Chapter 22: First Fight


What I had achieved was not even 1/10 or 1/100 of what I wanted to achieve, so left with no other option I could only look for external help in compressing my cultivation.


With those thoughts in mind, I left my cultivation room and got outside, only to receive a different kind of look and attention from all my slaves.


The female population seemed to be eating me with their eyes, while the male population looked at me with clear fear, terror, and admiration.


While it might look and sound stupid, quite a few of them would wish and dream of being in my place, just due to the Double D's.


By the way this fact would never bother me, quite on the contrary it made me happy thinking that I was special, that I had something that most probably no one else had.


Now wasn't the time to think about that though, as I needed to deal with the matters regarding my cultivation.


It might look like it was extremely easy for me to cultivate, but one had to understand that the quality of my dual cultivation partners was great, and so was my manual.


But the same manual, would require more and more energy to breakthrough in the future, and I had no other option but to try and fill the blackhole inside me.


Later problems would be discussed later, right now what I needed was external pressure to help me compress my cultivation and solidify my foundation.


With those exact thoughts in mind, I called for a couple of my slaves to arrive in the middle area of the Punishment Cave and exert their pressures on me.


In the whole of Sect perhaps I was the only one who was able to use 8 Yin or Yang Connection Realm experts in order to exert pressure on me to cultivate.


The benefits of having strength and resources, no one else would be able to reach something like this easily.


With the help of the 8 experts, it was the same as cultivating in a multiple layer gravity, so I only needed to bear with it and cultivate my energy once again slowly.


Of course, while I make it look extremely simple, that is because I knew the theory behind it, but actually practicing it was difficult, extremely so.


Just imagine as if 8 grown up men are actually using the full strength of their body in order to push you down to the ground.


And as if that isn't enough, you also have to make sure that you stand your ground proudly, not giving them the option to throw you off.


It was difficult, it certainly was, but it was necessary. I needed to do this in order to make sure I reached my goals in life.


So, clenching my teeth I just bore with it, without caring how painful it was or how difficult it was to circulate my energy.


I had managed to go through all those years of being treated as a trash, all those years of humiliation and suffering, so this small pain when knowing I would get stronger and better didn't matter.


It took 5 hours, and 8 rotations of the Experts around me to keep the multilayered pressure on me, that went up to as much as 9 times gravity for my cultivation to solidify.


When I was finally done, my cultivation had fallen to the 2nd Realm of the Qi Refining Realm, but I could feel that I could easily take down a 6th level Qi Refining Realm cultivator.


Not only in this Yin-Yang Prairie Sect, but even in the Imperial Clan where they were known for their fighting ability.


But of course, relying just on words and thoughts was useless, I needed tangible proof to myself that it was truly the case.


With those thoughts in mind, I immediately ordered the 4 bastards to immediately capture a couple of outer court disciples with varying cultivation from 1st to 8th level Qi Refining Realm.


After that, the disciples would be placed in different rooms unconscious, and would only wake up when I willed it with the option to fight me and win or lose and die.


After all, in order to be able to get the best out of someone you had to give them the best motivation. Their life and death were the best motivation they could get.


The first fight was with the disciple that had the same cultivation level as myself, he was a 2nd level Qi Refining Realm cultivator as well.


Upon knowing that his life and death were tied up to the fight we were going to have, he couldn't help but feel a little bit lost.


Things changed once he 'sensed' my killing intent and saw that I was ready to fight, as he immediately made the first move and jumped in attack.


Despite having a low cultivation, at least this guy could show courage and determination, but the power he erupted with was weak.


Truly weak!


'Baaaannnnnggggggg…, craasssshhhhhhh…'


It didn't even take me a swing of my hand without a weapon whatsoever to send him flying towards the wall.


The first fight that I had only used inner energy and nothing else turned out to be quite boring and useless, as the opponent was nowhere near close to my fighting ability.


Of course, I knew that from the very beginning, but I still went ahead and tried it, just to know how stronger I was exactly from those of my level.


The next opponent was a 3rd level Qi Refining Realm, and the same situation happened with this guy as well.


He didn't have the opportunity to make a move as just as the first one he was sent flying towards the wall.


The next victim was somewhat similar to the second, but it was clear that he was more difficult to get rid off then the previous one.


This time I had to exchange 3 moves with my opponent before I sent him flying towards the wall of the room once again.


I could finally feel the difficulty increasing and the pressure building, but that didn't dishearten me, quite on the opposite it actually filled me with confidence and excitement.


Each victory had a different taste when I won through my personal strength and power, it just made me feel a bit better than before.


With that new intoxication going through my body, I made my way towards the next victim, or should I say my half opponent.


This guy had the cultivation of the 5th level of the Qi Refining Realm, and it looked like his battle experience wasn't inexistent either.


The moment he learned about the deal, or how he could escape he didn't waste his time and immediately attacked, without even notifying his attack.


A hypocrite would call that move as low and lacking the attitude of a cultivator, but for me that was extremely praiseworthy.


It showed that the opponent was decided and decisive, taking the necessary actions when needed and pushing forward with those actions.


It was exactly with those thoughts in mind, that I welcomed his attack. I had yet to train in any techniques, or skills, so all I had was crude movements and attacks backed by energy.


The opponent seemed to realize this as well, so he started pushing more and putting more pressure on me with the skills and techniques he had.


It looked like he was showcasing and showing off all the skills and techniques he had, and he had quite a few of them.


This clearly demonstrated the fact that he had good comprehension ability, making me want to witness everything he had to bring to the table.


At the same time, I was trying to analyse those moves and then recreate them myself, while the skills and techniques he had were most probably low quality, it was still something.


Fly meat is still meat to a hungry person!


And just like that, upon witnessing his carp jump, and eagle talon twice in a row, I managed to learn those two skills and try to put them in practice.


I didn't know the exact energy flow, but I had managed to pull out a rough estimation using my Soul Sense, so while it was awkward to say the least, I still managed to recreate it.


The poor guy was shocked beyond belief upon seeing that, so he couldn't help but have a momentary lapse of judgement, which I took full advantage of.


I am extremely vengeful person, if this guy immediately took the chance to attack me from the very beginning without any worries, then I had to treat him the same.


For that reason, in that momentary lapsus my Eagle Talon connected, and I managed to break his jaw off, while he went flying towards the wall just like the previous ones.


Just like that, one more was done, and I went towards my last target for the day. While I would love to keep going, my energy was reaching its end.


For that exact reason, the moment I reached my last victim's location, I just stated the terms and without the guy even agreeing, I performed another Eagle Talon.


The opponent tried to defend against it as soon as he felt the danger coming from my move, but he wasn't able to do it.


That was because my Eagle Talon was faster than he expected, and before he could make a move I had already arrived in front of him and destroyed his shoulder.


The rest of the fight was pretty easy, as I felt like I was bullying a 5-year old out of his candy…