The Palace of Azurethra; Home Coming

Its has been a bit of a long journey to Azurethra. The sun has begun to set for its rest for the day and seems a bit more distance to Azurethra. The mountain from the distance is beginning to seem bigger by eyesight. Akinidad is finally in his mother's town after the seemingly long journey. From distance he could hear the villagers chatting and playing.

Akinidad: (To himself) I can feel the sent of my people from here. How long it has been, smelling the fresh scent of the papaya.

Guards: My prince, did you say anything to us?

Akinidad: We are finally here, in my mother's village. The place of my birth.

Guards: It is really a beautiful place, my prince. It always feels good to be home.

Akinidad: (With a broad smile and happiness on his face) Indeed, it feels good to be home.

Guards: Am sorry to ask my king, but we do not know the way to your mother's palace. We seek your guidance.

Akinidad: Do not worry about that. Follow my lead and we will be at my mother's palace in no time. (He replies while still smiling)

They walk straight through the market square where everyone starts to take a surprise glance at him and his guards, as they all murmurer inaudible words in their mouth. From behind them a voice came.

Elder Woman 1: Is that not the price, Prince Akinidad of Azurethra.

Crowd: Yes, it is indeed our prince. It is indeed him…

Guards: My prince, are we getting any closer because we are afraid the crowd might…

Akinidad: These are my people. The people of my birth home.

Crowd: (All starts to hail in joy) Our prince is back…our prince is back

Akinidad: (To the crowd) May the gods of our fathers be with you all. I am really excited to be back here.

(From a distance two maids with an elderly person in between them, walk towards Akinidad and his guards) Here comes the ambitious queen of Azurethra, my mother.

Amanirenas: Oh, my child… (Filled with joy) You are here my child. How long I've missed you.

Akinidad: (Bows his head in respect) Greetings mother. (The guards and the rest of the crowd bowed in respect to the queen)

Amanirenas: I am sure you must be exhausted, my son. Let's head to the palace quickly.

Akinidad: After you mother.

(They all walk to the palace. Upon their arrival Amanirenas immediately requested for some private moment with her son)

Amanirenas: (To the maids) Do take care of our guests and give them the best of our hospitality.

Maids: Yes, my queen.

Akinidad: (To the guards) Follow the maids so you can get some rest and some food to replenish. It was indeed a long journey. I will summon you when I need you. You are dismissed.

Guards: Thank you, my prince. (The guards follow the maid to the opposite direction of the chamber)

Amanirenas: My child. The gods have answered my prayers by protecting and keeping you safe. (She says while hugging him so tight and happy)

Akinidad: I really do miss you too mother. The gods have answered my prayers too by prolonging your reign. I am very happy to be back to the land of my mother.

Amanirenas: You must be very exhausted and famished my son. I hope it wasn't a long stressful journey.

Akinidad: It was quite a journey, but I am happy I met my mother in good health. I was so worried about you mother.

Amanirenas: Oh, my son. Why shouldn't I thank the gods for such wonderful child. A child so cautious of his mother. May the gods be pleased.

Akinidad: (With a teary eye) How have you been mother. Do forgive me for not visiting earlier, mother. I was occupied with…

Amanirenas: (Sharply interrupts) My son, you need not be sad or blame yourself for anything. I am glad you came to meet me in good health. All I wanted was the presence and protection of the gods to always be with you, and seeing you all grown and beautiful, my endless gratitude to the gods.

Akinidad: Mother, how I have always needed you.

Amanirenas: How is your uncle, my brother, the King?

Akinidad: I almost forgot mother. He sends his heartfelt regards to you. He was happy I decided to visit and brought with me the strongest amongst the guards in the kingdom.

Amanirenas: I know my brother will always take good care of you and ensure your protection with everything he has. May his reign be long.

Akinidad: How has life been treating you in my absence mother. It looks like you have lost some bit of weight. Haven't you been eating, mother? Have you been thinking about me all the time?

Amanirenas: My child, what kind of a mother will forget her child when life took her by a surprise. I have always known a day will come when you would have to embark on a whole new journey but never thought it would be this soon. (Pauses and sobs) All my life I lived with you by my side, but now I must deal with life all by myself.

Akinidad: But mother…

Amanirenas: I know my son. I know. I know you had to deal with a whole lot of stuffs back at the palace, and I never wanted you to bother about me. I should do the bothering and not you. I know it was a tough decision that you had to make. I know you never wanted to leave this place and have always wanted to live the life of your choice, but I had to push you away for a different task, living the life of a liar and all that, but my son, this is all for your sake.

Akinidad: I understand you mother. I just missed you a lot.

Amanirenas: My child, you are famished now. Why don't you go freshen up. I will personally prepare your favourite dish, so we catch up while having dinner together. (She suggested to her son, and he agrees) Go now so I get to work before it gets darker.

Akinidad: Sure, mother. I will take my leave now. See you in a bit then.

(Akinidad exit the chamber of his mother and headed to his own chamber. The maids have already prepared his chamber since it was out of use for while)

Amanirenas: (To herself) Oh, the gods of our land, I thank you for protecting my son while he was away. I thank you for keeping our secret between us and I will sacrifice anything, absolutely anything, to please you so you may continue to protect him for me. I know my sins are grave, but I need your protection. When on that day I come to you, do punish me for my sins and I will be pleased with it.

(Akinidad walks to the guards to see if they have really been taken care of. He made sure they are treated with the best hospitality for the great work done by protecting him throughout the journey)

Akinidad: (To the guards) I hope you have been taken care of.

Guards: Yes, my prince. We have never had such hospitality. May the reigns of the queen be long.

Akinidad: (With a broad smile) The queen will be flattered upon hearing this. Dinner will be ready shortly. I will take my bath and be with you all soon.

Guards: Yes, my prince.

(Akinidad goes into his chamber to change into something more comfortable)

Amanirenas: (Calls out to the maids) I hope the chamber of my son is well cleaned and arranged. And where is Bimbo?

Maids: Yes, my queen. It is well cleaned and arranged. Bimbo is fetching some firewood from the storage for the evening meal.

Amanirenas: Somebody should tell her to get the kitchen ready, but I will do the cooking for today. I want my son to eat from my own hands today.

Maids: Yes, my queen. That will be conveyed immediately.

Amanirenas: Get to it now then. The rest of you should get the table ready before my sons is out.

(They all dismissed in thin air rushing to attend to their duties before the queen gets upset)

I will make sure my son is well fed today. His favourite will be the menu for today. (To herself)

After a while, Akinidad came out of his chamber looking all clean and nice in his garment. He looks around and then walks towards his mother's chamber to see if everything is done. He walks majestically to the queen all happy.

Akinidad: (To himself) As our elders always say, there is no place like home. It is really good to be back here. How time really flies. So many changes in this place. I guest everything needs some little bit of upgrade as time passes. (Says to himself as he finally gets to his mother's chamber)