Worst Welcome

*hey did you hear she just killed a dragon like nothing *a man spoke to another man with a "really" expression

Yeah she is super hot and super strong too*the other man said to the man excitedly

*and you know she is coming to the capital in one week opris *the man said to his friend named opris

*and there is a saying that she is a bit stronger than rank three *opris said to his friend

*but it doesn't change the fact that rank three has killed a monster god when he was only rank seven*

The friend said to opris

*That's true and it also shows his talent and hard work *opris said to his friend

Are their "monster god "is referred to me mortis thought

After the fight mortis slept for a whole week and when he opened his eyes he was in a toilet seat and it was the worst welcome he could expect from the universe even if he is the god of multiverse which includes universe also, mortise's understanding for it was little not very little because he has Arceus

Talking about

Arceus he can now talk to mortis and mortise's system was gone, yes just gone because he couldn't activate or talk to his system

Arceus said the system probably left him because he was not worthy of it , it doesn't change mortise's life also because his system was like a limited Google limited because system only told mortis what he already knew system just make mortis remember everything

And for the understanding of the planet he could now feel it after the intense training with Arceus

Back to current topic it was also not a personal toilet it was an f-ck-ng

Public toilet and after getting out of it he saw streets , street lamps, kids running and people holding at least one weapon with them

Like some holding sword, some katana, some pistol, some AK 47 and some many more

But the most surprising was everyone was powerful like an average military man from earth

Mortis saw two men talking and jumped into the shadow of the man named opris

They were talking about some women and mortis didn't care about that because he was a loyal man

And mortis started his villain and revenge ark

And Arceus supported mortis by saying "I wouldn't had endured it if someone had killed me and named me monster god "and it really influenced mortis because he started by

Killing everyone in the brutalest way possible and destroyed everything with zero possibility of repairing

KIDDING GUYES mortis is a gentle man


*lets visit friend or rank two to be exact*Mortis said after absorbing the info

*agreed* Arceus spoke

*hey lets go we need to hurry or our salary will cut *a man said to a women

*Let's follow them *Mortis said to Arceus after sensing a couple from a km far

*Mmm* Arceus agreed

Then mortis followed the couple to the head quarter of Ranks by getting into their shadow

*What should we do should we visit friend *mortis asked to Arceus about visiting Azazel by addressing him a friend

*do what you want just don't die you were a burden for me back then*Arceus said after recalling past

*no we should not visit friend without gift and without info *mortis said after thinking for a minute or two

*agreed *Arceus said

When they reached the place they saw a huge skyscraper

The skyscraper was looking very beautiful and small vines covering from down to top and small flowers in those wine was looking so beautiful that mortis was already thinking to adding his crystal spikes would look goo after changing their color to green

*That's why you are stupid and your brain is so slow * Arceus said after noticing that mortis was staring at that stupid building too much with eyes of curiosity

*why boring creature*Mortis said with a hostile look

*because you have interest in stupid non living things not in human or girls in your age I had two wives and one fiancé *Arceus said with a proud smile

*you had two wives at the age of probably 21 I guess* mortis said and added I guess at last because he had forgotten his age after those years of training

*at the age of 124 little stupid boy*Arceus said

*if you said me stupid one more time I will suci-- * mortis was saying something but Arceus interrupted him and said*look we arrived stupid boy take out the receptionist, take his place and collect everyone's info *Arceus said

*Mmm* Mortis nodded and in only a second he got out of the couple's shadow and walked beside the receptionist and read every ones info name ,age and specialty and stupid description like what they like and more

*done, because of the very speedy computer it was very easy *mortis said to Arceus while looking the computer which was producing some smoke

*Mmm good*Arceus saw everything but still praised mortis because of the memory he collected

*Then lets visit friend *mortis said after checking the computer

*look stupid boy there *Arceus said while turning mortise's head to the board where the timing was written

5000- ---- timing 8:00 to 8:00

5000-1000 timing 9:00 to 8:00

999-500 timing 10:00 to 6:00

499-100 timing 11:00 to 5:00

99-11 timing 12:00 to after 4:30 whenever


*Isn't it unfair to make lower rank people work more? *mortis asked Arceus

*indeed life is unfair if you are weak you have no right to complain *Arceus said with a sad tone

*you think so* mortis asked curiously

*I experienced *Arceus with same sad tone

*I also*mortis tried to make a sad feeling between them

*look someone powerful is coming lets test your new powers *Arceus said excitedly

*Mmm*mortis nodded excitedly same like Arceus

When mortis saw at the side he saw very powerful energy not powerful as his