Chapter 7: A terrifying power that could twist the soul

Edward's face was a picture of astonishment.

When had he become the Lord of Holy Light?

Could it be because he summoned Angels, and since Angels were the only type of troops, he inadvertently became the god of their faith?

It seemed like the only plausible explanation.

"Lord of Holy Light, the origin of the sacred faith..."

"That's quite the title."

"Too bad I'm just a level one professional. Having such a title feels a bit awkward. If I were an eternal true god, that would be impressive."

"But anyway, this is good news."

"At least I don't have to worry about conflicts between 'Lord's authority' and 'divine faith.'"

Previously, Edward thought the Lord of Holy Light that the Angels worshipped was some deity.

Naturally, he was concerned about whom his summoned Angels would obey if there was a conflict between the Lord's authority and divine faith.

Now that he knew the Angels worshipped him, there was nothing to worry about.

Seeing Edward looking towards the goblins gathered in the distance, Virginia quickly explained, "Lord, under the purification of the Holy Flame, these humble intelligent creatures have become your fervent devotees."

"They may be weak, but they are still useful at this stage."

"As their god of faith, you can command them to do anything."

Virginia indicated that she and Janet had used the Angelic Flame to purify the goblins' souls, forcibly converting them to Edward's faith while elevating their faith to a fanatic level.

Faith is loyalty.

Fanatic-level devotees mean these goblins would die for Edward without hesitation.

Then Virginia added, "The faith provided by these goblins can also increase the likelihood of you ascending to godhood in the future."

Edward was still pondering the issue of Angelic Flame purifying souls and spreading faith.

Hearing this, he immediately asked, "Faith is related to becoming a god?"

"Yes, Lord."

Virginia respectfully said, "Faith is a shortcut to becoming a deity, simpler than understanding the laws to become a god. The more followers you have and the higher their level of faith, the greater your chances of becoming a god."

Edward was exhilarated.

Becoming an eternal deity was his dream.

It was the goal that countless professionals strived for.

Now that he had unexpectedly discovered a path to godhood, how could he not be pleased?

At that moment, he suddenly asked, "You just mentioned understanding the laws to become a god... Does that mean there are at least two types of deities, one being gods of faith and the other, gods of laws?"

"Lord, you are wise."

Virginia timely complimented.

Edward then asked, "So, compared to gods of laws, how powerful are gods of faith?"

Virginia explained, "The power of gods of faith depends on the number of their followers. When you have an endless number of followers, you become the most powerful deity across the myriad worlds."

Edward understood.

Few followers, weak god of faith.

Many followers, strong god of faith.

No wonder his Angels started spreading faith and developing followers for him right from the start; they were paving his future.

Thinking this, his gaze towards Virginia and Janet suddenly became fervent.

Indeed, his choice was correct.

From any perspective, Angels were the perfect troops.

Edward said, "In that case, let's keep these goblins. Select a squad of level three goblin warriors to stay in the territory, and the rest can go out with you to lend a hand."

"At your command, Lord."

Virginia bowed respectfully again.

Meanwhile, the gathered goblins, hearing Edward's words, also excitedly knelt down and worshiped him: "Praise you, great Lord of Holy Light, your sacred light shall shine across all realms."


Edward almost cringed at the praise. It was clear there was no correcting this. In the eyes of these goblins, he was the supreme Lord of Holy Light, a god-like figure. That's what belief was—a terrifying power that could twist the soul, wicked to its core. Yet, when that power was in his hands, Edward found it thrilling, bringing him an inexplicable rush.


"Not taking a break?" Edward raised an eyebrow, glancing at the stunningly beautiful Virginia. The petite and adorable Janet stood by her side. The two Angels had just returned and were already gearing up for another hunt, not sparing a moment for rest.

Virginia responded respectfully, "Lord, the faith of the Holy Light provides us Angels with a continuous source of power. Normal battles hardly wear us out."

"Maybe grab a bite, then?" Edward pressed on.

Virginia replied, "Lord, there's no need to worry about us going hungry. Though we appear to be flesh and blood, we are actually beings of holy spirit. The elemental magic of the universe is our sustenance."

Edward was at a loss for words. He couldn't help but marvel again at how Angels were such an unbeatable type of troop. Perfect in every aspect, they didn't need rest or food—it was like having perpetual motion machines.

"Still, wait a moment, I'll go recruit another round."

"As you command," Virginia and Janet responded respectfully.

Together with Edward, they walked into the Lord's Hall. Once there, Edward explained to Virginia and Janet, "The gold coins you collect from slain monsters serve as the medium for summoning more Angels."

"The more gold coins you gather, the more powerful Angels I can summon."

"Is that so?" Virginia and Janet's eyes gleamed with an intense desire for the coins.

Edward's remark made Virginia and Janet even greedier for gold coins than the dragons of legend, as these coins were linked to the grand revival of their Angelic kind in this world.

Edward nodded slightly, "This hunting trip, you've collected a total of eighty-six gold coins, enough to summon only one dual-winged Angel."

During the hunt, Virginia and Janet had slain over three hundred monsters but had managed to collect only eighty-seven gold coins. Besides the coins, not a single item like equipment, blueprints, or seeds had dropped. It was evident how low the drop rate was in the Worlds' Floating Isles.

"It looks like if we want to gather a significant amount of gold coins, we'll need to attack the monsters' strongholds."