
Rows of neatly arranged chairs filled the center of the hall, facing a small stage at the front. The stage was modest yet functional, with a lectern and a projection screen ready for presentations. Banners displaying the club's emblem and mission statement flanked the stage, adding a sense of unity and purpose to the gathering.

Around the perimeter of the room, tables were set up with refreshments—coffee, tea, and an assortment of snacks—providing a casual space for students to mingle and chat. The air was filled with the hum of conversations, laughter, and the occasional clinking of cups.

As the meeting progressed, the atmosphere remained lively and engaging. Students eagerly participated in discussions, their voices blending into a harmonious cacophony of ideas and opinions. The sense of camaraderie and shared enthusiasm was palpable, making it clear that this was more than just a club; it was a community.

Among the crowd, a man in his mid-twenties stood out. He was tall, with a lean build and an air of quiet confidence. His dark hair was neatly styled, and he wore a well-fitted blazer over a casual shirt, striking a balance between formal and approachable. He scanned the room with keen eyes, looking for someone.

His gaze eventually settled on a girl standing near one of the refreshment tables. She was engrossed in conversation with a friend, her face lit up with a bright, genuine smile. Her long, chestnut hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders, and she wore a simple yet elegant dress that complemented her natural beauty.

The man took a deep breath, gathering his courage, and began to make his way toward her. He navigated through the crowd with ease, offering polite nods and smiles to those he passed. As he approached the girl

The girl with light brown hair exudes grace and elegance. Her hair cascades in soft, gentle waves down her back, catching the light and giving off a warm, golden hue. She is dressed in an elegantly tailored outfit that perfectly complements her figure. The dress is a sophisticated blend of classic and modern styles, featuring intricate lace details and a flattering silhouette. Her accessories, understated yet refined, add to her poised appearance. With every step, she carries herself with confidence and poise, making a striking impression wherever she goes.

"Excuse me," he said with a friendly smile

The girl , obviously isabella turned to face him, her eyes widening slightly in surprise before her smile returned.

In the Academy, the famous senior stands out as a paragon of skill and wisdom. His name is Aric Valen, renowned not only for his prodigious magical abilities but also for his unwavering dedication to mastering the arcane arts. Aric is tall and lean, with piercing green eyes that seem to see into the very soul. His dark hair is often tied back, revealing a face marked by both determination and kindness. 

He is usually seen wearing elegant robes embroidered with intricate runes, a testament to his deep understanding of ancient spells and enchantments. His presence commands respect, and younger students often gather around him, eager to glean knowledge from his extensive experience. Aric's specialty lies in elemental magic, and he is particularly gifted in controlling fire and lightning, often demonstrating his prowess in breathtaking displays during academy events.

Despite his formidable talents, Aric is approachable and willing to help those who seek his guidance. He mentors several students, offering them not only technical instruction but also encouragement and support. His combination of skill, wisdom, and kindness makes him a beloved figure at the academy, inspiring many to follow in his footsteps.

He extended his hand in greeting. "I'm Aric Valen, by the way. I'm the club leader and trying to get to know everyone!."

She shook his hand warmly. "Nice to meet you, Aric Valen. I'm Isabelle Wright."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly from there, touching on various topics—from their studies to their interests outside of school.

'Tsk, that guy is a demon that will kidnap Isabella '

I followed them stealthily, I didn't know what will happen since the plot is changing, the kidnapping might happen sonner than I anticipated.

As the meeting continued around them, they found a quieter corner of the hall to sit and talk more comfortably. The noise of the gathering faded into the background as they focused on each other, sharing stories and laughter.

The evening progressed, and the hall slowly began to empty as students headed home. Aric and isabella, however, seemed in no hurry to leave. They had discovered a connection, a shared understanding that made the time fly by unnoticed.

Eventually, it seems they realized how late it had become. Aric Valen glanced at his watch and chuckled. "I didn't realize we've been talking for so long. It's getting pretty late."

Isabella smiled, a hint of reluctance in her expression. "Time flies when you're having a good conversation, I guess."

"Indeed," Aric Valen agreed. "But I'd hate to keep you any longer. Can I walk you back?"

Isabella smile brightened. "I'd like that."

They gathered their things and made their way out of the hall, stepping into the cool night air. The campus was quiet now, the hustle and bustle of the day replaced by a serene calm. They walked side by side, continuing their conversation under the soft glow of streetlights.

"Pffts" I couldn't help but laugh

Aric Valen a demon contractor approached Isabella on purpose , his goal is to kidnap her , or worse , kill her.

His contractor is a baronnet - a female demon whose rank is almost at the duke rank , even I am not sure I can kill a baronnet demon at my current level , even though the cheat system will come up.

Tomorrow would be the day Isabella would be kidnapped

The next day, every student gathered at the grand hall for the celebration party. The room was adorned with colorful banners and floating lights that danced in the air, creating a magical ambiance. Laughter and excited chatter filled the space as everyone enjoyed the festive atmosphere.

Isabella sat quietly in the dimly lit corner of the room, her eyes tracing the rhythmic dance of flickering candlelight on the polished wooden floor. The night was alive with laughter and animated conversations that ebbed and flowed around her. Music pulsed through the air, a lively beat that matched the pulse in her veins.

Groups of students clustered together, their voices rising and falling in animated discussion about classes, future plans, and the latest campus gossip. The room was adorned with colorful decorations, balloons gently swaying in the warm currents of conversation.

Isabella, however, seemed detached from the festivities. She sat with her back straight, fingers absently tracing patterns on her glass of sparkling water. Her mind was elsewhere.

Occasionally, someone would approach her with a friendly smile and a greeting, but Isabella responded with cold look. Her focus remained inward, contemplative, as if she were weighing the academic year that had passed and the challenges that lay ahead.

Despite her quiet demeanor, there was an air of determination about Isabella. She wasn't one to indulge in the carefree abandon of a night party; instead, her presence spoke of discipline and dedication to her studies. While others danced and reveled in the temporary escape from academic pressures, Isabella found solace in the tranquil corners of her mind, where plans for the future took shape amidst the ambient noise of the celebration.

As the night wore on and the music continued to pulse, Isabella remained a silent observer, her presence a testament to the diverse paths that students navigate during their academic journey.

Aric Valen, the esteemed senior, stepped forward, drawing everyone's attention. His presence commanded silence, and all eyes turned to him. With a warm smile, he began to speak.

"My friends," Aric said, his voice carrying effortlessly through the hall, "we are here to celebrate not just our achievements, but the bonds we've forged and the magic we've created together. Each of you has shown incredible dedication and spirit, and it's an honor to stand among such talented individuals."

A cheer erupted from the crowd, and Aric raised his glass. "To our future, filled with endless possibilities and new adventures. May we continue to grow and learn together. Cheers!"

The students raised their glasses in unison, the room echoing with their enthusiastic cheers. They drank to their shared journey, their faces alight with joy and camaraderie. The night was filled with music, dancing, and the sharing of stories, as the celebration continued into the night.

I'm sure that the kidnapping will happen this night , none of her friends are present in the party, I will have to protect her so has to keep the story plot going.

After all if Isabella got kidnapped, or worse killed , I don't know how it might affect Vincent.

I walked up to Isabella , She glanced at me briefly before giving me a disgusted look.

'Ehew!, you are giving your savior to be a disgusted look'

Frowning slightly, trying to put on my most serious expression.

"You should be careful tonight, all this party was planned just for you" i said then walked away.