Chapter 9: Edward wasn't a naming machine

Edward immediately contacted Virginia, asking her to bring back the leaked blueprints. During this time, Edward munched on some barbecue while browsing information on wooden houses.

[Wooden Houses]

[Level: Low]

[Capacity: 10 residents]

[Next Level: Medium Wooden Houses]

[Upgrade Requirements: 200 units of wood, 100 units of stone]

"I don't have a stockpile of wood or stone in my territory," Edward mused. "But I could trade food on the platform with other professionals. If that doesn't work, I'll have the Goblins in my territory gather stone and chop wood."

"Let's see what Virginia's team has unearthed first."

Edward didn't have to wait long. About five minutes later, a white figure soared across the sky, holy and beautiful—it was the winged Angel, Virginia.

"Lord," she greeted upon landing.

Moments later, Virginia descended from the heavens and respectfully handed Edward a blueprint, a piece of leather armor, and a couple dozen gleaming gold coins.

"Did anyone get hurt when you took down that level seven Lordmonster?" Edward asked immediately.

Virginia shook her head and replied, "Rest assured, my Lord, no one was injured. Even on my own, I can hold my own against that Lordmonster. With the three of us, it was a breeze."

Her words deeply impressed upon Edward the unique and top-tier capabilities of a level five winged Angel, capable of contending with a level seven Lordmonster.

"That's good to hear. Always be careful out there when you're hunting," Edward advised.

"We understand, Lord," Virginia responded respectfully, her eyes filled with gratitude.

Edward then led Virginia into the Lord's Hall behind him. Previously, after summoning Angel Carolyn, he had twenty-seven gold coins left. Now, with the twenty-four coins Virginia brought back, he had a total of fifty-one coins—just enough to summon another winged Angel.

The summoning was quick, and another stunningly beautiful Angel appeared before Edward. This new Angel looked just like Virginia and the others, clad in shimmering silver armor, wielding a golden flame-engulfed sword, and sporting a pair of pristine white wings—not only beautiful and holy but also impressively gallant.

Edward named the new Angel "Ruth."

Without wasting any time, Edward had Ruth join the Angel squad to hunt alongside Virginia and the others.

After the two Angels departed, Edward muttered to himself, "The more Angels I have, the harder it gets to come up with names."

He could see that each Angel treasured the names he bestowed upon them as a supreme honor. But Edward wasn't a naming machine—his creativity was finite, and remembering every name was another challenge altogether.

Shaking his head to clear these thoughts, Edward then examined the blueprint and leather armor Virginia had handed over. Items like these could be in two states: identified and unidentified. Items in the unidentified state required magical appraisal before they could be used, and typically, such items were of high quality.

The items Edward held were ordinary, as he could tell at a glance their details.

[Territory Blueprints]

[Type: Warehouse]

[Uses: Single use]

[Construction Requirements: 300 units of wood, 200 units of stone, 50 units of iron ore]

[Special Note: A warehouse is an essential building for the development of your territory. It prevents stored food from spoiling.]


[Snake Armor]

[Type: Defensive Gear]

[Defense Level: Level 7]

[Durability: 100]

[Special Effect: Can intimidate snake-type monsters up to level 7.]

[Description: This leather armor is crafted from the hide of a Lord-level Silver Horned Snake, providing impressive defensive capabilities. Wearing it, you can move freely among snakes without obstruction.]


"Considering it's gear dropped from a Lord-level monster, it's definitely not shabby."

In fact, it's top-notch. Keep in mind, the defense level of the Snake Armor is a whopping level 7. Most professionals who've just arrived at the Worlds' Floating Isles are still at level zero, and those who've managed to advance to level one are exceedingly rare. Gear that matches a level 7 professional is anything but mediocre.

At this stage, this Snake Armor is a gem among gems.

Combat professionals wearing it can practically dominate in the wild.

Most lower-level monsters can't even breach its defense.

Not to mention, it also has a special effect of intimidating ordinary snake-type monsters.

Calling it a newbie's artifact wouldn't be an exaggeration.

However, that blueprint left Edward unsure whether to feel thrilled or disappointed.

He had been hoping for the [Wooden Houses Blueprint] to build more homes for the Goblins in his territory.

But this blueprint was for a [Warehouse].

The joy comes from the fact that a Warehouse Blueprint is more valuable than a Wooden Houses Blueprint.

With a warehouse, he could store food and other resources without worrying about them spoiling, underscoring the significant utility of a warehouse.

Subsequently, Edward tucked away the [Warehouse Blueprint].

As for the [Snake Armor], he listed it on the [Island Trading Platform].

[Premium Gear—Snake Armor (Click for details)]

[Auction Time: 24 hours later]

[Buy It Now Price: 3,000 gold coins]

[Owner: Edward]


A buy-it-now price of 3,000 gold coins is sky-high.

Looking over the entire island, no professional could afford it.

Listing it on the trading platform was bound to draw crowds.

And that was precisely Edward's intention.

He was creating a buzz.

Professionals desiring this premium gear would naturally start saving money and resources, waiting for the auction 24 hours later.

By then, the [Snake Armor] could fetch an even higher price.

Of course, if someone offered 3,000 gold coins to buy it outright within twenty-four hours, Edward would be even more delighted.

With 3,000 gold coins, he could summon sixty twin-winged Angels.

At that point, he would sweep through his adversaries.

In comparison, what's a single piece of level 7 gear?