She snaps her finger as something crossed her mind.

"The fridge!" She ran to the fridge and on opening it she saw her phone there lying beside some drinks.

"Ugh! It's frozen already..." She hisses.

"Nevertheless you can't go on empty stomach, wait a minute and_ HEY!!!" Nana yelled at her on seeing her gulping down a can filled with milk inside.

"Satisfied? I'm leaving" Mokee dropped the can and rushed away from the fridge.

"You can't take that, you'll get an upset stomach!" 

"Just worry about yourself you gangster! My cheek still hurts you know!" Mokee shouted back running towards the door.

"You should be thankful I saved your life! My f**king fist brought you back to life you ungrateful b*tch!"

"What kind of a Doctor beat up their patients to save them, You're not a psychologist! YOU'RE A PSYCHOPATH! A F**KING PSYCHOPATH! If I fail this audition I'm not gonna pay the rent for a year just know that you QUACK!!" She ranted running out of the house.

"LIKE YOU'VE PAID FOR A F**KING YEAR!!" Nana shouted back at her.

"Ugh!! That annoying b*tch...she should be grateful I saved her life..."


Mokee ran into the company like one being chased by a zombie. Her hair was already messy and disheveled and she was covered in nothing but sweat, one could mistake her as a zombie at first glance. With heavy breath, she stops holding her chest as she felt a tingling unpleasant feeling. Like Nana said, she must be having an upset stomach.

"Shit, not now you fool, I'm f**king late already" She gritted beating her chest. She was about taking a step when she suddenly felt a hand pulling her and a pair of arms enwrapping her.

Her head landed on a hard smooth layer and for a while she rested her head there listening to the racing heartbeat which strangely got hers accelerating as well.

She was about getting engrossed in this when a thick voice snap her out of it.

"You okay Miss?" 

Slowly, she raises her head up only to catch one of the alluring sight ever right close to hers. Her cheeks turned rosy instantly.

"That could have been can someone be so reckless..." The voice says staring at a particular place. His hot breath fanning her face strangely trapping her on her toes.

"Am I still dreaming? Is he a genie from a fairytale...he's so handsome" She thought within, suddenly grinning like a creep.

The man had actually just saved her from being hurt by a guy who suddenly ran towards her.

"Are you hurt?" The man looks down to her but then her expression suddenly changed.

"F**k" She thought within on feeling the bile that suddenly start to rise up to her throat.

"Are you okay?" His masculine but angelic voice rang out in her ears again but instead of answering, she pushed him away and ran away from him. If she continues to stays in his arms, then she might ended up doing the unimaginable.

"Excuse me! Excus_ what's with her..." The man thought as he watches her ran away, her hair flying around behind her.

Mokee's palm covers her mouth as she looks around, eye searching for the restroom.

"Where the f**k is it..." She storm her feet on the floor, her legs fidgeting at the same time.

On not finding it, she decided to find something she can release the thing in since she can't keep holding herself back. She can't do it in presence of people so first, she decided to look for an isolated place. Luckily, her eyes caught the entrance to the staircase and without wasting much time, she rushed forward open the door and rushed down.

A light of hope shone in her when on looking down, she saw a trash bin down the third staircase she's on and in a haste she began rushing down to it.

"Cove wait...easy I...hmmm..." A lady let out an involuntary moan as the guy named Cove plunged in his tongue into her mouth more deeply, swiping his tongue with hers. His palm grope her ass giving it a hard squeeze while the other held her neck firmly.

The lady pushed him away slightly and gave him an uncomfortable look.

"I don't think we should do this here...why don't we go to your suite and_"

"There's no need for that, this would be the last I'll be doing with you anyway" Cove cut off the lady taking in her lips in another fierce kiss. His palm travels around her bum and he tries lifting up her short gown but before he could the lady stops him again.

"Wait! What do you mean by that? The last??" The lady furrows her brows. 

" annoying..." He steps back cleaning his lips.

"You should just held it in a little longer..." He mouthed.

"Tell me! What you meant by that!" The lady growled.

"Don't you really get it, are you that dumb? I'm breaking up with you right now!" He said back.

"What??" The lady asked shocked.

"Hey, I wouldn't even call it a breakup, what we only did was to hooked up and have fun. Now I'm bore out of it so I'm ending it, you don't taste that good anymore" He replied nonchalantly.

"What...did you just say?"

"It is as I say. You should find a good guy and stop chasing after handsome guys like me. You'll get nothing but disappointments, that's my break up advice to you" He advised. The lady scoffs.

"What the frig are you talking about, we only dated for a month"

"Exactly, we dated for such a long time, isn't it time to end it? I'm tired of it all now. Let's never meet each other again, I'm done with you and you're out of the list! Congrats" He smiles showing off his cute not too deep but noticeable dimples.

"That...that can't be...then, why did you kiss me, why did_"

"That was just a send off gift to me. It wasn't that bad...I hope we don't see each other again now Miss Editor, you've done a great work so far...goodbye..." He waves his palm to her face then turns to climb up the stairs.

"You Jerk!" The lady yelled at him hurtfully.

Cove stops on his tracks, turned back 

"Yes I'm a jerk. Didn't you know? Everybody knows that it shouldn't be a surprise to you..." He steps closer and give her a peck on the lips.

"That was a goodbye kiss...really hope to never see you again" He turns to make his way up the stairs but on doing that he was however welcomed by a hard force which got him falling to the floor.

"Ah!" The lady he was with shrieks stepping back. A loud gasp left her mouth as something really unbelievable happened thereafter.

On the floor lies Cove with a strange woman on him, and as if that wasn't enough, the strange woman did the unimaginable by throwing up directly on his face.

Cove laid stagnant on the floor as he felt a foul awful liquid poured on his face. His head totally went blank as he couldn't process anything at that particular moment, the only thing he knew was that he could feel his soul slowly departing from his body. 

As if that wasn't enough, after pouring all this awful content on his face, this strange lady had top it by letting out a stinking blurb which went directly into his nostrils.

That moment, just that moment, he knew it was over.

Eventually, his soul really did left his body.

He passed out.