Chapter 34: DisUnity


If there was one thing that powerhouses fu*cking hated was being called by their name, and removing all the titles and honour that came with their cultivation.


One could see that on the Grand-Emperor's face as well, as he looked like he had just been told to eat shit.


It was just like having a little kid tell you to fu*ck off, of course he would feel worse than shit, as this little bi*tch was way below his weight.


If it was said from the Ancestor right beside the Sect Master, the Grand Emperor would have taken that as just chatter between equals, but not him.


For that reason, the Grand Emperor couldn't control himself and his momentary anger, and immediately spread his domain towards his target.


Immediately the whole place felt like it was plunged into a golden palace, and a golden aura spread with the Grand Emperor at the centre.


Everyone felt a sudden desire to kneel down in front of the Golden Emperor that showed up right behind the Grand Emperor, who seemed to be ready to judge the whole World.


Of course, he had no intention of killing the Sect Master, he wanted just to injure and scare the shit out of him.


It wasn't that he didn't want to kill the disrespectful bastard and be done with him, it was just that doing that would make everything go bonkers.


First of all, he couldn't secure his own life, especially with that Ancestor on the back.


Secondly doing so would end up in either dominating the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect through strength and power, or making one more enemy for their Imperial Clan.


If it was possible of dominating the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect through power he wouldn't have bothered with such petty tricks, so he could just think of scaring and breaking their momentum.


Unfortunately, things wouldn't be that easy for him, as the moment his domain spread towards the Sect Master there was the Ancestor to protect him.


"Aren't you being too presumptuous here in our Sect!?"


This time it was the Ancestor that took the limelight, as the person's eyes were showing a bit under the big and heavy casket it was wearing.


The eyes were chilly, and it felt like a demon was staring at the whole scene and especially the Grand-Emperor, but the guy didn't seem to mind it much.


He just looked playfully towards the direction of that Ancestor and said in a playful tone,


"Heh! It seems like you are still begrudging on the fact that you lost to me in our 'last' fight!"


Those words seemed to have truly incited rage in the Ancestor as she immediately doubled her efforts and spread her domain as well.


Immediately the Golden Aura of that Golden Emperor was replaced by a sweet aroma of cherry flowers that seemed to invite everyone into a world full of lust.


Few were the ones that could actually keep their mind intact in such a moment and time, but the number wasn't small either.


Of course, everyone's attention was on the Ancestor who seemed to be extremely angry right now.


Her domain didn't make the Golden disappear, quite on the contrary it integrated itself in it, became a part of it, and it started turning the Golden Emperor against it Master.


It was quite a situation, as even the Grand Emperor hadn't expected something like this to happen.


It was clear that he was caught by surprise as he couldn't help but ramble out loud,


"You bi*tch, when did you became so strong!?"


The Ancestor's only let out a chuckle at hearing those words, as she said in a matter-of-fact voice,


"I might have lost that small fight, but I won the fu*cking war!"


It was clear that she was still extremely displeased by the whole situation, but she was still happy to have caught her opponent by surprise.


The Grand Emperor was clearly displeased to have been caught off-guard, but he quickly regained composure and said,


"Do you think that your small achievement in domain will make you, my opponent!?"


He had hit the nail on the head, as despite the fact that her Domain had reached a small achievement, the Ancestor still wasn't his opponent.



At the same time, she didn't need to be though, as she wasn't looking for a fight to the death, one-to-one.


No, she was just looking to oppress the opponent and throw him out of her fu*cking house.


This old fu*cking thing was coming here to take control of her house, and destroy it to bits without any care in the world, how could she allow something like that to happen?


Not to mention that she wasn't alone in this place, even though quite a few bastards had been corrupted from the other side, she still had the Elders of her Sect with her.


With those thoughts in mind, she didn't waste her time discussing much with him, and stated everything straight,


"I never intended to fight with you old thing, from the very beginning all I wanted to do was put a stop to this farce and have you leave my Sect.


We aren't interested in this Alliance you propose, so you better take that proposal away, but at the same time we have no intention of going against the Imperial Clan.


You better take this deal somewhere else!


Otherwise, me and those old things like me wouldn't mind showing up to protect our Sect with everything we have!"


Hearing that the Grand Emperor's face went gloomy as he couldn't accept such a result, it was a slap to his face, as he had promised he would deliver.


But if those old bastards that had forgotten to die made an appearance things would get messy, and he couldn't allow that to happen.


"Ancestor, please reconsider!

This is a great opportunity for our Yin-Yang Prairie Sect to become renowned across the Empire, and gain respect!"


Just when everyone thought that everything was coming to an enclosure, the Vice Sect Master decided to butt in and speak on defence of the Imperial Clan and the Grand Emperor.


His words were giving the idea of a disparities within the hierarchy of the Sect, and there would definitely be other backing his words.


After all, he had done his job all this while, he had lobbied and roped quite a few Elders on his side.


Before those on his side could even say a thing though, they heard the Sect Master speak in an unquestionable tone,


"Who the fu*ck let this dog bark in here and spoil my mood!?"


The face of the Vice Sect Master immediately turned dark and gloomy, even worse than that of the Grand Emperor before.


He would have never thought that not only wouldn't he be given face in this situation, but he would also receive such scolding.


If it weren't for the fact that he didn't want to destroy all, he would have already fought the bastard in front of him.


Unfortunately, he didn't dare to do something like that, not when there was still hope of recovering the situation.


With those thoughts in mind, he swallowed the anger and rage in his heart and mind, and said in a resolute voice,


"You don't have the right to behave like you are the owner of this place, you waste.

This is the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect, not your own household!

You are just a temporary leader to lead us towards higher peaks, but now that the opportunity is out there, you refuse stubbornly without good reason.

To me, that sounds like a good reason to impeach you, just like that woman!"


Once those words were said, the whole scene fell in silence once again, but only for a brief moment as the next one the Sect Master started laughing out loud,


"Really now!?

You are going to impeach me!?

You and who doggy!?"


The moment that the Sect Master said those words, he didn't spread any pressure he just started looking everyone on the eyes.


It was clear that he was trying to intimidate everyone with his own identity, and he would have been successful for sure, if there was no me!


After all, a peaceful Sect under the control of the Sect Master or anyone else for that matter had never been my intention or plan.


Quite on the contrary I wanted the Sect and the whole world in chaos, fighting one another so I could slowly grow stronger and take them all by surprise.


It was exactly with such thoughts in mind, that I immediately changed my plan of action, and had my F1 take the initiative to make a sound,


"I back his words!"


Those words were said in a low and calm voice, but it rumbled through the whole Gathering Hall, making everyone turn their attention to the voice.


F1 didn't seem to be bothered by the stares she got up and continued,


"In fact, I am not the only one, the majority of this Council of Elders that was created think the same!

Of course, we don't agree to the alliance with the Imperial Clan fully, but at the same time we can't allow one person to treat this place as their playground!

For that reason, we have decided to support a partial alliance with the Imperial Clan, and impeach the Sect Master, while keeping the Council of Elders!"


To a lot of Elders in the Gathering Hall, to the Sect Master, to the Matriarch, and to the Ancestor as well, this was clearly the effort of the Council to not lose their power and resources.


At a time that they needed to be united interests put them apart, they had clearly miscalculated…