Chapter 23: Trapping the Imperial Master Once Again


Once I was done with solidifying my cultivation, I couldn't help but be amazed at how different the Third Level of the Inferno Soul felt.


If before I felt like I was a Team Leader trying to guide my slaves to work, then the current level could only be described as being the supervisor.


If I had to compare it to the Cultivation Levels, then the current me had a Soul Avatar and Soul Power equal to a Yang King Realm cultivator.


One had to understand that Soul Cultivation and Energy Cultivation were two different paths of cultivation, that only conjoined at the Yang Connection Realm.


It was that the moment that a cultivator would be able to enter the 2nd level of Soul cultivation, that I had already reached during my comatosis.


That was also the reason why I was actually capable of enslaving a Yang King, or Yin Queen Realm expert before.


Now with my current strength I could easily go for an early Yang King, or Yin Queen Realm cultivator, and as long as they left me do what I wanted I could go for a middle levelled one as well.


Which brought me to the next thoughts, I had a few promises to keep, so not wasting my time or my chance I immediately set the layout for my next plans.


I just sent a quick mental order to the Crown Prince ordering him to arrive at the Punishment Cave, in order to check at his victims.


Of course, in order to assure his protection, I ordered him to bring the Imperial Tutor to the Punishment Cave as well.


Alongside his wife and concubine that was for sure.



It didn't take long for the Crown Prince to obey to the order, and he was accompanied by the Imperial Tutor, and an Elder of the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect.


It seemed like the Imperial Tutor had a bad premonition about the visit so he had thought of bringing someone else along in order to put restrictions to me.


Of course, what he didn't thought was that not only wasn't he putting restrictions on me, but also helping me get a more useful slave as well.


The moment that they trespassed into my Punishment Cave though, both the Imperial Tutor and the Elder were shocked by the sight and atmosphere.


After all, not only was this place different from the heard rumours, as it felt more like a luxurious cultivation cave rather than an imprisonment Punishment Cave.


At the same time, all the supposedly punished prisoners were now in front of them looking at the two of them with weird expressions on their faces.


It was quite the situation that was for sure, something that they would have never imagined either, well at least for that Yin-Yang Prairie Sect Elder.


The Imperial Tutor should definitely have a basic idea or understanding of the situation.


After all, he knew from the very beginning that the person behind the scenes wouldn't be a normal person.


What definitely put him in a bad spot though was that he had no idea who I was, the people who knew about me, had already been enslaved by me.


I was just one of the many people in the crowd in his opinion, or even some sort of servant in this place.


"The Cave Master is waiting for you at his place, follow me!"


Out of everyone expectations, I walked forward and said those words which threw them off for a moment, especially my other slaves and the Crown Prince group.


But the two guests thought that most probably these were just tactics I had prepared trying to pressure them, so they didn't think much of the whole thing.


Full of confidence they allowed me to lead the way, while they followed behind with heavy steps trying to pressure my slaves.


These two oldies were so cute trying to act high and mighty in my place, when the only reason why me slaves weren't attacking was because I hadn't given them the order yet.


Still, I managed to keep my composure and guided them to my Master Bedroom, opened the door respectfully and made a gesture to let them enter first.


The two old fogies just harrumphed coldly, while exerting more pressure on me, trying to make me embarrass myself as they entered inside.


The moment they entered inside though the door was immediately closed, and they were trapped inside alongside the Crown Prince, and his two lady companions.


I imagine they were surprised at first, but they quickly regained composure once again, thinking that this was just one of the many tactics once again.


"Fuuuu*cccckkkkkkk~!" x3


As for their regret, anger, and fear for what happened next, I could clearly hear it through their cursing and shouting.


In but a minute the whole room was filled with anaesthetics and while they tried to use their energy to push away the poison, they didn't know where the poison was found exactly.


It was just like one of those movie scenes, when someone gets trapped into a room, and then smoke comes out.


The actors in those movies do know about stopping their breathing completely and trying to get out immediately, but these guys didn't know where the poison was.


All they could see was smoke, and they thought that the danger came from the smoke directly, so they tried to clear the area with their energy, while still breathing normally.


After all, for them the smoke was the only danger and as long as they pushed it away, or kept it afar then there would be no issues at all.


Of course, at the same time they started looking for options on how to get out of the room, or meet with the opponent face to face.


In such thoughts, the Imperial Tutor, immediately performed a finger skill that push forcefully towards the door.




The moment the finger landed on the door it produced a crazy loud sound of banging and then the whole place started shaking and trembling.


Despite that though there was no sign of the finger being able to leave a dent on the place.


The punishment cave was most certainly a combination of natural and work, as the wall that the Imperial Tutor was trying to kick down at the moment was one of the natural walls.


The walls that my slaves had previously taken down were all human made walls, without much of substance, as the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect didn't have resources to spend on criminals.


But they didn't need to do it either, as there were such walls that the cave had naturally that were impossible to be taken down.


Normally a Yang King Realm expert could easily flatten a small mountain, but the walls of this cave were made from a strong material that no one was able to recognise.


I was perhaps the only one able to come to a realization of what it may be, but even I wasn't fully assured of it.


 As much as I could refer from the 'otaku's' memories, this metal resembled to what they called the God's Metal on Earth, Tungsten.


This metal that was extremely rare on Otaku's Planet called Earth, in this place it seemed to spread throughout all the cave.


This whole place was made out of the same material, which made it even more absurd.


At some point, I couldn't help but think that this was one of those big metal boxes that the people of Earth called airships, or airspace rockets.


That wouldn't be the case, would it!?


Well, I had no idea whether that was the case or not, but it didn't really matter at this point, as I was more interested in what happened inside.


That Elder from the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect seemed to have expected something like this to happen, so she said in a light sound,


"Imperial Tutor, this Punishment Cave is a relic of the Ancient Civilisations, and it's an impenetrable box!


This was also the reason why our Ancestors turned this place into the Punishment Cave even though it was so close to the main Sect Quarters.


This was supposed to be a path of retreat for our Sect, should something happen!


It's a box that can't even be penetrated from the full power attack of a Domain Yang King Realm powerhouse!"


Hearing those words the Imperial Tutor couldn't help but get baffled and extremely unhappy, because this meant that they were stuck in this place, wouldn't it?


Well, while he couldn't get out, he could at least gather attention by making this place tremble and quake, couldn't he?


Once he got to this line of thought he immediately prepared to launch another attack, unfortunately he had neglected one important matter.


With the shaking and trembling of the room, he lost control of the forces or the energy streams within the cave, so the poison moved around as well.


Of course, the movement of energy within himself, was another problem as well, because it made the poison that entered his body get even more aggressive.




So, before he could even make the second attack, the poor Imperial Tutor understood that once again he had fallen prey to that same poison.


Unhappy, regretful, and extremely pissed off he had no other option but to concentrate on defence one more time, as he started to check on his body.


Seeing that he was still unable to find or deal with the anaesthetics inside his body, he couldn't help but look at the Crown Prince, and say,


"Your Highness it seems like we can only rely on you!"