Fire on the Mountain

(It is a hot afternoon today in Carthage, the place that resides the palace of the King of the Ptolemaic Kingdom, and Princess Nala is starting to get nervous of the things happening around her. She is starting to experience the changes in her body and behaviour, just as her father, the King has spoken to her about, and that is beginning to raise so much awareness in the palace as well. She gets worried and nervous. Not knowing what to do, she decided to confront her long-time boyfriend, Hakeemi, so seek his concern in regard to the changes in her being).

Hakeemi is on his father's farm inspecting and cultivating some crops for the market. Soon,he sees his girlfriend walking towards his direction in so much hurry and anxiety.

Hakeemi: (As soon as he sees her) See who is here to see her so called boyfriend after some weeks of neglection.

Princess Nala: Hakeemi, this is not time for any jokes. I am here to see you on a serious situation that is catching up on us. (She says with seriously)

Hakeemi: What is more pleasing than seeing the woman of your life.

Princess Nala: I am serious Hakeemi. This is something between life and death. Just be serious and hear me out first.

Hakeemi: At least a hug and a kiss will do. Isn't that what lovers are supposed to do on their first sighting of the person of their life.

Princess Nala: (She shouts at him) Hakeemi, could you be serious for once. Am telling you its about life and death and all you care about is some stupid hugs and kisses. Will be serious and hear me out.

Hakeemi: (In surprise) What is the problem with you? You've never yelled at me so why now?

Princess Nala: If only you will be serious and listen to me, then you will be able to know what the problem is, I guess.

Hakeemi: Alright…alright… At least you should take a seat then we talk.

Princess Nala: I am fine standing. This matter does not require any sitting. All I need you to do is just listen.

Hakeemi: Okay, princess. No need to be this ballistic.

(Nala stares at him with a furious look)

Princess Nala: I want to start by asking you some few questions and I will not like it if you get sarcastic about it. First of all, you know we've known each other for long and you have been the man I've always loved. Do you feel the same towards me?

Hakeemi: What sort of question of that. You of all people should know that you have been my love and will forever be. You should know better princess.

Princess Nala: I know, but I just wanted to be sure. Everybody needs reassurance in all aspect of their lives, more especially in relationships like ours.

Hakeemi: You should know better princess. What else would I ask for other than dating and hoping to get married to the only princes of this great Kingdom. Do you know the honour that alone brings to us.

Princess Nala: I think I might be pregnant Hakeemi.

Hakeemi: What… what did you just say… that you are pregnant?

Princess Nala: I had no water in my mouth when I said that, right?

Hakeemi: (Jumps in excitement) What did you just say, princess. Could you repeat it again.

Princess Nala: What are you talking about? Why the excitement when…

Hakeemi: (Getting more excited) Yes…yes…yes… I am going to be a father. I am going to be a father. (Turns to the princess) Yes, this is the greatest news I have ever heard in my entire life of existence. Do you know what that means, princess?

Princess Nala: What are you talking about, Hakeemi? Do I know what this mean? Is that what you asking me?

Hakeemi: Yes, princess, do you know what this mean. You should be excited right now. Isn't it good news?

Princess Nala: I see. Then why don't you tell me what it means and the reason I should be excited about it. Go on…go on Hakeemi… go on and tell me what it means.

Hakeemi: Princess, just relax a bit and hear me okay. (Still being so excited about the news) This means we are bringing forth an heir to the throne of your father when the time is due. We can get married princess. Nothing will actually stand our way now. Isn't this…

Princess Nala: (Looking so acrid) Are you serious right now Hakeemi? Do your ears listen to all that is coming out of your mouth?

Hakeemi: Princess, there's no need to be acrid about this okay. We've always wanted to be together yet everything and everyone has been trying to get us apart. This is good news that you should be excited about. Nothing is going to stand…

Princess Nala: Do you listen to yourself Hakeemi? Do you know what this means for me? No, let's not even make it about me. Do you know what this means to the throne? The daughter to the king of Ptolemaic, getting pregnant before marriage? Do you have any idea what I have caused the throne and the Kingdom?

Hakeemi: That is exactly what I was talking about, princess. We need not to say a word to anyone. All you have to do is insist on getting married to me. I am sure the king will eventually listen and grant your wish. Remember the good this is going to bring us. There will no longer be the need for your cousin to inherit your father when the time is due. And I will be King if…

Princess Nala: Oh, really? You will be king? That's what bothers you right, and not even the situation we have at hand at the moment? Do you know what ad where this is going to end us?

Hakeemi: Princess, I have no intentions of sounding selfish or sarcastic or inconsiderate how you might think of me, but we make the custom and we undo it. The people of this Kingdom will never allow anything bad happen to us, when they realize of the good this might bring. And moreover, as I mentioned earlier, no one has to know about this. All you need to do is insist on getting married to and the rest will be of secondary matters. Please and understand princess.

Princess Nala: Try to understand what exactly Hakeemi. Tell me. Try and understand what? I have failed the king and the kingdom as a whole. I have stained and rubbed the sanctity of the throne in the mud, and all you think about is for me to go to my father and insist on getting married to you? Couldn't you bring any other option or solutions other than this?

Hakeemi: What other option is better than this Nala? Sorry, I mean princess. What else could be the best option?

Princess Nala: You know what, I think this is wrong time to must have come to you with such grave problem. Its obvious you are not talking straight right now. Let me know when you are back to your senses and ready for a proper conversation and solution. Until then, do not bother coming after me.

Hakeemi: Princess, please listening to me. Can you take your time?

Princess Nala: Hakeemi, seems you did not hear me well. I shall not repeat myself.

Hakeemi: Princess Nala would you…

Princess Nala: I can't stand to hear any more word from you. I will take my leave.

(She walks aways while Hakeemi stands looking at her. E begins to run after her but she pays no attention to him and continues to walk away)

Hakeemi: Princess, please just listen to me for a minute more before you leave. (She stops to hear him out) Okay princess, I am sorry with how i sounded earlier. Let's say I did not think through it properly. Would you please come with me, sit and talk about it. 

Princess Nala : Hakeemi, I told you already that we should speak about this when you get to your right senses and sure of making some logic, only then will I sit and listen to you.

Hakeemi: But princess, this involves both of us and I said i am sorry. Can we please sit and talk over it?

Princess NalaYou know what Hakeemi, I am actually running late at the palace, because I had to sneak like a little thief, come to someone I thought will make some sense with the issue at hand, but do you know what you just made me to do, you made me regret coming to you for any sort of solution.

Hakeemi: Princess, I think you are overreacting about...

Princess Nala: Did you just say am overreacting about this? Did I just hear you right or it was my ears that heard something else?

I am telling you I might be pregnant and you say to me that I am overreacting over it? You think it is a small issue that needs no overreacting?

Hakeemi: I am sorry. I did not mean it that way. I just want us to sit and talk over it. That's all I'm asking of you.

Princess Nala: You know what Hakeemi, forget we had this conversation. I'm off to the palace.