12. After a night stand,


In Dorchester Estate,

I cut the call and fell on the couch, my temples creasing together. Jeraldine noticed my changed reaction and became even more serious.

"What are his conditions?"

"Thirty five percent of my shares. He wouldn't settle for less no matter how much I pleaded with him. I have so much to lose and nothing to gain. I am really stressed out." I let out my worries and Jeraldine patiently listened to everything. She understood my heart- she knew I wasn't strong enough.

I had never been betrayed. I only knew what pure friendship was. This was hard! It was hard to fight back the person you shared a placenta with in the womb!

"Rachel, look at me, do you still want Melissa to take over? In any moment from now, she must have shoved you aside by now. You don't have to give up just yet."