Joy Killer

"Moonlight, I can't wait anymore until you come to me. Shall I bring you over to me now and have you in my arms until daybreak? Then, you can tell me all night about your plans on my redemption."

Ebony tapped on her lips in thought. Now, she is having dreams about him what's going to happen next? The dream was so vivid, like he was before her, but she couldn't see him but listened to that sweet calm voice of him speak. She straightened her back when Violet walked in with the rest of her class taking this course as well. She waved her over when Violet brought out her phone to call her about her whereabouts.

"Good morning," Ebony greeted earning a smile from Violet as she settled down beside her. Ebony watched as she brought out her laptop that was held hostage placed before her.

"I read the ten paragraph message you sent to me that night begging for your laptop back and promising never to take those dumb IQ tests again."

Ebony smiled, tracing her hand over her laptop. She has missed it so much. All she just had to do is never to take those IQ tests whenever Violet is around. She has to be smart at all cost. How else will she be able to make Rayven's heart pound when she is not intelligent? She pushed the laptop inside her cross bag with a sigh. There is so much to do and there is none she has achieved yet.

"I will take it back from you once I see you obsessing over that weight loss websites or stupid quiz sites again. Ebony, I love you just the way you are. I won't give it back this time, even if you write something longer than an epistle."

Ebony smirked, "What if I buy another one?"

"I will just take it and burn it to the ground right in front of you. No big deal."

Ebony smiled again observing the lecture hall for this particular course gradually filling with students beaming with excitement. The one she couldn't ignore.

"What's going on? Why is everyone in such a good mood today?"

"We are having a new Lecturer. Didn't you see the message on the group chat last night?"

"I was so tired, I slept off. Wasn't even in the mood today to read any messages on my phone. A new Lecturer? What happened to the old one?"

The one she was already getting used too, even though she was really lacking behind in most of his topics.

"No one knows. We are not even supposed to know. The news just happens to spread all over campus overnight and since you are not living on campus…I thought you would have read the memo shared on all group chats."

"Who is this new lecturer that everyone is so excited about?"

Violet cocked an eyebrow at her. "You'll see."

The lecture theater that was well-conditioned was starting to get hotter as a demon walked in with glasses. The funny ones funny celebrities used to wear for big fashion events. And that alone led the whole class into chaos. All the girls stood from their seats clapping and jumping in adoration. Ebony looked around scared, wondering who the hell is this.

He was dressed in another bizarre clothing that must have been so expensive and meant to give the best fashion styling of the century impression. But Ebony found it ridiculous. He had a shiny Rolex watch on his wrist and a cocky smile on his perfect lips at the attention he was getting from everyone.

He looked handsome with his pale skin, fit body and sharp jawlines. His white long hair was tied up in a ponytail and braided all the way down to his back. His hands were folded behind him as he stood at ease with his shoulders touching the sky. Ebony suddenly felt so little before this person, who walked in like he was god himself.

"Everyone, you have just five seconds to take pictures, and then we begin."

Ebony has never seen people rush so fast to bring out their phones before in her life. The flashing lights from their camera were blinding, and she covered her ears at the shouts of 'OMG, I love you so much. Please notice me.'coming from most girls and guys. The mysterious celeb raised his hands up and began to do a brief countdown with his fingers. When he reached zero, he told them all to stop and settle down. Everyone moaned in protest but listened because they all wanted to please him. She could still see some girls taking secret pictures of him.

Who the hell is this?

"Darlings," He began pacing back and forth with that signature smirk of his and his hands rooted behind him. "I am the new lecturer assigned to be taking you this course for the rest of the semester."

"Oh my god." Ebony cringed and everywhere became silent. The whole class had their eyes on her wondering what could be the problem. Ebony just chuckled nervously and sank lower in her seat. She stiffened when their new lecturer had his eyes on her looking amused. He continued anyway without saying anything to her.

"As I was saying, your prayers have all been answered. And you get to have me, The Gorgeous Hale, only son of Lord Aldinach, second rank major of the house of Mammon and his heartbeat turned wife, Queen Felicity. The respected son of a demon lord and a demon prince with over fifty million followers on all social media platforms…you get to have me tutor you all in this course for the rest of the semester. Isn't that exciting?"

Are demonic hybrids even allowed to teach? What the hell is happening? When do demons or demonic spawns start indulging in things in relation to their education? That too overnight?

The standing ovation and cheers died down and everyone took their seats, watching the new lecturer in admiration. He looks so young, could just be a few years older than all of them. What experiences does he have to take a course as difficult as this? Are the head of admin even aware of this? How did all this even happen?

"Now, let me run through all the basics of this course and what I will be expecting from all of you. Of course, you are free to drool anytime as much as you want. Not everyone is as lucky as you all to see me every day."

She saw all the girls sigh in satisfaction.

"I might be lucky to have my third girlfriend here at the end of this semester."

Ebony gasped and watched the other girls in the class giggle like mindless idiots. Not seeing what this is about.

"Or my fourth girlfriend. It depends. I will be giving out assignments and projects at the end of each week which I expect you all to do excellently well if you want to impress me, of course. Three test will be taken before your exams, and notes and books I will recommend you to read will be given out at the end of each lecturers. Do you have any questions?"

The demonic spawn leaned on one of the walls with his arms crossed, watching each and every one of them with a playful grin on his face. Her heart began to race when he removed his glasses and his two colored eyes, one dark and gray and the other a bit brighter than the first landed on her heavily. She tried her best to look away and avoid him as much as she can.

"You, my anti-fan,"

Ebony ceased breathing as he pointed his finger at her and all eyes were on her again. Her eyes went to him burning.

"It's written all over your pretty face darling that you have numerous questions to ask me."

She frowned, "No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

Ebony thought it was best to exercise patience here.

"Don't be shy. I don't entertain shy students in my class."

Very, well.

She stood up and faced him, wondering where all the confidence was coming from. "Mr…"

He smiled again, "Hale. My name is Hale. Feel free to call me just that."


"Hale. As a teacher, it is forbidden to want to have any relationship apart from the teacher to student relationship on campus. It might cost you your job and whatever certificate you might have to be able to teach." She spoke her mind. Already in disapproval of this demonic clown of a lecturer who just happened to rise from Hell to teach them overnight.

Hale was silent as he observed her from head to toe. He took his time to access her diligently.

"They never told me you were such a joy killer," Hale mumbled.

Ebony seemed to hear causing her frown to deepen. "Excuse me?"

His gorgeous smile appeared on his face once again. "Don't worry Miss. Ebony White, I will try my best to behave. Thank you so much for speaking your mind. Does anyone else has something to say or add to that?"

Ebony stood there staring at this demonic offspring in surprise. Everyone shook their head at Hale. They were all satisfied with him.

"You may have your seat, Miss Ebony." He told her so politely, and she obeyed, still in shock.

How did he know my name?