Chapter 29: Taking Control of the Council I


It was certainly great dual cultivating with all those beauties at the same time, but I am not good with words to explain everything.


I am sure that you don't care about my thoughts or words though, as you only care about their beauty, but while they were beautiful, none of them grabbed my attention fully.


That is also the reason why I don't get into details about their appearance, or the cultivation sessions, none of them was worth it.


Once the dual cultivation session was done, I sat up in meditation cycling all the energy and solidifying my cultivation, while the Elder went for a visit to one of her friends.


I needed at least 4 out of 6 Elders to play my tune in order to control the whole Sect in and out.


Of course, after the Council of Elders would be the time to deal with the Matriarch, but that was for later.


While I waited for news from my servant though, I didn't waste my time either, as I had actually reached the 1stlevel of Foundation Establishment Realm.


I didn't know what these meant for others, but for me this was a qualitative and quantitative leap, as I had not only a bigger deposit of energy, but I also had better control of it.


Now I felt like I truly could create a few techniques or skills of my own. Especially since even my Soul had actually gone up by two small levels, and I was no peak 3rd Realm.


Now I felt even more comfortable in dealing with my slaves, and prepared for my next slaves as well.


While I was thinking like that, I finally got news from the beautiful elder to make an appearance.


It seemed like either her friendship was too 'good' and she had been able to trick the other party easily, or her opponent had been just too weak for her.


Still, since she requested for me, then it meant that everything was ready, and there wasn't much of trouble either.


With these thoughts in mind, I took two more servants from the Elder's place and slowly made my way towards the location.


Putting one servant at the front and one at the back I had my front and back covered, as I looked like I was just with the two of them.


Not too useless but not too important either, just one more!


That was the exact feeling I wanted to give others, just to make sure that I didn't attract attention and stood out.


Reaching the other Elders quarters I entered alongside the two servants, only to see the said Elder grabbing a pillow like he was grabbing a woman.


The old thing was squeezing the pillow from both sides, like he was grabbing her rear behind, and at the same time, his proud weapon had opened a hole in the middle.


It was one of those moments that was hard to believe, but at the same time it also showcased the greatness of soul attacks.


The Elder had used the same strategy that she tried to make a defence against me, using her Soul Attack to cast an illusion upon the target, and trap them in the illusion.


This Elder was the living example of the skill working, as he seemed to have completely lost his mind at this moment.


As a matter of fact, if he knew that he was giving such a show right now, then he would most probably go haywire and make sure he exterminated everyone present.


Well, it didn't really matter, since everything was just ready, I didn't waste my time and immediately sent my Soul Avatar over and placed a Slave Seal.


The moment that this new slave understood what was going on, it was already too late for him.


While I could feel his anger, rage, and killing intent that he had towards me or the Elder that trapped him, I didn't really care about it.


He was supposed to be just one more of my slaves, and if he weren't part of that Elder's Council I would never care much about this guy.


At this point though, I just noticed a problem that I had actually neglected until now. The Matriarch wasn't my biggest opponent at the moment, the Vice Sect Master was.


This motherfu*cker was a true mole, not only had he campaigned against the Matriarch in order to be impeached, but he had also used the Grand-Emperor to sway the Elders.


This guy seemed to be like one of those that would burn down their own house, just to be in charge of the pen.


He had truly sold his soul to the fu*cking Imperial Clan.


This just made things more interesting for me though, as I would clash with the Imperial Clan before dealing with the big powers.


It was the same as going to a restaurant, order a full meal, and eating the main course before the soup.


It would upset my stomach a little bit, but beside that nothing much would change. I would still eat the whole meal.


But things were not yet finished, I still had only three out of the 6 Elders that were in the Elders Council.


One of the Elders was the Vice Sect Master so he couldn't be touched at the moment. I wouldn't have the same pleasure of destroying his plans if he were my slave.


No, he had to be free until the very end, witness all the work he had done slowly get destroyed in front of his eyes.


This left me with just two more choices, one of them being the Matriarch's Sister which was also her most devoted follower, and the second being the oldest Elder of the Sect.


The first one was supposed to be the Matriarch's closest person, and also the one that would bring the Matriarch's thoughts to the table.


The second one didn't have many achievements, she had just been there for a long time, and there were rumours that she was from the same generation as the Ancestors.


It looked like she was just an old woman who refused to die. Still, no one dared to take her lightly as they had placed her in the Elder's Council.


The chosen one for me, was apparent!


Yes, it was the Matriarch's sister, not only was she going to be a good link for when I decided to go forward for the Matriarch, but also that old woman seemed dangerous.


No person lives that long just because.


There must be something weird with her, definitely!


The only remaining problem left was how to approach the woman, as these Elders had their own protective formations around their caves, and quarters.


They wouldn't allow anyone to easily enter their quarters, and even more so they wouldn't lower their guard in front of those they invited in.


For that reason, a plan was necessary, a point of contact was necessary. That had me rack my brains a little bit, knowing how to proceed.


Fortunately, my newest slave was able to provide me with great help, as I learned that the Matriarch's sister actually had a soft spot for the Vice Sect Master.


Not only that, but the Vice Sect Master had already started to rope her in, and he was slowly taking her into his Camp.


If the Matriarch knew what was going on she would be coughing blood, but for me this was the best news possible.


I finally had a breakthrough point to turning her into my slave, and with that in mind I started planning for what to do next.


Of course, spreading that information, or calling her to meet my newest slave depending on that information wouldn't be really useful.


Quite on the contrary it might be counterproductive, so I had to act a little bit differently in this case.


For that reason, I decided to choose a disciple that was known to have a thing for her, enslave him and then use him against her.


Just like I had acted against the Yang Clan in the No.12 Flower Petal City, I just sent a letter to the beauty through her disciples.


The contents were pretty simple,


"I know about your deal with the Vice Sect Master!"


Where was this any different from having my newest slave do the same!?


Well, it definitely was, against my newest slave she would be in full guard mode as he was in similar standing and power, and it would be extremely difficult to 'subdue' her.


While against a weak and stupid disciple she didn't need to really be on guard as the moment she was unhappy with how he behaved she could just get rid of him.


A cat had to stay on guard against another cat, or even worse a dog, but she didn't need to do the same against a mouse.



My plans were a little bit off though unexpectedly, as this woman seemed to be even more careful than expected.


It turned out that she wasn't a cat, in fact she was a dirty fox that played by her own rules, and she would use the full strength even if it were to strangle a mouse.


This pissed me off!


This woman had actually reported the situation to that bastard Vice Sect Master, and had told him to take action in order for her to not involve herself.


That completely thwarted away my plan of catching her alone and then using my other slaves to put her down.


So, to say I was pissed off, was an understatement…