Pitch Black

"Ahhhhh, fuck it!!!"

Veronica rolled out of her bed going crazy with temptation.

I can't be in the same house with the world's most mysterious demon lord and not want to at least have a tiny peak of what he really looks like. I mean, what if the picture trending at every corner of the internet is fake and photoshopped or something. He might just be one crazy, teeth-rotten ogre. Afraid to reveal his ugliness to the world.

She put on her sandals and tiptoed towards the door of her massive room, breathing heavily at what she was about to do. Her heart was racing as she opened the door an inch and peeked through it to see if anyone was hanging around by her door.

"Fuck!" She closed the door out of fright.

She can't even see properly because outside of her door was pitch black. There was nothing to see except a thick, dark fog.

"What in the world is wrong with these people? Why are they so creepy? Could it be only my room that is illuminated right now?"

She stiffened when she heard Damon's faint voice. He was talking very loudly, and it seems to be coming from outside. She quickly raced towards her balcony and was lucky to see what was happening. Below her, three black cars she couldn't tell the model were parked in a straight line. She leaned close to have a better look at who was entering one of the cars first, almost falling off the balcony in the process. She was unable to make out much as Damon's big body was blocking her view. She looked closely, frowning. He was more like shielding whoever that was from being seen or spotted.

Damon began to speak a language she recognized instantly as Hell's official language. She was able to recognized it as Hell's language because her husband use to rant in it whenever he was pissed. He even tried to teach her, but it was too complicated for her to learn. It was the complicated version of Latin. She is still struggling to learn French correctly, which is her native language, but she wasn't born there.

Damon paused to smile as he kept talking to whoever entered the car before him. He was dressed up nicely like he was going to a party. An elite one. He was pretty loud and she wondered why. She strained her neck in several angles to see if she could see who was in the car that he was talking too, but she couldn't make anything out.

Could it be Rayven?

"Okay, you will be fine. I promise," He concluded loudly in English and prepared to enter the car, pausing midway. Her heart leapt to her throat when he looked up directly to where she was. She fell to the ground at a speed quicker than lightning, spraining her left ankle in the process, when his piercing eyes caught her in the act of spying. She bit her tongue to hold back the sound of pain that was threatening to roll out of her lips, waiting for them to leave.

It was an awful five minutes of silence before she heard.

"Oh, it's nothing dear brother. It's just a noisy bird that is hard to keep in its place. Let's just go, I'll take care of it later."

Damn you!

She heard the sound of the massive gates ahead being pulled apart as they drove pass it and down the private highway. When she was sure they were gone, she let out a cry of pain at her throbbing ankle. It took a while for the searing pain to subside a bit before being replaced by a dull throb. She staggered to her feet and limped back inside her room, cursing every single being that came to her mind.

Damon…Damon…Damon…damn you Damon!

She sat on her bed, wondering where the hell they are going to at this hour of the night?

It is revealing too much of my breast. Could it be because it is too tight?

Ebony felt like bursting into tears again as she tried on her seventh dress, and it was not perfect and didn't hide all the parts of her body she's ashamed of.

She grabbed her phone, and sat beside Mr. Cuddlebubbles on the bed seconds away from telling Violet she had a mini accident at home, and she couldn't make it to the party when…

I am already at your house, waiting. You have ten more minutes to finish up and come downstairs. Now!

Something gripped her by the throat, and she was this close to having a panic attack. Mr. Cuddlebubbles sensed her distress and hoped to calm her down by clinging and rubbing its furry self on her, meowing words of comfort. She ignored him and went to her mirror again to see if she was ready, even if she should have been hours ago if not being so insecure. The gown she had was black, and it hugged perfectly to her figure.

Her hair was tied up in a loose bun, perfectly going with the makeup she had on her face. She was hoping she didn't look like a monster trying to be pretty overnight. She refused to carry a bag, just her phone and her shoes were on point, but she felt like it made her look shorter.

Dammit, Ebony! Where are you? I should be there hours ago.

Ebony jumped when she received Violet's angry message. She quickly replaced Mr. Cuddle bubbles water and made his own bed for him in case he was not interested in sleeping on hers. She kissed him goodbye and left rushing.

Outside was cold. Colder than usual, and she regretted not taking her coat along. Her gown was a bit above the knee and strapless. It was starting to feel like a bad decision as she neared Violet's brand-new Tesla her rich uncle got for her for not being rebellious for one night. She opened the passenger's door and sat in. Thankful for the warmth that greeted her as she fastened her seatbelt.

"Hi," She greeted facing her friend who was dressed nicely and looked incredible. She envied how her hair was just so straight and deep black like midnight. Something she wished was the same for her hair.

"Hey." She greeted back driving down the highway to where she thinks her super rich uncle would be holding his birthday party. Violet spared her a glance and smirked.

"You are looking sexy tonight. Even though you are blind to the fact that you always look sexy all the time. Be ready to give numerous men your numbers tonight as they drool over you."

Ebony gave her a tight smile even though she knew that was impossible. She looked out of the window watching the buildings and streetlights pass by her in a blur.

"I don't befriend ugly people. That should tell you something."

Ebony looked at her friend drive them to the venue of the party, chewing on a piece of gum.

"My dear, Ebony. What am I to do with you?" Violet said, shaking her head as her eyes were on the road with a faint smile on her lips. "I am just glad that we are friends. It's part of my dream to see you never being insecure anymore. And I am going to make it come true by showing you off to plenty of people tonight."

Ebony blinked not sure if that is going to turn out well.

She'll expect anything but not a huge rooftop party. They arrived late, moments from where her uncle is about to cut his ten feet tall birthday cake. Violet quickly ushered them to have pictures with him as fireworks assaulted the sky above them as they cheered him up.

Violet pulled her uncle to a tight hug, telling him just how much she loves him and that he is the best uncle in the world. Many of his friends all came one at a time to wish him happy birthday and long life. The fat man was happy. You could see it in his eyes.

Ebony watched with a small smile by a corner. Violet was happy too as her uncle friends and extended families showered her with love and pure adoration. Her eyes began to water as she had no idea how that feels like.

Soon, she was being dragged by Violet into the tight crowd of well-wishers and introduced as her best friend with confidence.

"Uncle, I would like you to meet my friend, Ebony!"

Every single soul intimidated her with their eyes, and she suddenly wanted to know what they thought about her. Do they also see what she sees?

Alas, they all smiled and welcomed her like a long-lost family member. Especially Violet's uncle. He was super nice to her and even made her seat with him on his table to eat along with Violet, her mother and some of his close friends.

Violet's mother was super nice and engaging. Always cautioning her daughter if she spoke too rudely or didn't behave well.

She noticed some of her Uncle friend's being demons. Most of the people invited were demon lords from all over the world.

They were all friendly towards her as well as their heartbeats they made wives. She slowly let her guard down and relaxed to the joyful atmosphere. She was offered several dishes and drinks she didn't have an appetite for. But as the time went by, she found something that called to her.

"When is Lord Damon coming over, Lord Silver?"

Ebony smiled when the beautiful demon dropped his glass of wine, smirking. He is so charming and hasn't stopped checking her out.

"That bastard has to put his brother to sleep first before he heads over here. That brother of his is such a burden to him."

They all laughed, and the smile vanished from her face at who they were talking about. Even Violet was laughing.

"I don't get what the fuss is about. Why won't that bastard show himself to the world? What exactly is he hiding from?"

"Something is telling me it's because of the state of his redemption. He is too ashamed to face us."

They all laughed again. It wasn't clear to her why she was feeling uncomfortable about this.

"That demon is nothing but a coward. A nameless one."

"Did you mean shameless or nameless?"

Lord silver smiled loving every bit of this slander and riddicle and picking up his glass of wine he answered, "Both."

"You don't--"

"I beg to differ."

Ebony and the rest sitting on the table all turned to the sound of that voice that cut her short.

It was Lord Damon from the house of Mammon, third rank minor.

Every Demon, even Violet's uncle and Violet herself, rose to their feet at his sudden entrance. But behind him…Ebony moved her head a bit to take a closer look.

The figure had a dark mask on that had the symbol of Hell and a faint description of tortured souls burning in the eternal flames of Hell's fire on his face.

Ebony only had a quick glimpse of his golden eyes that were visible under that mask before he gave up and left.