20. Shadow dweller


Zilong was lead to an underground chamber were he was supposed to..' prove himself', the underground chamber was filled with prison cells were people were stationed, it looked.. like a prison cell.

The underground prison cells were carved into the rock of the cave system, each one a dark, damp cavity with rough stone walls. Iron bars, rusted and cold to the touch, sealed the cells from the cave's narrow corridors. The only light came from flickering torches, casting eerie shadows that danced across the rough-hewn surfaces.

Zilong followed a group of guards down the winding tunnels, their footsteps echoing through the cavern. His test lay ahead, a challenge that would prove his worth. The guards, clad in heavy armor, led the way with a solemn air, their torches lighting the path through the oppressive darkness.

"What.., this is the testing area, for a kingdom this large I didn't imagine the testing area was like this", he said, tring to lighting the mood, the guards didn't utter a word and all seemed to be gripping their sword tightly.

Eventually, they emerged into a massive underground chamber. The space was vast, the ceiling soaring high above and dotted with stalactites. The walls spread out into a natural arena, illuminated by a series of large, blazing torches. The air was thick and humid, carrying the faint sounds of dripping water from the depths of the cave system. This was the place where Zilong would face his trial.

Around the corner was a huge gate, the gate stood imposingly at the end of a narrow passage, its steel bars thick and foreboding. The metal was cold and unyielding, its surface rough and pitted from years of exposure to the damp underground air. Beyond the bars, only darkness was visible, an inky blackness that seemed to swallow the faint light from the torches.

From within that darkness, low, menacing growls echoed, reverberating through the stone corridors. The sounds were primal and threatening, hinting at unseen dangers lurking just out of sight. The gate's presence was a stark reminder of the perils that lay hidden in the depths of the cave, waiting for anyone brave—or foolish—enough to venture into the unknown.

Zilong looked at this gate in confusion, "soo.. what am I supposed to do..", he looked back to see the guards at the other end of the room..behind the door.

"What are you doing over there aren't you going to explain what I'm supposed to do", Zilong said indifferently making the Stoic's face contort to a frown.

"Oh..well, we don't need to explain, you'll know soon enough.." he said as an evil smirk apperared on his lips.

He flipped the lever on the wall next to him and the door on the wall closed..

Zilong kept his neutral expression not even flinching, however..

'oh my God!!!, I barely survived the confrontation of the guards..now I'm going to deal with whatever was behind those bars, I think I'm going to die....of anxiety',

Zilong calmed himself.

...behind the metal door...

"Don't you think it's too extreme, a lean guard looked at Stoic with a concerned expression, Stoic looked at this guard and scoffed.

"Arrogant bastard, he should've not been so arrogant, and.. now I'll teach him how to be humble", he said as he flipped the switch next to the lever and immediately the steel bars containing the darkness opened.

The metal bars creaked and groaned as they slowly swung open, the sound echoing ominously through the vast chamber. As the gate fully opened, the darkness within began to spill out, moving with an almost sentient purpose. It spread rapidly, an all-consuming shadow that swallowed the flickering torchlight, engulfing the entire arena in mere seconds.

From within the abyss, a monstrous figure emerged. Its form was indistinct, shrouded in the darkness that seemed to cling to it like a living thing. Silent whispers accompanied its arrival, disjointed and eerie, filling the air with a cacophony of voices. The whispers were maddening, a relentless assault on the mind that could drive the weak-willed to insanity.

Zilong's heart pounded in his chest, each beat like a drum echoing in the oppressive silence. His breathing became shallow and rapid, his body trembling uncontrollably. Sweat beaded on his forehead, cold and clammy, as his mind grappled with the terror before him. His eyes darted around the arena, desperately seeking any sign of hope or escape, but finding none.

Emotionally, Zilong was gripped by a primal fear, a deep-seated terror that clawed at his resolve. He felt a crushing weight on his chest, his thoughts a chaotic swirl of panic and dread. Despite his mental training and determination, the sheer malevolence of the whispers and the monstrous presence threatened to overwhelm him. Yet, deep within, a flicker of determination remained, urging him to face the darkness despite his fear.The atmosphere was thick with an eerie, almost palpable tension.

The darkness that had enveloped the arena seemed to hum with a sinister energy, pressing in from all sides. The faint, disembodied whispers grew louder, weaving a tapestry of madness that filled the air with an unsettling, otherworldly presence. Each whisper was a fragment of incoherent thought, a blend of gibberish and half-formed words that gnawed at Zilong's sanity.

Zilong stood at the edge of the abyss, his senses straining to pierce the impenetrable blackness. The monstrous figure within remained a vague, terrifying silhouette, its presence felt more than seen. The silence between the whispers was almost worse, an oppressive void that amplified every small sound and movement.

Uncertainty gnawed at Zilong's mind. How could he fight an enemy he could not see, one that thrived in darkness and seemed to be a part of it? His usual confidence wavered, replaced by a gnawing doubt. The creature's form was unknown, its abilities a mystery, and he had no way of anticipating its attacks. Every shadow seemed alive, every whisper a potential threat.

Zilong's grip tightened on his weapon, his knuckles white with tension. His breath came in shallow gasps, each exhalation visible in the cold, dank air. He tried to steady his mind, to focus on the teachings and training that had brought him here. But the darkness was suffocating, the whispers insidious, eroding his composure.


Emotionally, Zilong felt a profound isolation. The darkness separated him from everything familiar and safe, leaving him to confront his deepest fears alone. He knew that showing fear could be his undoing, yet the sheer unknown of the beast before him made it almost impossible to maintain his calm.

He steeled himself, drawing on every ounce of inner strength. His eyes closed briefly, shutting out the overwhelming darkness, focusing instead on the inner light of his resolve. Even in the face of such an eerie, uncertain situation, Zilong knew he had to find a way to confront the beast, relying on his instincts and the hope that he could turn the tide in this battle against the unknown.