Like You

She gathered every bit of self-control in her to wiggle herself out from his firm hold and made sure there was at least a breathable distance between them. The last time she saw him physically and compared to him now, it felt like he has grown more appealing than before. How he achieves such freshness was his little secret.

Hale was right when he said it was Rayven that disguised as Damon. He had that mask on that concealed his entire face except his eyes and lips, and it was the same as the one Damon had on in the assembly. She couldn't believe he sat with all of them that evening without none of them knowing a thing. It was frightening, which added more to his mystery.

Ebony took a moment to observe him from head to toe. She wouldn't lie when his beauty intimidated her in every way. Maybe he wore that mask thinking no one would survive the sight of his face. He dressed richly like a fantasy vampire prince that lived in a medieval castle. His hair looked soft, silky and well taken care off. She envied its volume and length and thought it was sinful and unfair for demons to be made perfect right from birth without them having to change and modify a part of them. Her eyes wandered to the sexy pentagram drawn with dark ink on the left side of his neck. It was obvious that whoever drew that masterpiece must be from another word.

In short, he is a beautiful rich demon that hides in a big house, locked away and wouldn't take his eyes of her.

Ebony cleared her throat and avoided direct eye contact while taking another small step back.

She must leave soon was what occupied her mind at that time and the only way to make that happen was to give him the reason she said no and be done with it.

''Uh…'' It was the worst way to break the silence between them, but there are other things she's worried about. The way the mere presence of him made her feel and how her heart wasn't restless but strangely calm and his eyes fixed on hers caused heat to travel to specific parts of her body and lingered. It made her a bit nervous and aroused in an odd way. ''You wish to know why I said no, isn't it?'' She asked with forced concentration.

She waited to hear a response but received none.

''Well, to not waste each other's time. I am pretty sure you have better things to do than be curious why a girl like me would say no to a demon like you.'' She continued, slightly bothered by why he wasn't saying anything.

''I know I…bluffed a lot to you that night that I am the only special person you need to bring you to redemption. The truth is, I don't think I am that special person, and I am so sorry if I made you hopeful.'' There. That came out nice and sounded like a reason he could take and leave her alone. ''I am not so sure what you might be expecting as my reason for saying no…but I am genuinely sorry, and I will keep you in my prayers and hope you find your redemption sooner than you think.''

The dark clouds rumbled in the background, and it started to rain again easing the tension between them a bit. Ebony looked at him when he still wasn't saying a word. He appeared calm, not angry or disappointed in her like she imagined. She still couldn't read the look on his face and he wasn't telling her anything or hinting her on how all she's said and done made him feel.

If he is hurt by getting a no from her, she couldn't tell. He did a good job at hiding it.

''Rayven?'' She found herself asking as the rain outside increased in strength and his golden eyes moved lazily to meet hers again. He was thinking…figuring out a way…

''Was the need to give me a reason to have me out of your way all you thought about when I invited you over?''

What else is she supposed to think about? She matched his gaze and answered. He looked disappointed.

''You know, you have these set of pretty eyeballs that I would love to stare at every day, but they fail to notice their owner's worth.''

Ebony's eyes widened a bit.

''Trust me, you have to be special and interesting enough to have me face my fears, endure with your kind longer than I have ever done just to see you again.''

Ebony turned when he moved past her to face the world outside the glass walls. He moved his hands to fold it behind him to watch the world beneath them get beaten by the heavy rain.

''You fell in love and you stopped dreaming.'' He gave her a side glance that made his eyes appear eerie and dark.'' How very childish?''

The sky rumbled again as the look of disbelief remained in her gaze. He turned to face her fully, causing Ebony to look away for a moment to gather her thoughts and get her emotions straight before she says something to him, she might regret.

''I invited you over for dinner. To have you all to myself for the night, to see you again.Yes, I stated I wanted to know why you changed your mind. But…'' He stepped closer. ''…it felt like you only came all the way here to say it right in my face and be done with it.''

He slowly traced a finger from the curve of her face down to her right cheek. His golden eyes finding her lips, and Ebony was quick to see the look of want in him before it disappeared. She stepped back to tell him she wasn't interested in anything and in any way.

Rayven thought the best way to punish her for loving someone else instead of dreaming about he like she used to was this. The look she gave him when she spoke of his redemption was now all in the past and for once in his entire existence…he felt like he was loosing something he never imagined wanting so badly.

His eyes locked with hers again, and they have never looked so longingly at a perosn.

''Let me tell you something very obvious, you will only waste your breath loving him. He will look at you from your head to your feet, and he won't see a reason to love you back.''

She stared at him so hard and without blinking. His eyes followed the tear that trickled down her cheeks. He was just telling her the truth. Its best being warned with the truth now than being crushed with it like a rock in the future. What he only wished was for her to say something back to him and not stare at him in a way that scared him.

She stared briefly at the pouring rain to wipe her tears with the back of her hands. He noticed how it trembled slightly when it fell back to her sides. He wondered which part of his words triggered her the most.

He stood there and watched as she tried to keep it all together before him. How she was able to do it amazed and frightened him in a way. It felt like this was the least she's had to endure and appear stronger. He wondered just how much goes on in her life. Is she being harmed over and over again by the world outside? Is she being toyed with emotionally? Is she being threatened?

His eyes moved left and right at the revelation. What happens the moment she leaves him? He can't protect her if she is out there…but…

Ebony turned to leave. She doesn't care anymore if he was satisfied with her reason for saying no or not. She was done.

''You have a day to grow up and be faithful to what you promised me.'' He said after her darkly.

She faced him angrier than ever. ''It was never a promise…''

''I don't care what it is to you. You owe me my redemption and I won't hesitate to do all I can to have me on your mind again. If you don't come to me willingly in a day, be ready to have me come for you in ways you'll never think of.''

She parted her lips, reeling in shock at his words. ''You are going to force me to be with you?''

''I'll be gentle if you don't resist.''

''You're crazy.'' She said without thinking.

''You are right. And it is all your fault,'' His eyes softened. ''It just doesn't feel right…when you hold hands and smile to the one you've fallen in love with. I lose my mind when I think of being replaced just because you're in love with someone.''

Ebony has never been confused with words before in her life like how she is with his. It is not like he desired her romantically or something. He just wants what he thinks she promised him.


''I didn't know you were this scary. I would have just stayed away in the beginning.'' She summoned up more courage to withstood his golden gaze that shown excellently even in dimly lit room. ''To even think I was obsessed with a demon like you for…'' She swallowed the remaining words to begin another. ''My no is and will still be no. Whether you like it or not. And there is nothing you will do to make me say yes. I'll like to see you try over and over again just to fail, give up and move on.''

The way his eyes darkened as he watched her move her hips left and right and stormed out of his dinning hall with the rain falling harder. He closed his eyes to take in a deep breath.

You are not the only one obsessed.

He opened his eyes and she was gone. He materialized again on the balcony he stood to see her the moment she stepped on his property. Hale had an umbrella over her head as he led her to his car. He watched both of them talk from his high place and hated it until the very depths of his soul.

The demon that came in between.

His eyes shifted to the woman waiting under the dark umbrella as Hale ran to get his car. Rayven stretched forth his hands, reaching out to where she stood below him. He wondered what it would feel like to touch her again. He watched her tremble, and whispered to the rain to go easy on her. She is very precious.

Ebony looked up in amazement as the rain stopped too suddenly.

He smiled when she smiled and do away with the umbrella as Hale's car slowed to a stop at her feet.

You are mine.

He clasped his hands together to lean close and rest his chin on top of it dreamily.

Completely mine.

I don't care whether you are in love or not…his eyes followed as she settled inside the car and the car drove out of the gate.

''Ebony White, you belong to me. And I'm coming to have you by my side for good.''