
"That's the problem, how did he know my name?" Ebony whispered, eyes wide in horror, with her index finger tapping on the cool surface of the cafeteria table. "Don't you find that weird if a new teacher figured out your name before you said anything to him?"

Violet shrugged, "I don't know. You might have said something for him to know, or the school authorities might have given him a file with all our names on it and guessed. It could be anything, Ebony."

Ebony scoffed, "That was a good guess."

Ebony sighed while relaxing more in her chair. Her arms folded across her chest as her eyes narrowed with suspicion at a thought. "All of this is weird."

Meeting a demon rumored to be cut of from the world since the war in Hell ended unexpectedly at a party, having vivid dreams about him at night and now having a new creepy and demonic lecturer that happens to know her name on the first day without meeting him before all these…is just a bit disturbing. Or maybe she is the one taking things too personal.

"You know what, you could go ask him how come he guessed your name right out of every other students present in the lecturer hall this morning," Violet suggested, taking a sip out of her cola after taking a bite out of her fried chicken. Her eyes went to the food Ebony bought suspiciously and frowned.

"Why did you buy a green salad?"

Ebony straightened up while clearing her throat. "I just felt like eating something new."

"Really? That's weird because you've been having that a lot lately. Ebony?"

She sighed digging her fork inside her bowl of vegetables. "It's not a sin to want to start eating healthy."

"Yeah? How are you eating healthy if it is only vegetables. What about carbs and protein? You need that too."

Ebony dropped her fork squeezing her eyes, not wanting to hear any of this. She needs to make herself pretty, and it could only be done if she looses a certain amount of weight. She's tried eating how she likes with exercise but it is not helping. So, she was advised by another website to start eating healthy and be conscious of her daily calorie intake.

"For God'sake, you really need to stop this madness! You are not even overweight for crying out loud."

"Of course, I am. It is what is not making me be who I want to be."

Violet was shaken. Her mouth wide open at how this has gone way too far and beyond her. "You call being sixty-five kg being overweight? And who on earth told you can't be drop-dead gorgeous regardless of your weight or how you look?"

Ebony held her breaths, turning her head the other way, refusing to look at her friend. She wouldn't understand. She just wouldn't.

After all I've been through and the shame I had to bear in this dreadful society. My goals demanding it. And how it's really though to not be able to have what you want or be where you are because of how you look.

Tears began to well up in her eyes, but she pinched herself, cautioning those tears to remain just behind her eyes. Where they belong. They must not be let loose. It is a sign of weakness, and not showing people your weakness is a big sign of being very intelligent. She released her breath, gathering her emotions together before facing her friend once more.

"I am fine. You don't really have to be worried about me."

Violet checked the time on her phone and she saw that she was getting late with meeting with her boyfriend. They wanna talk about them and fights they need to settle.

"You need to broaden your views about what friendship means. Of course, I will worry about you. We will worry about each other. That's what friends do. I honestly hope you see what you are doing to yourself before it gets worse," she gathered her tray of food and bag rising to her feet. "I should get going. Daniel is waiting for me. I'll talk to you later. And meanwhile," Violet switched her tray with hers. Carefully taking the bowl of green salad and placing it with the plate of garnished rice and fried chicken. She grabbed a cup and poured some cola into it and put it with her bottled water. "There. That seems more healthy too me. Eat it all before I get back."

Ebony watched her leave the cafeteria before staring at the food like it was a monster ready to ruin her dreams of getting in shape if she had the smallest of bite.

"Is the food that bad?" She looked up to be face to face with Hale. Their new demonic spawn lecturer that happened overnight. He stared at her with amusement and a faint cloud of worry. Ebony pushed the tray away from her.

"Not really. Just had enough."

Hale raised an eyebrow and settled on the chair opposite her. Ebony didn't want his company. Not now. Why would a teacher even want to sit with a student? That too where everybody would be watching? She could feel the envious stares of students being thrown at her from every corner.

"What are you doing?"

"Having a moment with my anti-fan." He smirked, having a sip of the cola in the cup.

"You must be mistaken, I am not your anti-fan. Stop calling me that."

Hale chcukled, "I knew it. No one could resist not liking me."

Ebony was about to say something but it was no use. He was probably one of those spoiled demonic children who thought the whole world would worship them because of who they are. Is she going to be blame him for being so in-love with himself and whatever influence he thinks he has on people?


"Great talk, Mr. Hale. But I'm leaving."

I still have a lot on my neck to do. It's time for me to head to the library to read.

"Sit, Ebony. I'm not done having a moment with you."

What does that even mean?

It doesn't matter. He is a creepy spoilt demon who is not fit to be a lecturer. For heaven's sake which magic did he use to blind the administrators eyes during the job interview? She continue to gather her things anyway and stood up to leave. The walk to the library was a bit far and no doubt Hale following after her. Attracting so many unnecessary attention to them.

"Where are we going?"

"You mean, where am I going?"

Hale just smiled, amused again. His gray eyes sparkling a bit making her falling in love with them just for a minute.

"Okay, where are you going?"

"To the library. To find something useful to do with my time. What about you? Don't you have one of those teacher's meetings to attend?" And leave me alone.

Hale couldn't help but smile again, staring deep into her eyes. "You think I am a real teacher?"

Anyone with brains should notice.

"If you aren't, then what is your purpose here?"

"You." He said heavily with excitement.

Ebony didn't know how to react to this. Who is this freak clown?

"I came here, because of you." He clarified which didn't really make any sense to Ebony.


He nodded, happily. The smile never leaving his face.

"And I am not leaving until I'm done."

They both shared a pretty intense staring contest between them. Ebony feeling drawn the more to his...she shook her head and snapped out of it. She scolded herself for even finding him attractive when he is not.

"How can I help in this mission of yours so that you could leave sooner?"

Hale laughed and god was he ten times hotter when he did. Ebony blinked, looked away to wonder what was wrong with her.

"All you have to do is stop being my anti-fan, start spending more time with me and don't push me away when I try to get close to you. Once I get enough of what I want, I can leave without any regrets and you can have your old lecturer back."

Ebony wondered why she couldn't stop falling into whatever dark spell he is casting on her and the rest of the world. She found him dangerous and charming at the same time. Also, sensing he has some hidden motive towards her.

"And what do you want?" She asked, disappointed again that she was falling for him once more. The tone of her voice made it evident that she wss under his spell. The spell in his grey eyes.

Hale licked his pink lips in thought before arriving at an answer. "Let's just call it friendship. A friendship between the only son of Lord Aldinech and Queen Felicity and a sexy, gorgeous human who I find so adorable. And she happens to be my anti-fan who knows nothing about me." Ebony stepped back when he moved closer. She could feel her heart swelling and moments away from exploding. He placed his two arms at the sides of her uperarms to hold her in place. His eyes gazing at her with another smile. "I am just grateful that you wouldn't be boring. There is so much about you I have to know with so little time on my part. But I can't wait!"