Chapter 21: An Appropriate End*




'Aaahnn…, nhnn…, nnhhnn…, aaahhnn…, nnhhnn…'


At first my change of pace came as a surprise to all three of them, as while my hips moved faster in one, my fingers overcrowded the other two secret caves.


The next moment though they immediately got back to their moans, this time they were different though.


Despite the volume being almost the same, this time I could tell that their moans were more genuine and more felt.


This didn't change my mindset though, as I was completely focused on making these three understand the 'character of their Master.


'Aaahhnnn…, nnhhhnnn…, ohhnnn…, maahhstaahhh…'


Just as I was feeling proud of my move, I felt the beauty who had my Double D's inside her twitch like crazy, and her inner walls squeeze me tightly, while love juices covered my D's.


These women were dual cultivators, their skills and their ability to control the walls of their secret caves was beyond normal understanding.


Vacuum Cleaner!?


That would be some easy shit right now, her two holes felt like miniature black holes that were about to close done.


All 18 spurts I released were sucked in and had no chance of leaving her secret cave.


Not even a small droplet of my Yang Energy was wasted this time, and the returns I got were nothing to scuffle as well.


This was the benefit of dual cultivation, everything came at least twice as much when you were dual cultivation, it wasn't just like a simple addition of 1+1.


The reaction of the beauty beneath me didn't escape the eagle eyes of the other two, as they couldn't help but almost immediately release their love juices as well.


Of course, the intensity of their climax was nowhere compared to the one that had experienced the real Double D all this while, so they were ready for the real deal in a second.


I wasn't going down soon either, because while I lacked inner energy, endurance. and stamina I had the two special constitutions, the Never Ending Source, and the Nine Yang Veins.


Even if my body got tired, I could just go ahead and lie down on my back, while I let them do the job for me.


I still have enough stamina and endurance for a couple more times though, so I didn't throw the towel immediately.


Quite on the contrary, I was quite energetic as I couldn't help but remember a few more positions I would like to try, now that I had Double D's.


With those thoughts in mind, I ordered one to lie down on the stool while I piled the second on top of her while facing each other.


Their two lower mouths were leaking in love juices, and were more than ready to welcome me, and I didn't let them down either.


Positioning my Double D's one in each cave entrance, I pushed forward and pierced both of them at the same time.




Even though the two women were expecting something like this to happen, they still got a little bit overwhelmed by how good it felt to be filled, and almost climaxed immediately.


Of course, it would be a joke if it really happened as both these women were powerful dual cultivators.


If I were in the same cultivation level as the two of them, I would most probably be able to reach that, but now it was clearly a pipe dream.


Still, I didn't get discouraged by this, quite on the contrary it felt like a compliment, as I grabbed the hips of the one above and started pounding them both.


'Claappp…, claaappp…, claaapppp…'


In a matter of seconds due to the love juices involved, and due to all 4 of my milk factories, sounds of cheeks clapping was heard.


Of course, the two beauties didn't just stay there on top of each other, letting me have my fun, as the two of them started French kissing and handling each other all over the place.


It was like they were trying to make the other party give up so they could have me all to themselves.


It was quite cute seeing them try so hard to outline each other, while I just enjoyed the sensation of their two bodies, and their two secret caves.


'Ugghh… Fuu***ccckkkk~!'


Just as I was thinking about how good it felt to be inside two secret caves at the same time, I felt my Yang Energy reaching the peak once again.


My two D's twitched in unison, and before I could even say that I was releasing my load, my load was gone deep inside the two women bodies.


My hot milk seemed to have sent the two women to their climax as well, as before I could feel sorry, I didn't let them know, their love juices came leaking.


It was quite a special feeling to know that not only you enjoyed yourself as much as you could, but the partner, or the partners as well.


Once again, my Double D's were still standing proudly, ready for the next bit of action, but my body didn't seem to agree.


After all, this was my first-time dual cultivating, and most importantly my body had been completely empty until now.


So, taking energy beyond what my body could manage would either bring in energy spreading from my body into the surroundings, or my body exploding.


After the two fiery Yang Source Pills, and the bath with the medicinal herbs, while my body wasn't a big deal, still wouldn't allow any thread of energy to leave my body.


Not to mention that my dual cultivation Partners were all three Yin Connection Realm experts. It was somewhat of a miracle


So, if I continued with the dual cultivation session with these three women I would end up in a million pieces.


With those thoughts in mind, I decided to only let the three wash me one more time, while giving each of them one more load of my special milk and then entered closed door cultivation.


For sure the news of my Double D's would spread throughout the Punishment Cave, and even more towards all of my slaves.


I wasn't in any worry of not being able to find dual cultivation partners, as there were a lot of them just waiting at the door, one word from me and they would come running towards me.


Now wasn't the time to think about those things though as I had to concentrate on my cultivation.


A massive amount of energy had been gathered in my nether region waiting to be used and integrated in my body.


Of course, I wasn't as conceited as to think that I could take and integrate the whole energy in my body immediately.


While my theoretical knowledge was complete, my practical ability was almost inexistent.


Just like my first time dual cultivating a few moments ago, I knew everything I needed to do, but when I tried to do it, I didn't have full control of my body parts.


I wasn't able to do everything as I wanted to, and the same logic applied to cultivation as well.


I had to slowly take small parts of energy and then slowly make the path through my meridians until I completed a full cycle according to the cultivation manual I had created.


Slowly but surely, I was in a good path, the thread of inner energy was smoothly passing through all the meridians, without many barriers or wrong turns.


It was slow though, extremely slow! Not wanting to make any mistakes on the first route just to make every route as complete and correct as possible.


Once a full circulation was finished, I could finally lead that thread of energy inside my Dantian, and return my attention to the second thread.


It took me 30 minutes just to complete one full cycle for a thread of energy, but that was just the start.


The second thread of energy was much easier to guide and lead, now that I knew the general path, and it only took me about 13 minutes.


The third thread was even easier, but it still took around 7 or 8 minutes, and slowly one by one, the timing to complete one full cycle was shortened to 20 seconds.


At some point though it looked like my proficiency wasn't getting any better, despite doing the path by heart, I still couldn't shorten it under 20 seconds.


Since the quality was stuck, it was time to try and increase the quantity of it, so from one thread I started going with two, and from two to three, and so on and so forth.


By the time that all the gathered energy had been used I had managed to reach the 6th Level of Qi Refining Realm, officially entering the path of cultivation.


I could feel that my body was different, whether it was my speed, my strength, my senses, or even handsomeness they had all gone up by at least a level.


Well, even though I had managed to reach the 6th level of Qi Refining Realm, I could feel that my cultivation wasn't as I wanted it to be.


It wasn't as solid as I wanted it to be, so I had just done half of what I had to do. With these thoughts in mind, I quickly closed my eyes once again, and started to compress it.


It wasn't easy, in fact it felt like I was trying to compress a part of my own body, and it was by no means simple.


While I managed to reach some success it was by no means enough…