Chapter 24: The Promised Spectacle*


There was a reason why the Imperial Tutor looked towards the Crown Prince, and that was the token provided from the Grand-Emperor.


That guy could definitely help them get out of here no matter what, whether it was by coming here himself, or by having the Sect Master or some other Elders showing up.


As for the fact that the Crown Prince had my Slave Seal on his Soul Avatar he had no idea of it, or at least he thought that even if I tried, I would fail, considering the Crown Prince's gift.


Of course, I wouldn't waste such a good opportunity to buy some more time, so I quickly ordered the Crown Prince to pretend he would contact their hope.


"I have already done so, we just need to wait for Grand-Uncle to arrive!"


The mood of the Imperial Tutor seemed to have gotten better that was for sure, but he didn't dare to let his guard down.


At the same time, the Elder of the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect couldn't help but look weirdly at the Crown Prince.


Her womanly intuition was telling her that there was something wrong with the whole matter, or at least with what the Crown Prince had just said.


Still, she didn't dare question the Crown Prince directly so she could only think that it was her being too nosey on the whole matter.


Just like that, time was ticking by, but there was no news or sign of the Grand-Emperor showing to save them, and the anaesthetics were doing their job properly as well.


Slowly but surely everyone inside the room started to feel drowsy, and slowly drift away to the dreamland.


By the time they realised what was going on, it was already too late, as their eyelids closed down and they drifted away to sleep.


I had no reason why to enter the room immediately, as who knew what these old foxes were thinking, so I just used my Soul Power to startle awake the Crown Prince's women.


Both of them went to seal the energy points of the Imperial Tutor and the Elder from the Yin-Yang Sect, only to be pushed away forcefully from their energy.


Slowly and forcefully both of them opened their eyes trying to see if they had managed to bring me down, only to be shocked from the ones that had suffered the attack.


It looked like their last attack before closing their eyes completely, so this time I sent the Crown Prince himself to block their acupoints, and finally they were both trapped.


Despite all that, I had no intention of personally going inside there, call me as extremely cautious, or extremely scarred I don't care, my life is much more important than some cheap pride.


For that reason, the one to get inside the room first was the strongest slave I had, no matter what he had the highest chance of survival.


Even if things went haywire and those two hadn't gone to sleep as they should, I could still use him to block and injure them depending on how much power they could still bring out.


It turned out that I was correct in being extremely careful with the two of them, as the moment that my slave expert entered the room, they immediately used their trump cards.


One of them brought out a small knife targeting the expert's heart, while the other one went for his forehead using a small drilling screw.


My expert was on high alert as well, so he quickly covered his vital spots with his arms, but the attacks had been beyond his expectations, as the two objects pierced his arms and proceeded to the targets.


His two hands only managed to avoid his direct death, but as long as those two old fogies willed it, the expert would die immediately.


It was precisely with such thoughts in mind, that the two old fogies opened their eyes a little bit, even though they were drowsy they were still trying to stay awake.


With low and almost inaudible sounds, both of them looked towards the door, and said,


"You better let us go unless you don't appreciate your people's lives!"


They were threatening me, they were trying to use the life of a slave in order to push me into a corner and let them leave.


Not to mention that this guy was a criminal and just my slave, but even if he were my servant or subordinate, I would never endanger my own life to save him.


Loyalty, compassion, or fealty didn't exist in my vocabulary due to my good 'parents', when even they treated me like a kinder surprise chocolate box, then no one else would treat me different.


It was precisely with such thoughts in mind, that I didn't even respond to the two old fogies, as I just willed it in my mind for the Crown Prince to start feeling pain.


This fu*cking bastard had gone out of my orders and hadn't checked on the two old fogies properly, so my other slaves had to suffer.


He deserved to be punished, but most importantly he was an extremely good pawn to use against the Imperial Tutor and the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect Elder.


Especially against the Imperial Tutor who finally realized that his Crown Prince wasn't able to escape my grasp, his unique skill wasn't sufficient against me.


Knowing that, his face couldn't help but contort, as he said in a enraged voice,


"Don't you care of your people's lives!?

Are you that fu*cking unlawful, selfish, and bastard!?"


If you people think that he was just being a hypocrite, trying to admonish me for my behaviour, you are too green and you have taken this old bastard too lightly.


No, this bastard was just using this as a trap to make me reveal myself, because once he knew where I was, he would easily use his Soul Directed treasure to keep me in check.


No matter how confident I was in my Soul capabilities, my energy was lacking, extremely lacking, so I couldn't take that chance.


But just because I couldn't speak myself, it didn't mean that my slaves couldn't, and at this moment the old thing heard the Crown Prince say,



Aren't you being too naïve!?

Do you think that after taking all the trouble of setting all this shit up, I would reveal myself just like that!?

As for that slave, just take his life, I have plenty of those!

In my eyes, I am just replacing one Yang Connection Realm, with a Yang King, and a Yin Queen Realm, pretty convenient if you ask me!"


This was exactly what the Imperial Tutor feared, and also what happened, as in his anger the Imperial Tutor killed my Yang Connection Realm, and then lost his conscience.


Of course, being almost bitten once, I didn't dare to accept the outcome easily, so I quickly ordered the Crown Prince and his two ladies to come out while leaving them behind.


Once the Crown Prince and the two beauties were out, I released another two shots of anaesthetics inside the room, and then waited for that to take effect while I fulfilled my promise.


Since my room was occupied, I once again took the two beauties in my bathroom, and without much waste of time or ceremony, I ordered them to remove their clothes.


The Crown Prince who was sitting on a corner and seeing this happen had an extremely dissatisfied expression on his face.


Even if I was just a eunuch who couldn't do much, he couldn't bear the idea of his women being naked in front of me, not that I cared.


His pain, regret, and anger had just started though, as the next moment he felt like the sky had fallen on his head.


That was because he had just noticed that I wasn't a eunuch as he thought anymore. Quite on the opposite I had turned into a full-fledged man.


Not only that, but I was also special from any other man, as while men had one, I had my Double D's which left the Crown Prince speechless and dumfounded.


Just how the fu*ck was this even possible?


Well, I had no intention of dabbling in useless discussions with the Crown Prince as I didn't have the interest nor the time.


Right now I was thinking of dealing with more important and pleasing things to do, like the two women in front of me.


Bot of them were naked right now and were showcasing their bodies and curves to me.


The second Wife had an arrogant and bitchy attitude, while the concubine was a little bit more obedient and down to earth.


Their cultivations different as well, while the 2nd Wife was at the 4th level of True Yin Realm the concubine was nothing more but a 1st level True Yin Realm.


Their help would be much appreciated in helping me with my cultivation, but most importantly with helping me get my promise delivered.


I had promised to the Crown Prince not long ago that I would give him a spectacle worthy to watch, and now he had first class tickets.


"Get on your knees, and start preparing the tools! I am not sure you have ever taken in such a big Dragon before, so it might be a little bit painful.


The two beauties didn't need to say anything for me to understand their thoughts, as they immediately started playing with one D each.


While this wasn't exactly their first time, they were extremely lacking with regards to their skills, as I could feel their teeth grazing more than twice…