The Visit to Azurethra

(Akinidad have had a great time at his uncle's palace in Carthage. He has been doing so well in his studies, so as to fulfil the primary reason of being at his uncle's palace, but it has occurred to him that it has been over ten market days that he hasn't seen or heard from his ambitious mother, Amanirenas, so he made it a point to pay her a surprise visit, so as to catch up with some lost moments with her.)

(Akinidad then went to his uncle, the great King of Ptolemaic Kingdom, to seek his permission and consent to visit his mother).

King: Who is it at this time of the day

Akinidad: May you live long my King. It is me, your nephew, Akinidad.

King: Come in my son (Says the king)

Akinidad: I am sorry to have bothered you at this time of the day when you are to be having your afternoon rest, my King. (He keeps his head down whiles he addresses the king)

King: It must be something very important for you to have come at this time of the day when the sun sits directly to our heads. You may raise your head and speak up, my child. (Says the king with a bit of curiosity)

Akinidad: It is indeed important my king. I am here to seek for your permission to pay my mother a visit. It has been over eight market days when I last heard from her, and this have been bothering me for a while now.

King: Yes, my son. It is true that it has been long since I last heard from my sister either. Since the very day I sent Emissary Boateng and his colleagues to come fetch you for your studies, it has been quite a minute since we heard from each other.

Akinidad: Yes, my king. I even had a dream of her ones which actually got me worried of her and it being the primary reason for my visit.

King: (With a worried voice) Hope it wasn't a bad dream my son.

Akinidad: I dreamt of her feeling very sick, and I am afraid I might not be able to see her again if I waste any more time without visiting.

King: I understand you, my son. You are the only thing she is proud of, and you should really pay her a visit and catch some lost moments with her.

Akinidad: Thank you my King. May the gods of our father prolong your reign and grant you more wisdom. (He gestures the King)

King: I will tell Emissary Boateng to get you some guards throughout your journey and back.

Akinidad: My King, that wouldn't be necessary. I prefer…

King: (Interrupts) May the gods forbid. You are the heir to the throne of this Kingdom and as such, your protection lies in our hands. You shall take along some guards with you and that isn't up for any debate.

Akinidad: As you please my king. May your reign be long.

King: Inform Emissary Boateng I request his presence at once.

Akinidad: I will, my King. (Exit Akinidad)

(As Akinidad informs Emissary Boateng of the orders given by the king, they both went to the King again)

King: Emissary Boateng, our prince is embarking on a journey to his mother's town in Azurethra for a visit. It has been a while since he last visited since his departure from the village. I want you to gather from amongst the strongest guards of our kingdom, to escort him to and from his journey. As custom demands, since being the heir to the throne of Ptolemaic Kingdom, his safety lies on our shoulders and should be executed with absolute excellence.

Emissary Boateng: Yes, my Lord. Your wills shall be well attended to. I shall gather from the strong amongst the guards immediately for his journey.

King: That being said, you may take your leave. (Turns to Akinidad) Do have a safe journey back home but be quick to return for your studies will be on pending.

Akinidad: Yes, my King. I shall make my visit a snappy one and return as soon as I can. I will take my leave now to prepare for the journey this minute.

King: May the gods of our land be with you my son.

(Exit Emissary Boateng and Akinidad)

Emissary Boateng: It is a good thought to visit the village of your mother. You are truly a son worth being proud of.

Akinidad: Yes, Emissary Boateng. It has been a while since I last heard her voice talk less of seeing her. Am sure after this visit my worries about her will come down and I will get to focus on my studies here.

Emissary Boateng: (Smiles) May the gods of our fathers open your horizon of wisdom, and make you are great King one day. You are indeed the true son of your mother.

Akinidad: (To Emissary Boateng) I shall go over to my chamber and prepare myself while you get the guards read for our journey back to my mother's palace.

Emissary Boateng. Yes, my prince. The guards will be ready by the time you are done with your preparations. (Exits from the other side of the palace).

Akinidad quickly goes into his chamber to change into something more befitting of his journey. He put on some light cloths which will enable him a smooth and easy journey. He then grabs a sack of which he has packed some nice presents for his mother and calls on to Emissary Boateng.

Akinidad: Emissary Boateng, I can't find you.

Emissary Boateng: Here I am my prince. I was getting the guards ready for the journey as ordered by the king.

Akinidad: That is okay. I am just anxious a bit about this journey since it has been a while since the last time I step foot on my mother's village.

Emissary Boateng: That is fine my prince. It is normal to have anxiety on such journeys. I believe your mother, the Queen of Azurethra, will be very much pleased to see your face once again.

Akinidad: I am tempted to believe your words Emissary Boateng. You are a noble man and your words I will take into consideration.

Emissary Boateng: (With a broad smile on his face) If not for the services I have for the King, I would be much pleased to be with you on this journey. This truly reminds me of when I was sent to come fetch you from the custody of your mother.

Akinidad: Very true. I never thought for once that there will come a time that I would have to leave my mother to embark on a whole new journey. Not to even talk of being trained in ascending a throne. A throne so precious and glorious.

Emissary Boateng: Such is life. It comes to us at the least expected time. Whether we are prepared or not. But it has been a journey worth the ride so far.

Akinidad: You have been the best guardian I have ever had after my mother, and nothing I do is enough to show my gratitude to you, Emissary Boateng.

Emissary Boateng: It is my duty to serve this kingdom, being old or young. It is a vowel I made, and I will not turn my back to it, ever. It has been nothing but grace in serving the kingdom. I will keep doing my best.

Akinidad: Your reward is with the gods.

Emissary Boateng: My prince, let's get moving before the sun decide to take its rest. Everything is set. Your guards await you at the gate of the palace.

Akinidad: Thank you so much, Emissary Boateng.

Emissary Boateng: The pleasure all mine. Let me walk you to the king for his blessings .

Akinidad: Yes, Emissary Boateng. I almost forgot I have to go for the king's blessings. Shall we?

Emissary Boateng: After you, my prince.

(They exited the chamber and head to the Kings private chamber)

Emissary Boateng: May your reign be prolonged my King.

King: Emissary Boateng, I trust everything is set for the prince's journey.

Emissary Boateng: Your orders shall never fall to deaf ears my King. Everything is set for the prince as you ordered. He is here for the blessings of the most noble in the Kingdom.

Akinidad: Yes, my King. I am here to attain your blessings as I embark on this journey.

King: My blessings are always and shall forever be with you. I pray the gods be with you throughout your journey. I request you give my heartfelt regards to my beautiful sister and the entire village as a whole.

Akinidad: She certainly will receive your regards my king

King: You may go now before the sun sets for its rest.

Akinidad: May your reign be prolonged, and may the gods be with you too, my King

(Exits Emissary Boateng and Akinidad as he walks him to the gate for his final departure)

Emissary Boateng: Go well my prince. May the gods be with you.

Akinidad: And unto you as well.