Chapter 28: Taking Advantage*


With my two most recent additions to the slave rooster I would be able to slowly enslave the whole of Yin-Yang Prairie Sect, but things weren't that easy for me either.


Forgetting about the big number of Elders out there, there was still that fu*cking Grand Emperor in the Sect that seemed to refuse to leave the place.


Of course, there were also those Ancestor level figures of the Sect, and finally last but not least that illusive Sect Master that had been missing for a while.


There were rumours that he was one of the most talented geniuses that the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect had had for the last thousands of years, and a middle Yang King Realm expert.


Due to all sorts of limitations at the moment it would be dangerous for me to go outside, but it wasn't impossible either.


As long as I played my cards right, and as long as I had the external help of my slaves, then I would swim like a fish in the Sect.


With those thoughts in mind, I just ordered my most recent addition to create the fake identity of a disciple for me, and take me to learn by her side.


With the identity she had, it wasn't anything difficult for her to do, so I quickly left the Punishment Cave and made my way towards her courtyard.


I had no intention of playing the life of a normal disciple of the Sect, I never understood those guys that seemingly wanted to experience the 'normal' life.


I was never born to live a normal life, and I never intended of living a normal life from here on either, I wanted to rule, I wanted to fu*ck, I wanted to reach the peak.


The moment that I got to the entrance of the Inner Area, or the Core Area of the Sect I immediately showed my slave's token and got inside pretty quickly.


The guys at the entrance gave me a weird look, thinking that I was most probably just a boy toy she had picked up recently, but I didn't really care of their thoughts.


Reaching my slave's quarters, I could see that there were a lot of disciples either catering to my slave's desires, or boy toys for her to dual cultivate with.


Without wasting my time, the moment I reached there, I locked up all the boy toys, making sure to remind her that she would be dual cultivating only with me from here on.


That made the woman displeased but why the fu*ck would I care, I was the Master, and she was forced to obey me.


My next step was to take over of everything related to her, as I branded the Souls of all her disciples and servants.


The male disciples were sent to take dangerous missions, and either make money for me or die, while her female servants and disciples would join our dual cultivation sessions.


Just because I was outside it didn't mean that I was going to stop cultivating, quite on the contrary I would take advantage of the Sect's resources.


The Yin-Yang Prairie Sect, as one of the big powers of this Dragon Kingdom, had quite a few great places for cultivation, but also for training.


Not to mention that there was the Pavilion of the martial techniques and skills, where I could finally enlarge my knowledge regarding them.


In fact, thinking up to this point, I ordered my slaves to all bring me a martial skill or technique for me to study.


I had no intention of learning all those skills and techniques.




I just wanted to research them, so I would be able to create my own. I had a few things in mind, but I needed more information on their activations and different meridian patters they followed.


I had too many things to do, but too less time to do them!


Well, first things first, not wasting time for nothing I immediately invited the unhappy Elder and her disciples for a round of dual cultivation.


The Elder had no option to refuse, and her disciples either, as we all entered the big bedroom in the Elder's quarters.


It was only now that I was actually paying attention to these beauties, and I had to say that they were all top grades.


Their curves were dangerous, and so were their faces. Each of them was a city topping beauty, and people would kill to have just one of them in bed.


As for me, I had all 5 of them in my bed!


The 4 disciples only had Yin True Realm cultivations, but they were great as snacks. As the main course was for certain the Elder herself.


Even now, I still couldn't forget the feeling of her black holes. I knew that I was going to immediately climax upon trying that again, but who cared.


That feeling was intoxicating and was something that I wouldn't let go for nothing in the world.


There was one more reason why I dared to think of that in here though, and that was the specialty of this woman's bedroom.


While the disciples of the Sect would need to pay with contribution points to use the Yin-Yang Pressure Hall, this woman could benefit from that all the time.


Of course, the Elders of the Sect had benefits that the normal disciples didn't have, and would only dream of having.


As for me, I could take advantage of these benefits, without even belonging to the Sect.


Well, the whole Sect was going to belong to me in the future, so I was just using what belonged to me in advance.


I didn't have the time to think about these things at the moment though, as 5 beauties got naked in front of me without a second thought.


They all removed every piece of clothing covering their bodies before lying on the bed beside each other and spreading their secret cave entrances in front of me.


It was just like a luxurious vitrine where you could pick whatever it suits your tastes, and everything in there was mouthwatering.


I wasn't able to control myself, I wanted each and every one of them, especially the woman that had almost killed me the other day.


Still, after what happened the other day, I knew better so I didn't go directly for the desert, but started with some warmup first.


Removing my robes as well, I introduced my Double Dragons to the beauties, and then without even giving an order they immediately jumped to the opportunity.


This was the difference between a real dual cultivator and one that was just dabbling on the way.


A real dual cultivator didn't need orders to do what they had to do, and what it would benefit their cultivation greatly.


Of course, there was still the startle and shock upon noticing both Dragons standing proudly and staring at the victims, but they quickly accepted that.


Once the startle was gone, all beauties jumped to the opportunity to introduce their selves to my Double Dragons, whether it was with their mouths, tongues, or even fluffy buns.


It was such a great time to be alive!


Even though this wasn't my first time receiving this kind of service, it was still different each time.


This was also one of the reasons why I could never get bored with dual cultivation, as every time each beauty was different.


Each woman was unique, providing me with unique experiences and pleasure.


Of course, the one in the lead was the Elder, she was not only enjoying herself on my Double Dragons, but she was also teaching her Disciples with new techniques and moves.


It felt like one of those videos that the 'otaku' would see, the ones where a mature lady would help the younger ones and teach them how to fu*ck.


Well, I didn't have much time to think about the scene though, as I could feel that I was close to releasing my special milk soon.


And it truly happened like that, my special milk was spewed like fire from the two Dragon's and burned the throats that blocked their path.


Once that was done, I piled them on top of each other, and started playing with their secret caves as if it were some sort of whack-a-mole.


It was such a pleasure playing with multiple beauties at the same time, especially when they were arousing and playing with each other in the meanwhile as well.


The only one I didn't dare enter easily was the Elder herself, that woman was beyond my ability to control, so I had to be extremely careful with her.


Every time I entered her, I made sure to order her to not trap me in her holes, even though the Yin Qi she repetitively released kind of baffled me as well.


This woman!


Well, it didn't matter, since the Yin-Yang Pressure Hall was active at all times, I didn't need to wait for after the cultivation to be cultivate.


Now, I could cycle my energy while I dual cultivated at the same time, and it made everything much easier.


It definitely made my time worth more, even though I wasn't able to refine all the energy I received, it was still good progress.


That was what helped me in not losing the war I had started so soon, which definitely surprised the Elder and her disciples.


Finally, when I released my special milk within their bodies, they all trembled like extremely happy birds, and even tried to close their legs around my waist.


At this moment, they didn't feel as it was a big loss to dual-cultivate only with me from here on…