21. Madness

A claw slashed at Zilong from the shadows, cutting at his skin as if it were mere paper, "Argh..", he grimaced, the pain signalled the brain of the upcoming danger.

An cacophony of screams erupted from the surrounding shadows, sound like children crying, Zilong immediately checked his screen.

[Name: Zilong Ning]

[Race: __{31.02% completed}__\ human]

[Zenith path: mortal]

[Human on../..off]

'Off', he thought and immediately he grew bigger, his senses seemed to spread and his tail and wing was attached to his consciousness, the creature slashed again at Zilong's body, but it bounced off with a *clang* sound, Zilong had no way of fightingbthe monster and the monsternhad no way of hurting Zilong..


Zilong stood there for a couple hours and even the creature stopped attacking, he sat down there and only the silent whispers of the creature that remained, Zilong was at a disadvantage though....

It took a while but Zilong finally noticed it, the scream seemed to try to reach his mind as if putting an extra effort to try to make him reach the Pinnacle..and finally make him succumb to the harrowing madness.

But Zilong wasn't a strong will powered fellow, the voice began to enter his mind, trying to make him insane..but Zilong stillntried his best.


Time had passed since Zilong saw the light.

Zilong sat there, a figure of resilience and determination, unmoving in the face of relentless torment. The monster, a grotesque and menacing creature, had long since abandoned its attempts to inflict physical harm upon him. Its claws and fangs proved futile against Zilong's formidable defenses, and so, it turned its efforts to a more insidious form of attack. The monster began to focus on breaking Zilong's mind, employing every conceivable method to drive him to the brink of madness.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as the monster's psychological assault continued unabated. It whispered cruel and malevolent thoughts into Zilong's ear, projecting horrific visions into his mind, and enveloping him in a suffocating darkness. Zilong could feel the sanity slipping away from him, bit by bit. His thoughts, once clear and sharp, became a swirling maelstrom of confusion and fear. The monster seemed to take pleasure in his torment, savoring every moment of Zilong's growing despair.

But Zilong was not easily broken. He clung to the last vestiges of his sanity, drawing upon memories of better times, times of he and his family, his sister, mother, father, and the strength of his resolve. He knew that he had to hold on, no matter how unbearable the torment became. He could not allow the monster to win.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the breaking point arrived. The madness that the monster had so meticulously cultivated within Zilong's mind reached a critical mass. In a moment of sheer agony and desperation, Zilong screamed. It was a primal, guttural sound, filled with all the anguish and torment he had endured.

[Sun gods radiance]

As his scream echoed through the chamber, something remarkable happened. The orange veins that ran through Zilong's metallic body began to glow with an intense, radiant light. It was as if the very essence of his being was responding to his anguish, unleashing a power that had lain dormant within him.

The darkness that had enveloped the chamber began to warp and twist, recoiling from the brilliant light that now emanated from Zilong. The monster/ monsters, caught off guard by this sudden turn of events, shrieked in pain as the light seared its flesh. Its once menacing form was now writhing in agony, as the light burned away at its very essence. The shrill cries of the monster echoed through the chamber, a cacophony of pain and despair.

Zilong watched in awe as the monster was consumed by the light. It was as if the very darkness that had empowered the creature was now being used against it. The creature's grotesque form began to disintegrate, its once fearsome presence reduced to nothing more than ashes and echoes. It became clear that the monster's greatest weakness was light, a truth that had been hidden until now.

As the monster's life force ebbed away, Zilong felt a profound sense of relief. The torment that had plagued him for so long was finally over. The radiant light that had saved him began to fade, its purpose fulfilled. The orange veins in his metallic body returned to their normal state, the glow dimming until it was no more.

Zilong looked around the chamber, now devoid of the darkness that had once suffocated it. The air felt lighter, and the oppressive atmosphere was gone. He took a deep breath, savoring the sweet taste of freedom. The monster was dead, and he had survived.

Reflecting on the ordeal, Zilong realized that he had discovered a new strength within himself. The power of light that had emanated from his veins was something he had never known he possessed.

Zilong stood up, his resolve stronger than ever. He had faced the very brink of madness and emerged victorious. The monster had sought to break him, to reduce him to a shell of his former self, but in the end, it was Zilong who had triumphed. The experience had tempered his spirit, forging him into a warrior of unparalleled strength and resilience.

Zilong knew that there would be more challenges ahead. The world was full of darkness and monsters, but he was ready to face them. He had the light within him, a beacon of hope and strength that would guide him through even the darkest of times.

In that moment, Zilong understood that true power came not from physical strength, but from the indomitable spirit within. He had faced the abyss and emerged not just unscathed, but stronger. The monster was dead, but Zilong's journey was far from over. With the light as his ally, he was prepared to face whatever the future held.

Then at the sight of the shadow monster, a strange purple glow emanated from within it, Zilong raised a brow in confusion 'what was that?', Zilong thought, his mind went over to the emalix stone,..then this light shot out of the creatures body, entering Zilong's forehead, the light that seemed to enter Zilong's body resonated with the weave he was made up of, integrating itself deep within his soul.

[You have received a primordial technique]