Try Me

Ebony rose to her feet, intending to go after him.


She turned to face Violet, who was holding her back.

"Where are you going?"

Ebony was a bit confused and bothered.

Don't they see the guest that came along with Damon leaving their party?

"To go after him?" She whispered, her eyes wide with urgency. Violet slowly let go of her hands to ask.


Ebony frowned, but thought this was a waste of time. She didn't know this party was for badmouthing demons that are yet to be redeemed and the ones that truly care for them. That person just left. Whoever that was have been so upset like her. She ran towards the exit of the party, feeling all eyes on her as she did. She felt Damon's eyes trailed behind her as she walked past him towards the door.

Is he not going to go after the person he brought to the party with him? Don't tell me I was the only person who spotted him?

The elevator dinged as it opened to the first floor. Ebony walked out of it to the main entrance of this fancy hotel to breathe in the polluted night air of their big town. She rubbed her hands together at how cold the night was. She should have really brought a coat with her. Ebony waited for anything to happen.

She looked around for that mysterious guest that just happen to come in and leave the party without anyone noticing his presence. She breathed and twisted her mouth at the impossible thought of finding her way back home. Things would have been much easier if she came by herself.

What to do now became a problem.

Along the sidewalk and not too far from the fancy hotel, she noticed a line of three strange polished cars parked by the curb. The first car, she noticed a figure leaning at the front of it staring at the sky with full concentration. From where she stood she couldn't make out clearly who he was.

Is he also stranded?

She moved closer towards the line of cars out of curiosity. As she got closer, he began to become more and more familiar. Even though back there at the party she wasn't able to make out much of him.

When she was just a few feet away, she stopped moving to stand behind him. He was so tall, much taller than her. He was dressed like he was a medieval vampire prince, and she could faintly see he had that strange mask on.

She sighed. He was the one. The guest that came and left without anyone noticing. She wondered if he was okay because he has been staring at the sky…no, the moon for a long time now. And she had this urge to see more of him. To see his face.

Ebony thought of checking to see if he was alright or also confused like her on how to get back home. But another feeling told her not to bother him. He looks busy being captivated by something. It was so cold, and she needs to find her way back home before Violet arrives to drag her back to that party she's lost interest in being there anymore.

Ebony stepped back and was about leaving…

"Ah, she can see me."

…but froze up at his words.


She turned around again to be sure those words didn't conjure up in her mind due to her current distress.

"What…?" She said, experiencing a feeling like she she was forced into a trance. Her heels clicked on the concrete floor beneath them as she moved closer to him and dared presented herself before him.

That action of hers turned out to be a good mistake.

Ebony had to take several steps back at the sight of him. This time he no longer looked up, but down with his eyes closed. His mask was still on. But she could tell that he was beautiful.

Who is this?

People came out of the hotel laughing and holding on to each other arms as they walked pass them. But none of those people paid regard to him or hint her that they could also see what she is seeing. She looked around searching for one person that told her she wasn't imagining this. That she wasn't insane.

"Uhm…excuse me?"

She stopped a woman who was also passing by. She had a brown jacket on and leggings. Her makeup was terrifying, and her hair was in a tight up do.

"Yes, miss."

"Sorry to disturb. But that man over there leaning on that black car is asking for directions, but I can't give him any since I am just new here. Please do you mind speaking with him for a moment."

The woman glanced briefly at where she was referring to before having her brown eyes on Ebony again.

"I think he left miss. He is no longer there."

Ebony turned, and a chilling sensation moved down her back when she could still see him. This time, his hands were folded across his chest.

"He is still there. Can't you see him?"

The woman who was also getting paranoid by her claims. "You should get help miss. I don't know what you're talking about."

Ebony watch the woman walk away from her as quick as she could and she contemplated doing that as well, because seeing ghosts or spirits is the last thing she wants to deal with tonight.

But he doesn't look like a ghost.

And too beautiful to be named a spirit.

She gradually backed away, then hesitated, her gaze drifting back to him once more.

What if he is one of those redeemed fallen angels? That could explain why he looks so unearthly. How come I am the only one that could see him?

She stood before him again, wondering and careful to put a distance between them. Her eyes went to the golden hair tied high up and neatly on his head. A bit of his forehead that was visible and the dark yet sexy description of a pentagram drawn ominously around his neck.

"What is your name?"

The sound of his voice was a balm to her senses. She blinked, and a wave of tranquility washed over her, drawing a soft, relieved breath from her lips and having her close her eyes at the amazing feel.

Their eyes opened at the same time, and she was yet to be marvelled.

She has never encountered such eye color from anyone before, even from a demon. They were bright and golden, but still felt dark and lifeless. It took her a while for her to know she has been holding her breaths.

Are you even real? She wondered and had the urge to see his entire face.

Those eyes left hers and moved all the way to her feet before returning to her face. She began to tug at the skin of her palms as she stared down at her feet. He would also find her not appealing like the rest of them. What part of her body was it? Her face? Eyes? Legs? Hair? She began to pull at it harder wanting to disappear from his presence.

"That's weird. I thought all humans have names."

She raised her head to meet with his golden orbs again in disbelief. He cocked his head sideways as if to have a better look at something.

"Even the ones that are not as beautiful as you. Why were you left out?"

Jesus! Did he just assume I don't have a name? What a very odd fallen angel? When did I say I don't have a name..?

"I…" She cleared her throat as that came out bad. "I…do…have one." Her heart was racing when he wouldn't stop looking at her like he was interested to know.

"I'm curious," he smiled, with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

"Ebony. My name is Ebony White."

His eyes widened a bit before relaxing on her. It gave her a feeling Ebony couldn't describe.

"Ebony." He repeated thinking. "I like it."

Now, ask him who he is.

"What about you? Do you have a name?"

The smile in his eyes was blinding, beautiful and magical. Her heart responding almost immediately to everything he does. It felt like it has known him for a long time now.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

His eyebrows moved in admiration, causing the smile to deepen in his eyes.

"When I was sixteen, I believed to be the one to know how to redeem the demon lord Rayven, so I can believe anything." She noticed how the light dimmed from his eyes. She wondered if he knew who she was talking about. "You know, everyone is being so unfair to him by saying he can't be redeemed. He is a special kind of demon that needs a special kind of woman like myself."

Now his eyes were looking at her in a different kind of way.

"Seduction and lustful pleasures shouldn't be the only way to make a dead heart beat again, right?"

The way he looked at her said so much, but she couldn't understand a single word.

"Moonlight, don't be deceived. It's the only way for a demon like myself. Other ways might be possible for a human."

Did he just…

"But why hasn't that worked for Rayven?"

He kept to himself for a while. "I would love to know."


She jumped as they heard Damon's voice not to far from them.

Rayven ?!

Her eyes went to him as fast as lightning. She gasped when he cupped her cheeks in his gloved hands, giving her the best view of his gorgeous eyes.

"Do not let him know that you could see me, Moonlight. Hide."

He let her go and watched as his eyes pleaded for her to hide as quick as possible.

Hide from what exactly? Damon? His brother? Is he dangerous?

"Rayven! Where are you, brother?"

Ebony has never been this pressured before in her life as she searched for somewhere to hide herself. When his footsteps were fast approaching, she bent to hide beside one of the cars. Pressing her body to the cool surface and placing her hand on her fast beating chest.



"Where were you? Why did you leave? I've been looking everywhere for you in this hotel."

"I am so sorry Damon for causing you a lot of stress. Bringing me here was a bad idea. I should have stopped you. I am so sorry."

Why is he being so apologetic? How is any of this is fault? She moved a bit close from where she hid to have a better view of their towering form without being caught.

"You should have just stayed. They can't see you unless I let them. You just have to be trusting me at all times. Are we good, dear brother?"

She saw Rayven looked down before nodding his head. Then Damon touched his hair and patted his cheeks.

"Good. Let's go home. It was a terrible idea coming here indeed."

Rayven quickly removed his watch, allowing it to fall to the ground and using his feet to kick it under the car.

Shit! Damon is going to see me.

What should I do? What should I do?

"Damon." He held his brother back as he was moments away from spotting Ebony. "Could you give me a minute to look for my watch. I saw it fall under one of the cars seconds before you called out my name."

Damon cocked an eyebrow at him. "Really?"


"Well, I could help you--"

"It's alright brother. I got it. Just give me a minute."

Rayven lowered himself to the left side of the car where Ebony was hiding. He could hear her heart drumming in her chest as he stared at her. He was leaning so close to her, and she could hardly concentrate.

"I would really love to try your better ways in redeeming me, Ebony White."

She gasped again as he confirmed he was really Rayven. The demon she was so obsessed about.

"It was beautiful meeting you," The last thing she saw were his golden eyes when he touched her and everything was starting to feel light. "I will be bringing you to me very soon. Be ready."

Everywhere became pitch black before the sound of a soft jazz music from a distance forced her eyes open. She looked around to see that she was standing at the door that lead to the party she was running away from.