Chapter 8: This is like hitting the jackpot

On the Worlds' Floating Isles, monsters are categorized into two types. One type includes beasts like wild boars and wolves, which possess lower intelligence. The other type encompasses intelligent creatures like Goblins.

Typically, intelligent creatures have strongholds or belong to tribes. There was once a Lord who spilled the beans on the [profession forum] stating that if one could conquer the stronghold guarded by these intelligent creatures, not only could they collect a hefty sum of gold coins, but they could also acquire a variety of resources, including blueprints.

However, taking down a stronghold is no small feat; it requires real power. "With power, you can do whatever you want," Edward didn't hesitate and immediately began a new round of summoning. Soon, a signature black hole appeared in mid-air within the hall. Moments later, a figure radiating holy light flew out from the black hole.

This figure, as beautiful as Virginia and Janet, had a flawless angelic face and a statuesque figure, standing tall at about 5 feet 9 inches, with silver hair cascading over her shoulders, dressed in a matching silver-white angelic armor. She also had a pair of snow-white wings on her back.

After emerging from the black hole, this beautiful and holy angel approached Edward and bowed respectfully without hesitation. "Praise be to you, respected Lord. Thank you for summoning me and giving me new life. I vow to follow you unto eternity."

"Very well," Edward said with a smile, casually clicking to check her information template. As expected, this dual-winged angel's information template was the same as Virginia's and Janet's, starting at level five with the potential to reach demigod status.

Edward had thought about summoning a higher-ranked four-winged angel, or even a six-winged angel, but unfortunately, he was short on gold coins—too poor.

Edward then said to the angel in front of him, "From now on, your name is Carolyn."

"By your command, Lord," Angel Carolyn said excitedly. "It is Carolyn's honor to receive a name from you."

Edward calmly accepted the beautiful angel's compliment. After hearing similar phrases often, it seemed less awkward.

"Carolyn, you will team up with Virginia and Janet to hunt outside the territory. While collecting spoils of war, you will also enhance your own level."

Killing monsters can also increase a soldier's level. After a monster is killed, the primal force rewarded by the Worlds' Floating Isles is divided into two parts. One part goes to the soldier, and the other to the Lord. When a single soldier kills an enemy, the reward for the Lord is minimal. But that doesn't matter.

Because a Lord's army is not just one soldier. When the number of soldiers increases, the accumulated primal rewards become significant, even formidable. This is one of the fundamental reasons why a Lord can rapidly advance in levels by continuously recruiting soldiers and expanding his legion.

"At your command, Lord," the three dual-winged angels quickly formed a squad and left the territory without delay. They were accompanied by about twenty Goblins.

These Goblins were tasked with assisting the angel squad, such as transporting the bodies of the hunted monsters back to the territory. After their departure, only less than ten Goblins remained within the territory, all of them third-level Goblin warriors.

As for the other Goblins (totaling over sixty), they had already left the territory. Their mission was to bring back the bodies of monsters previously hunted by Virginia and Janet. Monster corpses can still be useful. After being processed, they can yield edible meat and some valuable monster materials.

At this moment, the Goblins left behind in the territory were busy dissecting the piles of monster corpses in the square, quickly accumulating stacks of meat and hides.


By noon, Edward waved over a Goblin warrior. The Goblin knelt devoutly before Edward, his forehead touching the ground, displaying great reverence.

"Great Lord of Holy Light, what do you command?" the Goblin asked.

"I'm getting a bit hungry, roast some of that meat," Edward replied.

"Following your command."

The Goblin warrior hurriedly got up and scurried off to prepare the meat. Watching this, the other Goblin warriors showed looks of envy. Being able to roast meat for their god of faith was a highly honorable task.

Goblins, it must be said, have their ways when it comes to solving food and warmth issues. It's unclear where they found the dry wood and tinder, but they quickly made fire by friction. Then, stacking up the wood and skewering the meat...

All done in one go.

Half an hour later, a wooden platter of golden, sizzling meat was respectfully presented to Edward by the Goblin warrior. Edward wasn't worried about being poisoned; he just started eating.

The Goblins' fanatic devotion to Edward wasn't just something Virginia casually mentioned. Edward could feel it himself. Between him and these Goblins, invisible threads connected them, with mystical energy flowing through these threads into Edward's body.

After consulting with the [Worlds' Floating Isles], Edward learned that these threads were threads of faith, and the energy transmitted was the power of the Goblins' faith in him.

Faith equals loyalty.

Being fervent believers, why would they harm him?

Based on facts, Edward could fully trust these Goblin followers. At least, that's what the [Worlds' Floating Isles] confirmed.

After eating a few bites of the meat, Edward said to the Goblin warrior who stood drooling yet seemingly waiting for further orders, "If you guys are hungry, go roast some meat for yourselves. You've earned it with your hard work."

The Goblin warrior immediately knelt down, his body trembling with excitement.

"Praise you, great and merciful Lord of Holy Light, may your glory forever shelter the humble Goblins."

"Go ahead," Edward waved his hand.

Was he being merciful?

No, he was just doing what a Lord should do.

He not only needed to ensure his subjects were fed, but also that they had proper shelter.

If the subjects weren't satisfied with life in the territory, how could the territory possibly develop?

"The territory only has three wooden houses, not enough to house over sixty Goblins. We need to build more houses. After all, the number of troops and subjects will only increase..."

Developing the territory was essential, and such foundational buildings were necessary. However, the rules of the Worlds' Floating Isles stipulated that any construction must use blueprints.

What Edward was most lacking now were blueprints. Just as he was feeling troubled, a monster kill notification appeared, brightening his mood instantly.

[Your angels Carolyn, Virginia, and Janet have surrounded and killed a level seven Lordmonster, the Silver-Horned Serpent, yielding ten gold coins, a piece of leather armor, and a blueprint...]

"This is like hitting the jackpot."

"Not only did we get a blueprint, but we also got some equipment."

Edward was overjoyed, it was exactly what he needed.