Being Gentle Is Bad

He saw a powerful energy not as powerful as his but powerful

The energy was leaking from someone's body and getting mixed with the air

*after a rematch with Azazel we will head there to fight he or she whatever it is *Mortis said excitedly because he was a psychopath when it comes to fight

If you are thinking that mortis was standing in the middle of the building of Ranks and no one is noticing him because he was jumping from shadow to shadow

*agreed * Arceus said after watching the energy with mortise's eye

*but now let's find friend and kill him if he don't surrender In front of us * mortis said with a exited face and a bit of seriousness with the kill part

*Mmm start with this building then all mansions and then big houses then normal houses stupid boy*Arceus said after listening what mortis said

*I will deal with the stupid part later mortis though

Then mortis started walking to the building and after five minutes search in the building was complete

*lets head to that way* mortis said while standing at the top of the skyscraper and looking towards the place where only mansions and big houses were

*Mmm I have a question stupid boy *Arceus nodded and asked

*stop saying me a stupid boy unknown creature * mortis said angrily while running towards the buildings

Again if you are thinking why mortis was not teleporting to the places he want to go Arceus told him that it needs very much energy to break the space time rift

After searching the entire city in half an hour, the city was approx hundred km

*I don't want to search anymore lets chill a bit mortis said after searching the entire city then sitting at the top of the Ranks skyscraper

*Mmm and if he comes we will know by his energy stupid boy*Arceus said after thinking for a second

*ok unknown creature * Mortis said with a happy smile which was making Arceus a bit angry

Then mortis fell asleep and after two hours

*hey stupid wake up and watch *Arceus said to mortis who was sleeping

*Hmm oh I fell asleep after sitting here for about five minutes* Mortis said after waking up from sleep

Then following Arceuse's order mortis watched down and saw a powerful energy coming closer and closer to his

And it stopped just below mortis

*phew that was close* Mortis said with a relived tone

*Are you scared just from this how can someone become so stupid and weak* Arceus said after listening to what mortis has said

*I am not afraid for myself unknown creature I am afraid for the innocent people *Mortis said angrily

*yeah yeah stupid * Arceus said

*you are getting on my nerves unknown creatu--* mortis was speaking but stopped when he felt nine more energies

*lets be serious master*Mortis said with a exited face

*fuc- yeah let's kill them all *Arceus said with an psychopathic tone

*now or later*Mortis asked Arceus to attack now or later

*wait a bit and observe* Arceus advised mortis

*Mmm* mortis nodded

*attention *a man said with a sweet smile

*yeah *



Everyone else agreed

Air around them was heavy

*the monster rate is increasing day by day * a man said in a heavy voice and sweet smile

*so I need everyone on duty and everyone includes you all also everyone in each border*the man continued with that smile

*I have a question*a girl said in a cute voice

*agreed*the man said

*is the monsters are in the level of Rank 2 defeated when he was rank seven*

*no, not yet I guess *the man said with a bit of fear but the sweet smile never left his face like it was his normal expression

*see people fear just by my name *Mortis said to Arceus after seeing their emotion with his molten ember eye

*because they are weak I guess*

*agreed *mortis agreed

*Any way lets go the info is not important to us* Arceus said after observing and thinking

*so I was saying I want all of you and tell rank 4 al---* the man was saying but sopped when he felt something bad and

*prepare* the man said with a normal face


Their whole roof was destroyed by Mortis and they saw

A handsome man standing in front of them with a perfect body his eyes were like molten ember

His face had a psychopathic smile that anyone can fear but they were feeling that he was not dangerous

*I am finding a friend, I think he was his name was rank seven approx hundred years ago and he also have some kind of stupid mist I think*Mortis finished telling and remembering the memories of hundred years ago

*who are you gentleman*the man showed a sweet smile again after sensing that mortis was not harmful and powerful also [which was wrong]

*hello leader I guess I want to meet a friend*mortis said with a exited and psychopathic smile not leaving his face

*who are you stupid man * a man with a mask asked and mocked mortis

*can you repeat what you said *Mortis was now holding himself and trying to be gentle because he didn't want to cause a problem

*who are you stupid *the masked man repeated

*now no more gentleness brutal way starts in five seconds*ortis said

*good joke I guess * another pink haired beautiful face women mocked mortis




*let's make him know who are us right* a boy said with mocking tone

Everyone was mocking mortis but not the sweet smile man he thought that mortis was hiding some thing

