Chapter 30: Taking Control of the Council II


Once again, I was remembered that I couldn't underestimate and belittle the people of this world, they weren't as stupid and easy predictable as I made them be.


I needed to truly stop underestimating people, especially these old ladies that had been living for a long life, and had reached such heights depending on their strength and ability.


Well, this didn't mean that I had given up from my plans and arrangements, no it just made me feel like I was slowly maturing and becoming better.


While I had absorbed the soul and memories of the otaku and those other experts, I wasn't able to get their experience and maturity.


All I got from them seemed to be just information inside me, just like reading about their lives but not actually living through them.


So experiences like the current one were extremely good for me to grow up slowly, rather than rushing things and dying a regretful death.


The fact, that I was scared of dying seemed to be a truly good thing at the moment, while it made me look like coward, I didn't care.


At the end of the day I would be a living and happy coward, while those heroes would be dead, leaving their wives and families behind.


Well, anyway that was just my perspective of the situation, as right now I had more important things to worry about.


How would that bastard Vice Sect Master react to the information!?


While the beauty failed my predictions the greedy bastard didn't, as he didn't deal with the situation personally, but decided to delegate the job to someone else.


The Matriarch's sister wasn't the only one that didn't want to get involved in this matter, he was the same.


Funnily and perfectly enough, the one he chooses to deal with the matter was my slave, which brought the initiative once again in my hands.


But how could my slave agree to do the dirty work of someone else without getting something in return?


After all, my slave was on his camp, but it wasn't his servant, so there was a give and take relationship between them.


What my slave requested for his services was something pretty simple that his 'partner' could give it to him without much trouble.


My slave requested for the beauty in question, the Matriarch's sister to dual cultivate with him.


After all, who would be able to let go of a such an opportunity!?


There were two reasons why I requested something like this. Of course, the first was to create a moment of being alone with her so I could enslave her.


But at the same time, I wanted to check how much the Vice Sect Master cared about her and most importantly what kind of man was he?


After all, there were two type of men in my books, those that wanted to keep their women to themselves, and those that actually didn't mind sharing them.


Most of the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect's men were of the second type, that mostly due to the fact that this was a dual cultivation sect, but I wanted to check on this person specifically.


After all, he was someone with great ambition and I wanted to just check whether this guy would do whatever it took to reach his goals, or did he have limits!?


The response made me extremely happy, as not only did the Vice Sect Master agree to the deal!


But he also said that as long as my slave followed him properly whatever woman he desired wouldn't be a problem, including Imperial women.


I don't know whether his Dao Companion from the Imperial Clan was included in his words, but it didn't really matter.


She was going to end up being mine anyway, so I didn't really bother with that part.


Of course, in a show of good faith, my slave immediately made his move and captured the disciple, alongside the proof of how the news had gone out.


Since I was the source and knew everything that had been said it was pretty easy to 'find' evidence.


The Vice Sect Master didn't disappoint either, as he said that the Matriarch's sister would be ready to dual cultivate within the month.


This was like a delay tactic, or at least that was what I thought, but I couldn't be impatient and make a wrong move.


Leaving the slave with just that agreement, I spent the next weeks cultivating with the Elder, her disciples, and most importantly with the women of my Punishment Cave.


Reaching the Foundation Establishment was nothing but a small goal of mine, it wasn't the end of the road for me.


For that reason, I kept going hard at dual cultivating, until new issues had sprout in order to make sure that I was as prepared as possible for what was to come next.


One big problem cropped up in the meanwhile though, as apparently, I wasn't able to cultivate as fast as I could go through Qi Refining Realm.


Since the quality of Qi I had absorbed due to the Qi Refining Realm, it had made my Dantian think of any lower quality Qi as useless.


Well, it wasn't totally useless, but for each level below the Yang True Realm, the energy seemed to be at least 10x times less.


So, my speed of cultivation became extremely slow, well it was at least 2 or 3 times slower than before, which was kind of expected.


Still, since I had quite a few dual cultivation partners of Yang True Realm and above ready for me at any time, I could still have a really fast cultivation.


In just two week I reached from the 1st level of the Foundation Establishment Realm to the 4th level of Foundation Establishment Realm.


Of course, this happened while keeping the same solidification of my cultivation, while I wanted speed there was no compromise on quality.


I would have kept going towards the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm, but I finally got news regarding the Matriarchs sister.


The beauty was ready to have a dual cultivation session with my slave, and that was before a big meeting was going to take place in the Sect.


It was a known secret that during the meeting it would be discussed whether the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect would actually form an alliance with the Imperial Clan.


While that sounded like a great idea, there were a few problems that those extremely positive thinkers didn't see.


First of all, the alliance would be a loss for the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect, and also future danger.


Not only wasn't the Imperial Clan sending resources, but they were actually taking resources from the Sect, as they were sending firepower.


The purpose on letter was great, as they were trying to make sure that the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect was protected, especially from the tigers around.


Unfortunately, at the same time it meant that there would be a second power in the same mountain.


Not to mention that it looked like the Imperial Clan wanted to declare war to the two Cults and one Sect around, and Yin-Yang Prairie Sect would be at the centre.


Knowing all these I couldn't allow something like that to happen, while the Vice Sect Master seemed to want this to happen.


One more reason to make sure it didn't happen no matter what.



Once the meeting was arranged between my slave and the Matriarch's sister, I just made a few small preparations, before I set up everything in motion.


In order to be as closer to the scene as possible, I took the position of a small servant in my slave's courtyard and waited for the guest to make her appearance.


It didn't take long for that to happen, and really soon the woman dressed scantily, entered the slave's quarters with a clearly unhappy look on her face.


She was clearly unhappy that she was being forced into this situation, but her attitude changed a little bit upon witnessing my other slave, the woman Elder.


Since this guy was able to have her here as well, then he must have some sort of skills or ability, and that made her look a little bit forward to what was going to happen next.


Not wanting to waste her time the Matriarch's sister immediately took off all her clothes, and approached my slave.


The poor guy the moment he saw her approach he immediately took two or three steps back, as it was my orders kicking.


From the moment he was branded with the slave seal the poor old thing couldn't cultivate with a woman any longer.


His attitude though gave the wrong impression to the Matriarch's sister, who thought that she had been too pushy just now.


To her it didn't matter what a man did to her body, from the moment she had become part of a dual cultivating sect she had lost any shame, or weird sense of her body.


To her the body was nothing more but a mean to achieve her goals!


Since men liked her body and this helped her find good dual cultivation partners, then she treated her body as a resource towards her goal.


Knowing that her body was something that man would kill for, since this guy moved back then he was either scared of her other man, or he was someone who didn't like women.


With those thoughts in mind, she couldn't help but look weirdly towards my other slave, as if wanting to say…