
Damon walked as fast as he could down the dark corridors, not minding being careful should he fall or have an accident. His heart was beating fast as he ran with all his might to reach his brother before things got ugly. He burst through the doors of his room breathing hard and heavily.

Like the last time someone else apart from him saw his full face.

"Rayven!" He called out in the eerie darkness of the room. "Rayven, Rayven, Rayven. Brother, where are you? Are you okay?" No one would believe he said all those in one breath, as well as trying to recover from running a marathon across long, dark corridors. He couldn't vanish into thin air like his brother. Only demons could do that. Since most of them have been redeemed, it was an attribute they all lost to redemption and so much more.

"Rayven, please, answer me now. I know you're in here." Damon demanded, nose flaring as his eyes tried to detect where he was hiding as usual. He was smart not to make any sound or movement. Which was a bad thing. Damon could always find him by the little sounds he makes or the tiniest of movements or rustling whenever he hides from his nightmares.

"Rayven." He said sounding firm as he took a step forward into the vast space searching for him. "If you don't answer, I am turning on the lights."

A faint hiss somewhere by his left at a corner of his room caught his ears. Damon made small movements towards where he made out a figure not to far from his bedside hiding like a scaredy-cat.

The doors to his balcony were opened, providing the smallest bit of moonlight in the room as the golden curtains swayed back and forth with the breeze. Damon could finally see his paranoid eyes. Golden, beautiful but not willing to move on from the past. He had his large pairs of wings out and covering him like a shield against an invisible enemy. He sat there at a corner looking betrayed.

Damon sighed feeling bad about what he did. He has never done something like that to him before. He lowered himself gently and cautiously before him. His golden eyes refusing to look at him.

Damon parted his lips and said, "I am sorry, dear brother. I shouldn't have said that."

Rayven only glared at the wall not to far from him with hurt and a bit of anger.

He threatened him with turning on the lights. That's the only thing anyone could do to make him vulnerable and defenceless. Only Damon knows about this, and he has never being so overwhelmed by fear when he threatened him with it. That bright monster. It's part of the reasons he preferred to be locked in and shut away from the world. The bright big world.

Rayven brought his wings closer to himself. He hates it so much. He prefers not to have anything to do with it.

"Rayven," the voice in which his brother called out his name earned him a glance from him. "You know I was only joking, right? Trying to find you, I wasn't thinking straight. You know I will never hurt you, right?"

Rayven began to doubt. He never expected his brother to try to use light to mess with his head. There are other ways he could use to find him. He has always found him even in the worst emotional situations than this.

"Have I ever hurt you, before?"

Rayven blinked letting go of his wings just a bit.

No. He hasn't. Damon has been the only living creature he entrusted with his life and so far so good, his life has not fallen apart totally. Damon would never hurt me. He blinked again. It was just a joke.

"Brother, I am so sorry…I didn't mean to…"

Damon smiled while moving closer to pull him into a hug. "It's alright, little brother. It's alright. I am always forgiving. It wasn't your fault. I let that creature into our home out of generosity. Now, we are paying for it in the hard way."

Rayven sighed as his wings disappeared behind his back and he was back in his brother's warm and protective embrace. He loved it. His brother. His good and understanding brother. Always making sure he is alright and has his shit together.

"Rayven," Damon called out again this time stroking his dark, golden hair that fell all the way to his lower back. They were so rich. So beautiful. It was like a miracle when he grew up to rival Lucifer when it comes to being beautiful and endowed to the bone. He wasn't always like this. "She only saw your face once, and she has promised never to use it against you. I will make sure this incident never happens again. Or do you want her out of your house to be on the safest side?"

Rayven looked at his brother. "Why is she even here in the first place?" A silly thought crossed his mind, bringing a faint smile to his lips. "Is she one of your many fans that loves it when you show them what romance really is for one night?"

Damon laughed, patting his brother's cheeks like a child before settling beside him with a smile of his own. "They are not my fans, but of themselves. And no, she is not one of them. Never my type. I don't like women who don't follow rules or mind their business. She is here because of Constantine, remember when I used to speak about him?"

Rayven smiled at the memory of the long hours he would listen to his brother tell him all the exciting adventures he's had in this realm of mortals. Specifically with Constantine.


"Well, that's his heartbeat made wife."

Rayven's eyes widened at the possibility of making your heartbeat still yours even after redemption. "He has a meeting with the angels in heaven for three months and wants someone who could babysit the love of his life for him while he's gone. I am so sorry it had to be your place."

Rayven nodded in understanding also being thoughtful about something. "Are we allowed to keep our heartbeats even after redemption," he asked.

"Of course. Many demon lords are doing it. Some even go as far as keeping their ex heartbeats, who couldn't redeem them. You can do whatever you want. The angels permit that as long as it also what your heartbeat wants too."

"Oh." Rayven stared at the marbled ground. Damon nudged him by his shoulder and asked what's wrong.

"Nothing. Just concerned if she wouldn't be interested in me anymore after my redemption. I don't understand why I am having this feeling that she wants me redeemed and not…"

Damon remembered Ebony White. The mysterious human he is yet to meet that has already has his brother so interested.

"If you are super nice and more caring, she wouldn't mind spending eternity with you," He advised.

"Do I really have to wait for a week to have her by my side? I could just…"

Damon shook his head. Fearing what his brother is going to say. Apart from being troubled by some monsters…Rayven tends to be a monster when it comes to things he wants. An impatient one.

"There is a procedure we have to follow. The angels are mostly in charge of these things. We really don't have that much power. She would have her selection letter by next week, and we have to give her a bit of time to adjust and make her decision on whether she is interested or not. Then we would begin to make arrangements…which could cost us another week…"

Rayven was quick to frown. Damon chuckled teasing him.

"...well, if we are quick, it shouldn't be more than a day to make arrangements and bring her over here, to you."

Rayven relaxed. He just has to be patient. He smiled again at the thought of seeing each other once more.

"Her room shouldn't be that far from mine. She is safer when she is close."


"I would be having breakfasts with her and have a massive painting of her. Then we would gaze at the moon together...I wonder if she is also into moons?"

"I guess so."

"I would love to know everything about her so that I could be prepared when she comes."

"I could make that possible for you. I will have someone get close to her and tell us everything there is to know about her."

Rayven liked that idea until his eyes locked heavily on Damon. "While she's here, let's not make mention of anything concerning the previous heartbeats before her. Not even a word about the one that ran from me. I don't want her to be terrified or troubled when she's with me."

Damon paused before smiling. He would never get used to the way his brother's golden eyes would darken to two thin dark red reptilian slits.