Chapter 133 Trust In a lighthearted tone, Aleshia replied, "Oh, I guess you could say that I've had the pleasure of meeting him," she quipped. Confused by her tone, Ren turned around and saw Daniel walking behind Aleshia. "Hi, Daniel! How is the new company I introduced to you?" Ren asked with a cheeky smile. With distaste gleaming in his eyes, Daniel replied, "I won't comment on how I feel about her company until she has accomplished what you asked her to do." His gaze shifted to the strange hat the children were playing with. "You three, can you tell me what that is? Wait, you all look healthier than the last time I saw you. Did Aleshia do something to you already?" "I don't know," the children said simultaneously. Daniel sighed and walked over to the children. After examining the three more closely, he made a brief assessment, clicked his tongue, and ordered them to return inside the house. "But why?" "Can't we stay?" "I want to pet it more," the three complained. Once again, Daniel ordered them back into the house. Reluctantly, they let go of the hat and slowly returned inside, glancing back longingly at the witch hat. When Daniel was satisfied that all the children had entered the house, he remarked, "I see that you have healed those three and Ren. But still, I want to experience it firsthand before I allow you to heal the others." After saying this, he slashed his arm, drawing blood, and let out a small grunt of pain. "Daniel!" Ren shouted as she rushed to him. She tried to stop the bleeding by applying pressure to his arm, but a firm hand pushed her away. "Ren, if her healing is trustworthy, then you needn't worry about my safety." Ren was still worried about Daniel's well-being, but she reluctantly walked away, choosing to trust in Aleshia. On the sidelines, Aleshia was shocked by the events that had unfolded. She stood still but was stirred from her thoughts by Lucia's voice. "Should I heal him or let him bleed out? Anyway, the wound he inflicted probably won't be fatal." "I don't know about it being not fatal; just look at all that blood pooling beneath him," After a slight pause, she added, "Can you restore his arm?" Instead of replying, Lucia hopped back into Aleshia's arms, and Aleshia carried her over to Daniel, who now had a bigger pool of blood collecting beneath him.