
My descent into the Goblin World dungeon began with a sensation of weightlessness, a transient moment of disorientation as I traversed the rift connecting realms. Being an F-ranked awakener, I knew the risks associated with such expeditions. This dungeon was notorious for its inhabitants—goblins, small and mischievous creatures with potbellies, elf-like ears, and a penchant for trouble. Normally, they posed little threat to someone of my caliber, but I knew the dangers could escalate if any of them evolved into hobgoblins—a prospect that turned even routine missions into potential nightmares.

The transition from the rift was abrupt yet familiar. The scenery shifted dramatically as I emerged into the Goblin World. Lush vegetation surrounded me, tropical and dense, creating an almost impenetrable jungle under skies tinted with hues of blue-green algae. The air was heavy with humidity, the ground soft beneath my boots as I tread carefully through the foliage.

The jungle teemed with life, both familiar and unsettling. Rays of sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. I moved silently, mindful of every step, crunching dry leaves underfoot. It was in these moments of cautious exploration that I first heard it—the cacophony of high-pitched giggles and low, guttural growls echoing through the dense thicket.

Instinct kicked in, and I maneuvered stealthily between towering trees and thick underbrush, closing in on the source of the commotion. As I broke through a particularly dense thicket, what greeted me froze me in place—several meters away, a group of goblins moved with an eerie sense of purpose.

These were not ordinary goblins. Their small, black forms stood out starkly against the verdant backdrop. They possessed long, sinewy tails that swayed with every step, adding to their devilish appearance. Their skin, almost obsidian in hue, contrasted sharply with their crimson eyes that seemed to gleam with an unsettling intelligence. Unlike the bumbling goblins I was accustomed to, these creatures exuded an aura of calculation and menace.

"Oh! Aren't these kallikantzaros?" I muttered to myself, disbelief mingling with apprehension. The presence of kallikantzaros in the Goblin World was unheard of—at least outside their traditional haunt in the human realm during the darkest days of winter.

"Why are they here?" My mind raced with questions, though I knew the answers were likely as enigmatic as the creatures themselves. Kallikantzaros were notorious for their chaotic behavior—setting fires, souring milk, riding on people's backs, and even braiding horses' tails. Encountering them here, far from their usual domain and exhibiting such unnatural behaviors, signaled something deeply unsettling.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted as the kallikantzaros took notice of me. Their crimson eyes locked onto me with an unsettling intensity, and for a brief moment, the entire group halted in their tracks.

~Bleh, Blehdibleh Bleh?!!! their voices erupted in a chorus, a mishmash of curious inquiry and potential threat.

My heart skipped a beat. "Oh shit! Not good," I thought frantically. "I didn't expect to meet kallikantzaros on my second dungeon expedition. Talk about bad luck."

In an instant, I turned and bolted, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I sprinted through the dense undergrowth. Behind me, I could hear the kallikantzaros in pursuit, their agile forms darting through the foliage with uncanny speed. The jungle seemed to close in around me, the air thick with the scent of earth and vegetation as I pushed myself to outrun my pursuers.


A club whizzed past my head with startling speed, the rush of displaced air causing me to stumble. I hit the ground hard, rolling to minimize the impact, leaves and twigs clinging to my clothes as I scrambled back to my feet. Panic threatened to overwhelm me as I realized I was surrounded.

"Crap," I muttered under my breath, hand instinctively reaching for the academy sword stored in my ring. The familiar weight of the weapon reassured me, its blade catching the light with a metallic gleam as I brandished it defensively.

The kallikantzaros, for their part, seemed content to circle me like predators toying with their prey. Unlike the mindless aggression I expected from goblins, these creatures exhibited a strange sense of strategy, perhaps even amusement in the face of their cornered quarry. They lunged and feinted, testing my defenses with calculated strikes and darting movements that belied their diminutive size.

I bided my time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. My sword, a testament to my training yet still unmastered in its potential, hung poised as I assessed each kallikantzaros' movement. They were playing with me, I realized—the thrill of the chase, the anticipation of the kill. But I had no intention of being another victim in their cruel game.

With a swift motion, I lunged at the nearest kallikantzaros, aiming for a decisive strike. To my surprise, the creature sidestepped with uncanny agility, avoiding my blade by mere inches.

"They can fight?!" My incredulity mirrored my frustration. I had expected simple, feral aggression, not the nuanced combat skills displayed by these creatures. It was as if they had been trained—taught to anticipate and counter, turning what should have been an easy encounter into a perilous dance of blades.

Before I could react, pain exploded from my back as a kallikantzaros exploited my momentary vulnerability, striking me with a club.

"Crap!" I gritted my teeth against the pain, stumbling forward but managing to keep my footing. I refused to let fear paralyze me, adrenaline fueling my determination to survive against the odds.

With renewed focus, I countered their assaults, parrying blows and dodging strikes with the precision born of desperation. Each clash reverberated through the jungle, the sounds of combat mingling with the rustle of leaves and the occasional sharp crack of a club against tree bark.

Despite my efforts, the odds were stacked against me. I found myself on the defensive, forced to navigate the uneven terrain while fending off relentless attacks. A near miss from a club sent splinters flying, the force of impact enough to make me realize the true strength of my adversaries.

"Are they supposed to be this powerful?" My mind raced as I sought to make sense of the situation. Kallikantzaros, while stronger than ordinary goblins, shouldn't possess the raw strength capable of causing the ground to tremble with each blow. Something had changed—something beyond the natural order of the Goblin World.

My thoughts coalesced into a troubling realization. "First, it's strange to encounter kallikantzaros outside their usual season," I mused aloud, though there was no one to hear. "Secondly, their intelligence... goblins don't train in martial arts or strategic combat. This isn't normal."

A chilling certainty settled over me. "There's something or someone controlling them," I concluded. "And it's likely a demon."

My training and instincts kicked into overdrive. Demons were forbidden from entering realms lower than their designated rank—E or below—by the very laws governing rifts and dungeons. To encounter one here, manipulating creatures with such precision, suggested a dangerous breach that could destabilize the entire Goblin World.

"If it's a demon," I pondered grimly, "it must be low-ranking. Anything higher would risk destabilizing the dungeon, possibly sealing it off entirely."

Despite the grim outlook, I knew I had no choice but to confront the entity behind this chaos. Survival depended on uncovering its motives, its weaknesses—if any—and exploiting them to my advantage. The alternative was certain death at the hands of kallikantzaros or worse, the demon itself.

With grim determination, I discarded my sword and sprinted deeper into the jungle. The kallikantzaros pursued relentlessly, their shadows flitting between trees as they closed in on their quarry. Rays of sunlight pierced through the canopy, casting fleeting patches of light and shadow on the forest floor as I ran.

Minutes stretched into an eternity as exhaustion gnawed at my muscles, slowing my pace and clouding my senses. The kallikantzaros gained ground, their relentless pursuit closing the distance between predator and prey.

A sharp pain exploded from my leg, causing me to stumble and crash to the ground. I gritted my teeth against the agony, my hands instinctively reaching for the wound—a jagged cut seeping blood through torn fabric.

"Is this the end?" My breath came in ragged gasps as I glanced around, surrounded by the encroaching darkness of the jungle. My body screamed with fatigue, my mind a whirlwind of fear and resignation.

"Oh, a human?" A voice cut through the din, tinged with a hint of curiosity and amusement.

My head snapped up, my gaze fixing on the source of the voice. Despite the odds stacked against me, a faint smile tugged at my lips.

"It seems I'm not dying today," I muttered defiantly, the glimmer of hope rekindled within me.

"The demon has recognized you as an enemy. Your level has risen by 100, your Mana capacity increased to D, and your skills have been upgraded to D," the system message popped up in front of me.

"It seems my luck is good," I muttered to myself, my voice echoing throughout the forest