Not Like Any Other

Ebony didn't find it funny at all. The new teacher following her everywhere she went and successfully gathering the entire's school attention towards her in less than a week. Some even going as far as calling her the new teacher's pet.

"I think he likes you," Violet said moments from the elevator doors sliding open.

"He does not." Ebony defended feeling slightly offended that Violet would think such a thing. "He is just annoying."

"Am I?"

They both froze as the doors opened to reveal a slightly amused Hale staring at her. Violet and Ebony both exchanged glances at what to do. They were already running late for their next class, so they decided to take the elevator.

"Violet, I think the stairs is a much better option let's go." She grabbed her friend by the hand and dragged her down the stairs.

These went on for the rest of the week. Hale creeping up on her and wanting to talk to her the moment he sets his eyes on her. In the cafeteria, the school library, her workplace, and even offering to drive or walk her home. Even summoning her to his office to "talk" which she avoids like a plague. She tries her best not to get too distracted during his classes, that were starting to feel anything like a class. Half of his time is spent on what she deemed as irrelevant talks among them and would always try his best to include her in their talks about which fashion brand is the best.

"Ashley, please you have to do something about him. He really isn't even a certified Lecturer. I am telling you this."

"How are you so sure?"

They continued down the graveled path opening up to a concrete road with tall trees at both sides and college students moving back and forth to attend their next lecture. Ashley, the college president and part of the student ambassador's team, is the closest she could reach out too for help. She intends to tell the school administrative team about Hale, even though she doubts they had no idea who they were employing in the first place.

"He said it himself," Ebony cried out in frustration, trying to keep up with the red-haired pace. "With his mouth. Take a good look at him, does he look anything like a teacher?"

Ashley paused to face Ebony. Her lips pressed together in thoughts. "Are you the type that judge base on appearance?"

Ebony was startled by that question, her mind reeling with what it could mean. "What?"

Ashley sighed, stepping close. "Is it until they look or behave a certain way makes them qualified to teach?" She repeated, having a more serious look on her face.

Ebony didn't know what to say.

"Look, Ebony. Truth be told, you are the only student on this campus that has a problem of Hale being our new lecturer. He has been nothing but a good, sweet, and friendly demon so far. Everybody likes him except you. Think about that and stop pestering me." She walked away leaving Ebony pondering.

At the university library where she spends most of her free period in, she browsed through what to read next. A new link to a new set of online quizzes was offered to her this morning and she thought of taking them once she's done reading something new.

A book about Human physiology caught her eye and she felt like reading something relating to medicine for a change. She pulled out the giant book from the shelf only to be meet with the smiling face of the annoying demonic hybrid she has been trying to avoid on the other side.

"You really are my anti-fan."

Ebony quickly pushed the book back to its place and started walking away. What is his problem with me?

"So hard to be my friend, isn't it, Ebony White?" He cornered her quickly. Ebony placed her hand quickly on her chest and thought it was stupid her heart was racing hard at the sight of him.

"Of all the girls on this campus, why me, Hale?" She voiced out.

Hale looked down at her with a small smile, "Because you are not like other girls. You are special Ebony. And also I bother you because you are my anti-fan. I love turning haters to fans."

Ebony just shook her head, sidestepped him, and walked over to where she was sitting. So many books and notes sprawled on the table making Hale filled with much worry about her obsession to reading. He sat on the chair opposite hers, Ebony frowned in disapproval.

"Most girls by this time just hang out with their boyfriends not bury their heads in a pile of books."

"Like you said," She opened to a new page of the textbook before her. "I am not like most girls." She ended with a glare.

"Hmm," Hale relaxed on the chair while putting his long legs on the table very close to her notes and books. "There is so much to know about you, Ebony. I am having a feeling you wouldn't be that easy to figure out and time is not on my side. You remind me of someone." Ebony was quick to catch the sad smile on his face when he said the last words. "A little red bird told me you intend to bring my case to the school authorities for not being the teacher of your dreams."


"I doubt she is a bird. And yes, I intend to do so. I have no idea why you are here joking with our lives like it's nothing and I can't think of how you smuggled yourself here, but when it comes to my education, I don't play with it. I get rid of distractions, even if it is a new teacher that walks around campus like a celeb and wouldn't just leave me alone."

Hale sat up and leaned close. So close that it caught Ebony off guard. "My dear anti-fan, I am a celebrity."

Ebony has never had someone talk to her, so close like this before. She stared into his beautiful eyes and just couldn't deny the attraction.

"How many times am I to tell you that I am not your anti-fan?"

That smile she is slowly beginning to like creeped right in at the perfect moment.

"Then you like me?"

She couldn't tell. Ebony just looked away, causing Hale to fall back grinning.

"You are even more adorable when you blush. I am sure he would like that too."

Who? Her brain picked up that word, but Hale was already distracted by a group of girls waving and giggling at him from across their table. Hale blew them a few kisses, and she swore she saw one of the girls faint at his mere kiss. Ebony couldn't tell why she found their actions improper and disgusting.

Or maybe it was because Hale wouldn't stop staring at them and totally ignoring her.

"They have a spare seat, Hale, you could move over there and just leave me alone."

Hale stopped and waved it off. "Nah. I'm cool here. Where was I again? Oh, yes." He cleared his throat and resumed his previous sitting position. "With my little time of being here and with you, I am privileged to know so much about you."

"What have you known so far from following me around?"

"That you hate me so much enough to intend to make me lose my job here. You hate flashy people. You hate being followed around, and you think your super amazing teacher is annoying. That is so much, don't you think?"

It was Ebony's turn to smile. "Yeah. If you keep that up you will come to know that I tend to call the police when it comes to stalkers. We would be happy continuing this conversation more when I come visit you in jail."

"I'll be charmed to have you visit me."

She turned her head away to smile before facing him again with a straight face. "Be serious with me Hale, why are you wasting your time and so obsessed about knowing more about me?"

Hale's gaze was the longest this time.

"Ebony, have you ever heard of the God's poison?"

She blinked. Finding that question weird and unrelated.

"No, why should I know about it?"

Hale leaned close again, this time and for the first time since she's known him he had a serious look on his face. "It is because, it is the only weapon strong enough to kill an immortal. That includes angels and even demons."