The Return of Akinidad

It is getting darker and Akinidad is yet to return from the woods. The woods become dangerous when dark comes because it is believed that it leads the path to the evil forest, which serves as the graveyard to the people that have attained the wrath of the gods. Amanirenas, on the other hand, have grown so worried about her child getting lost in the woods and will find it difficult locating his way back to the palace. What fears her heart so much is him finding himself wanting in the evil forest.

Amanirenas: Oh, the gods of our land, I pray for your protection for my son. Oh, ye gods of our forefather, forgive my selfish self and pardon my son from ye wrath. (Starts to weep profusely) What's have I brought upon myself. My selfishness has deprived my son the right to his life, and here I am still trying to prove that tradition is bias. But it is too late now. I cannot go back on my ambitions now.

(Shouts out for the guards and maids)

Is nobody there?

Maids: Yes, my queen.

Amanirenas: Get the guards and go into the woods. The prince might have lost his way back to the palace. Hurry before it gets any darker.

Maids: Yes, my queen. We will get to it right away.

The maids and the guards quickly run into the woods to fetch their prince wherever he might be. A while later, Amanirenas sees the guards walking towards the palace. In their midst is the prince, Akinidad. By now he has calmed a bit and ready to talk to his mother.

Amanirenas: My child, where have you been. You got me all worried. I was scared something might have happened to you.

Akinidad: I am fine, mother. You needn't have to worry about me.

Amanirenas: Do not say that. Of course, it is my duty to ensure your protection and wellbeing. What would I have done if anything had happened to you. I would never forgive myself.

Akinidad: As I said mother, I am fine and no cause for any alarm…

Amairenas: My child, can you come over to my chamber. I need to talk to you about something.

Akinidad: Mother, all I need right now is some rest. I will surely see you when I have some rest. Already I hadn't rested since my arrival from Carthage.

Amanirenas: Okay son. I will let you be for today so you can rest up. I hope we get to talk in the morning. (Akinidad walks to his chamber and Amanirenas continue to speak inaudible words while she sits in her chamber)

(The sun has started to rise while the morning rooster wakes the people with its noise. Akinidad is out for his morning walk while the guards stick with him for his safety, for they fear the wrath of the great King upon them if they don't execute their duty as expected)

Akinidad: (To the guards) I hope I did not give you any troubles yesterday.

Guards: Absolutely not, my prince. It is our duty

Akinidad: And I hope you are enjoying your days here in my mother's village.

Guards: Yes, my prince. The maids are really taking care of us as directed by your mother, the queen.

Akinidad: Am glad to hear that. Let us walk back to the palace. We need to start preparing our return back to Carthage. The king must be worried, and I told him my visit will be short.

Guards: Yes, my prince. As you wish.

Akinidad and the guards return back to Amanirenas's palace. Amanirenas has been worried and wanting to talk to her son about what happen the other night.

Amanirenas: (As soon as they got back to the palace) My son, may I have a word with you. (She requested)

Akinidad: Sure mother. I will be with you in a minute. (He turns to the guards) You may return to your chamber. I will call out to you if I need y our service.

Guards: Yes, my prince.

Akinidad: I am here mother. (Enters his mother's chamber)

Amanirenas: You may have your seat son.

I want to apologize to you about what happened the other night. I didn't mean to get you angry or break your heart in anyways. You have been my only source of happiness and the only thing I have in this life as long as I live.

Akinidad: Mother, I cannot be angry at you. I am angry with fact that you actually regret having me as your child. You said it right to my face mother.

Amanirenas: I am sorry my son. I as wrong. I allowed my anger and emotions get the best of me. I did not mean any of the words I said to you. You have no idea how happy and proud I am of you. You never seam to disappoint me in anyways and I have full trust that you will always make me proud. (She continues with a teary eye) I know my selfish motives have landed you living the life of lies, but it is all for your own good my son.

Akinidad: I do not see this as something good for me mother. I am only doing this just to honour you. Living this kind of life have been nothing but misery for me. I always live in fears of being caught one day or maybe incurring the anger of the gods on thyself.

Amanirenas: I know my son, and I am really sorry about it all. How I wish I can take back time to rectify my greed, but it is too late now son.

Akinidad: Too late, you say? Mother it is never too late. Our elders always say it is better late than never. Have you forgotten you tell me this all the time.

Amanirenas: So now its my words against me. I know I tell you this always all the time, but not in situations like this. This is different.

Akinidad: How is it different mother? (Tears start to drop down his cheek) Mother this is not too late. Nothing is too late. Think of the consequences if any of this is out under the sun. think of the shame and embarrassment.

Amanirenas: It is son, but I am certain the gods will be our guide and will protect our secret from the sun. I assure you are going to be fine, and you are going through till the very end. Do not forget my commitment and the promise I did.

Akinidad: I don't have much to say anymore mother. I pray the gods does not leave our side. I would want to start my preparation for my return to the Carthage. I might be lagging behind in my studies and I told my uncle, the King, that my visit will be snappy.

Amanirenes: So sorry son. How I wish we could spend a little more time before your return to my brother. None the less I am happy you visited. (Pauses) When would you want to take your leave so we can start with the preparations.

Akinidad: I would like to leave the day after tomorrow. That will mark another market day in Carthage.

Amanirnas: So, shall it be my son. I will get the maid prepare some little stuffs for you and for my brother.

(The day for the return of Akinidad to his uncle's palace at Carthage. Akinidad has already prepared all that he needed to prepare for his journey and also made sure the guards were all up and ready for the journey as well. Amanirenas, quickly comes of her chamber with a sack of goods she wants her son to carry to her brother, the King of the Ptolemaic Kingdom, under which she also reigns as a portion of her right. She sees her son, Akinidad, standing in front of his chamber together with his guards and ready for his departure).

Amanirenas: My son, I can see you are all set for your journey to your uncle's palace.

Akinidad: Yes, mother. We are all set and ready to go. My uncle will be glad to see me.

Amanirenas: (Hands over the sack to him) This is a very present I would like you to give my brother, the King. Tell him I send my regards and hoping I visit soon. Tell him I pray his reign prolongs and the gods be with him.

Akinidad: Yes, mother. I will surely extend your regards to him. Hopefully I get to visit soon again.

Amanirenas: May the gods be with you and take you back to Carthage safely.

(Akinidad and the guards take their leave and head towards the long road that stretches before them. The walk away as Amanirenas wave them goodbye and pours waters behind them as it signifies safety and protection)

Akinidad and the guards had a long journey back to the palace at Carthage and before the sun set for its rest, they found themselves being welcomed by Emissary Boateng and some other guards sent by the king, to welcome them back from their journey.