Chapter 27: Plucking an Elder*


Once the woman was fully naked, I didn't bother with any foreplay, I just picked her up and immediately let her get impaled in my Double D's


It was a great moment of surprise for both of us, as I was startled and even shocked from the fact that both her holes were ready to take me in.


Not only that, but both holes were genuine black holes that were under her full control, she could move her secret cave's inner walls and make sure I suffered the 'Purgatory'.


It was a 'Purgatory' of pleasure, but it was a 'Purgatory' nonetheless!


On the other hand, the woman was surprised that she had both holes attacked at the same time, and from weapons of really high calibre as she was stuffed to the brim.




'Ugggghhhhhhh…, Daaaammmnnnnnnn~!'


That was all her reaction to what happened, while I lost face completely as I wasn't able to 'survive' her immediate counterattack, and immediately released my load inside her.




"Fuuuuuucckkkkkkk~! Release me and release pressure on me!"


The moment that I released all my 18 spurts inside her, the woman couldn't help but feel that my special milk was extremely unique and tasty, and she experienced a mini climax.


How pathetic it was that for the current me, even that mini climax of hers released such Yin Qi that was beyond my body's ability to handle.


 Once again, I couldn't help but feel how lacking my strength was, it truly was pathetic beyond belief.


Still, even at that moment I managed to set my priorities right, as I immediately ordered her to release me, and then place pressure in me.


Despite wanting to save my life at this moment, I still didn't want to allow my cultivation to get loose, so I immediately ordered her to apply pressure on me as well.


That clearly surprised the woman, but since this was an order from me, she had no other option but to do it, even if she had to do it instinctively.


Releasing me immediately from her grasp, she pulled to the side and put a gravity of 10 times over me, which surprised even her.


I would have tried going for 11 at this point, but it was a precarious moment, as the energy was truly too abundant within me.


I needed to deal with the immediate threat first, and then try solidifying my cultivation once again.


In 15 minutes the danger was gone, which brought me to a rather calmer mental state, and I could finally concentrate on solidifying my cultivation once again.


With that thought in mind, I didn't waste precious time thinking about it and immediately ordered the woman to increase the gravity to 11 times.


Once again, the woman was a bit surprised, but she did as she was told. As for me, I couldn't care in the least what she thought.


Even as I cultivated, I couldn't help but curse myself for what the hell I had just done, I had almost endangered myself just because I had grown too full of myself.


This was pathetic!


After everything that I had been through, and after all that rage, I had built inside me, I almost lost my fu*cking life due to momentary rage, and trying to ra*pe a woman.


Now wasn't the time to think about that though, as I had to make sure that no mistakes happened during my cultivation.


I needed 24 hours to finally manage cycling all the energy I had just received and then trying to once again solidify my foundation due to those 15 minutes.


At the end I managed to reach the peak of the 7th level of the Qi Refining Realm. Just one more mini step and I would reach the 8th level of the Qi Refining Realm.


I could do that any moment I wished, but I didn't want to do it right now, my mindset wasn't the correct one.


While I claimed that I was careful of every detail, the truth seemed to be quite different from what I thought.


With those thoughts in mind, I just gave a few quick orders and suggestions to everyone within the Punishment Cave before going to secluded cultivation once again.


While I said that I dealt with the Punishment Cave's business all I did was let the Crown Prince and everyone else return to their daily lives, same as the Imperial Tutor.


Of course, I order them to write all the information they knew in order to make sure that I knew of the outside world as much as I could, but that was for later.


I pushed away all distractions to sit in meditation and think about everything I had done and needed to do going from here forwards.


Three things would never change about me, my path, my attitude, and my desire for revenge!


I had already decided that I would be a Devil to the World, and that I would reach the peak through dual cultivation.


As for my revenge, that was a given. My revenge was also the reason why I had decided to become a devil.


That would always be the case, but everything else was up for discussion. After all, my plan was to reach the peak not to die trying.


It took me around 3 days to finally reach a state of mind where I could finally make peace with myself and my point of view in life.



I was quite happy with what I reached, I had decided to be a Free and Unfettered Devil.


I would do whatever my heart wanted to do, without any second thoughts, if I wanted to kill I would kill, if I wanted to fu*ck I would fu*ck, if I wanted to be cautious I would be cautious.


It might seem like something worthless, but it was truly of great help to me, and once I made peace with myself, it was time to get outside and have a look at the situation.


Surprisingly while I was enjoying my sweet, secluded cultivation the world outside was actually boiling.


The ones behind the Crown Prince's assassination attempts had been found and it was two Cults and one Sect.


From the traces left behind from those weak cultivators it was found that they belonged to the Demonic Path, Devil Cult, and the True Fire Palace.


Of course, neither of those powers accepted the responsibility, yet they showered the Imperial Clan with gifts and requesting a more thorough investigation.


That was until they finally threw the fault on some Core Disciples that seemed to have been in love with the Flower from the Yang Palace and had acted in cowardice.


More gifts were sent to the Imperial Clan in order to wash their crimes, but everyone knew and understood that enmity had been created.


This was also what I expected to achieve as it would be nothing more than a pipe dream to initiate a war with just this.


No matter how important a Crown Prince was, he never would be able to offset all drawbacks to a war.


Another important matter was that the Crown Prince had been able to meet with the beautiful flower he had come to propose and had received her confirmation.


While the beauty herself had agreed, her Master, the Matriarch had actually denied the proposal with the excuse that the Crown Prince hadn't brought what he promised.


The Matriarch didn't seem to care about the fact that he had been attacked on the way to her Sect, as she simply stated,


"My Sect never intended to invite Your Highness here at this time, it was you who came forward with those words, and it was you who wants to take our flower away!"


Everyone doubted that there was something wrong with this as they heard the whole interaction, but they didn't know where to point their fingers at.


The Crown Princes face was extremely ugly when he heard those words, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel like he had dodged a bullet.


After all, even if he managed to get this beauty as his wife, then would she be delivered to me once again!?


Hearing all these news it made me happy, as this was exactly what I wanted and what I expected.


After all, even if the flower of the Sect would be mine once she married to the Crown Prince, she would need to go away at the Imperial Clan for some time.


I had no intention of leaving the sect for a while, so I couldn't help but think that I would be losing out on her.


After all, with the news I had received from my newest slave within the Sect I had learned that the Flower of the Sect actually had a special constitution.


Not only that, but her special constitution was something that could help those dual cultivating with her reach twice the success with half of the work.


Of course, the Matriarch hadn't been able to just refuse the proposal without repercussions either, as she had been sort of impeached from the Sect.


She had been temporarily removed from her position, and in the absence of her and the Sect Master a council of 6 Elders would be leading the Sect.


Surprisingly two out of the 6 Elders that would lead the Sect temporarily were my slaves, if I managed to get 2 more than I would have majority for all matters in the Sect.


Of course, I couldn't allow to have my spies discovered so I ordered them to play enemies within the council.


Like this I would create two groups, and both would work for me…