Chapter 7 Do you wish I was dead?

Fumingly I voiced, yelling with my whole strength at him. I was tired of this bickering. If he wanted to kill me, let him do it.

'Enough with all this!' I sneered internally, pissed off by everything. If I spent any more second I'm this car, I truly might lose my sanity, I reckoned, breathing in and out simultaneously.

"Collins, stop the car." From nowhere, he said and Collins obeyed, stopping the car at the walk side. He pressed on some keys and the door beside me opened up. "Get down from my car."

"Really?" My eyes widened in utmost disbelief. I scoffed, pushing it wide to accommodate me and came down from the car. "You aren't worth my time either," I humphed, a part of me burning in rage.

This was very embarrassing. Was he this cruel to drop me off at nowhere?

I couldn't show any weakness or any displeasure, tiredly, I slammed the door and shut and he drove off without casting a glance at me.

"Useless! Very arrogant and useless!" I blew air out of my mouth, pacing back and front. Now I am completely stranded with no phone and no knowledge of where I was, and only a pair of male shirts on my body.

The cold wind blew and I clenched to my exposed pair of legs, giving it a slight rub to keep it warm for the time being.

I gazed up to the signboard on the roadside, reading off its direction.

"Haderwall street? Yeah, I know this place. I and Jeraldine often come here for ice cream." I recalled as memories of me and Jeraldine, hand in hand, joyfully parking to get one of their tastiest cold stones, resurfaced in my mind. "I am really a bad person," I retracted my gaze to the ground and sniffed in.

If I had believed Jeraldine from the start, Melissa wouldn't have taken control of everything I owned, and she wouldn't be dead either.

Everything was my fault.

"Enough of the self doubt, Rachel! It is not too late to make a turnaround." I encouraged myself, gripping to my shoulders and walking down the road. It was only a few distance to Dorchester Estate, the place where Jeraldine resides.

I took to the road, walking with only a pair of shirts covering my body. Every step I took was torture accompanied by the winter breeze blowing my leg.

I shivered, and after what seemed like eternity, I gazed up to see the neon-pink signboard of the Dorchester Estate. I walked into the estate, clasping my palms on my shoulders. It's quietness causing distress in my heart.

"Here it was never this quiet!"

Dorchester Estate was an estate of luxury for the rich, only that it didn't provide the luxury of quietness like the other estate did. There were often influential entertainers booking here for their gigs, hence the noise, however something was off today.

The entire Estate was quiet. No single noise was heard. I briskly walked to the standpoint, suddenly realizing that I couldn't pass through the security since I wasn't an inhabitant of the estate.

"Could…you… lend me… your phone? I need to make a quick call to someone. I am so sorry if I am disturbing you. It is just that I forgot my phone and my things. There is no way I could call her without a phone. She does live here, I am not lying." I tried to explain myself, but they wouldn't believe me, and kept a distance from me.

"Miss, it is not our fault that you forgot your phone wherever you dropped it. Don't make things difficult for us." He responded, throwing a deadly glare at me. He turned around, completely ignoring my distressed state and finishing up on his paperwork.

For a good whole fifteen minutes, I stood there, quivering in the cold, as the guards glanced at me with a mocking gaze. And when I had enough of their attitude, I pressed their bell, gaining their attention.

"What do you want now, Miss? You are causing a nuisance. I don't want to throw you out forcefully, so take your leave." Pissed off by my presence, he retorted in a threatening tone.

"At least a call to her would save you and me from all this trouble. I just need a phone. Mine is not with me now!" I stuttered, still shivering from the strong wind.

They still kept themselves alerted as he extended his hand to his fellow buddy to get the phone on the table. He handed it over to me, and stayed on guard.

"You have only a minute. Be quick and leave, the occupants are complaining of your sight." I heard him hiss but I didn't complain. In fact, I had better things on my mind.

Maybe later, I will settle scores with these low brats called securities! I took it without thinking too much, clicked the phone icon and stared at the phone dial, trying to recall her number.

"1...4...No wait," I stopped, erasing the number from the dialing pad. "Let me try it again," I begged for one more chance, clicking on possible numbers. "8…7… Argh!" I yelled, squeezing the phone tighter in my palms.

"Damn it, how could you forget her number!" I cursed, biting my lips nervously.

When all hope was lost, a car honked at me. I stepped aside from the gate and it honked again, drawing my attention to the car.

"Rachel? What are you doing here!" I heard my name being screamed from the car. I blinked, my vision brightening up to see Jeraldine's lively face, popping from the glass window.

My legs took off towards her, leaping in steps until I got to her car.

"You are alive, you are truly alive!"

"Was I supposed to be dead? Rachel, you truly wish I was dead."