I Would

Veronica woke up to the heavy sound of rain, feeling thirsty. She put on one of her slippers and a robe over her pajamas to pour herself a glass of water. Not only is Damon not home, she gets to practice her spells at midnight freely and move around in the big house with a flashlight looking for Rayven. It still weird she has not encountered him since the last time, and wondered just how big the house was for them not to meet once.

She quietly closed the door of her room and tiptoed down the dark corridors determined to explore every nook and cranny of this big house to see him again. She tried using one of her spells to locate where he hides but failed. It's like he doesn't even exist and exists when he wants too. The corridors were eerie and she was surprised that they were dimly lit this time. She wondered if they sometimes make the house less creepy than it is.

She could hear the rumblings and gushing sound of rain outside the walls. Her feet brought her to a door at the far end of one of the hallways, touching the handle, she was surprised to find the room unlocked. She looked left and right before pushing the door inside and stepping in as quietly as she could. The door made a small clicking sound as she closed it behind her.

Her flashlight moved round to see where she had stepped into and was surprised to see it was an office big enough to be described as an executive's space. She gasped at the many books neatly arranged on a shelf and dream furniture. She walked up to the table and chair pushed to a corner and marveled at the ethereal view behind it. Her fingers rested on the smooth and polished surface before settling down on the chair, placing her phone face down beside her. She skimmed through the books, files, papers and other types of documents she wasn't that smart to understand what they meant. This room was an office space, and she thought it could either belong to that arrogant demonic brat or Rayven.

This must be where all the magic happens and where the brothers manage their wealth and properties. She relaxed more on the chair, not bothered by the thought of getting caught as she flipped through pages of words and numbers and letters to Heaven explaining things. It became more interesting when a piece of paper fell from a file beside her feet. She bent over to pick it up but paused at the sight of a metal safe hiding in the darkness under the table. She reached out for her phone to position its flashlight at it to see it more clearly. She then crawled under the table and figured to unlock the safe;she had to input a three-digit number. A passcode.

Veronica wondered what the passcode could be. If this is Damon's workspace, which is more likely she assumed, and he has a safe hiding under his desk. What in the world would a demon like Damon set as his passcode to hide all his dirty little secrets from the world forever? What digits are most likely to be in a demon's mind? She reasoned deeply.

''Six, Six, Six.'' She pressed the button that had the number six on it thrice and was disappointed when it said password incorrect. She scoffed, of course he wouldn't want to make it that obvious too.

What could it be?

''Damon and his brother were orphans and beggars back in Hell. He would always beg for three golden coins every time he meets with strangers. I remember asking why he always puts the number three as his signature in all documents. He has this weird obsession for the number.''

Veronica rose to her feet and grabbed some papers and documents to confirm her husband's words, and it was true. All his signatures were just a simple three.

''They were both weird siblings even in Hell.''

Veronica nodded as she glanced through more papers. Remarkably weird.

She resumed back to her previous position and tried a different number. It worked.

She quickly opened the door to the safe to see what skeleton he had in his cupboard. Her hands traced the cold insides of the empty safe in disbelief. It got her all excited for nothing.

''What an oddball.'' She hissed to rise to her feet, only for her phone to slump inside the safe mistakenly. She pushed her head and hands inside the safe to collect it, when something white like a paper stared back at her on the screen of her phone. She turned her phone over to see clearly and moved in a way to see what was on the roof of the small safe.

It was a paper tapped neatly to the roof of the metal safe.

''What the…'' She reached out to the small paper and peeled it gently from where it was taped too before crawling out with her phone and checked twice to be certain she locked the safe. She felt like she had seen and explored enough and crept back to the safety of her room, locking the door behind her.

She switched off her phone light since her room was well lit, sat on the edge of her bed to see what the paper is about to be concealed in such a way by who owned the safe.

She straightened out the paper to read what it said and with fine handwriting the person wrote;

I know what he did, and it is sad I am just leaving you. I am sorry to say this and I understand how much you love and cherish him, but you need to stay away from him. Fear him like a deer fears a hungry lion. For he is much more insane than you think.

Hale stepped down from his car to retire to bed. He couldn't understand what Rayven might have done to upset Ebony, but they promised to talk about it the next day. He stepped into the massive main area of the house, heading towards the stairs to head to his room.


Hale froze as he took his first step up the stairs.

''Thank you so much for bringing and taking my woman back home safely.''

He has never heard…Hale turned around to meet the demon he has always been so curious about. He was surprised when he found no one in the main area. Did I just imagine that?

''Up here.''

He looked up to see Rayven leaning on the silver railings of the second floor staring down at him with interest. Hale couldn't help but show he was marveled by his appearance. Rayven smiled at him, but he knew better to consider it a friendly smile.

He tilted his head a bit to the left when Hale wouldn't stop staring at him like he has never seen a creature like him before.

This was the demon that made her so upset. He hated it when she's so upset.

''Say something. Don't just look at me.''

Hale looked away, looking a bit flustered. ''The pleasure is mine. I'll do anything to make her comfortable.''

His eyes dulled with envy.

''That's good. I like you already. You make her comfortable. Too comfortable for my liking,'' He spoke darkly grabbing Hale's attention. ''You even inspire her to do things. Things she shouldn't do. She is a different person now that she met you.''

''How can you tell when you haven't seen the real her?''

I was the one who studied and observed every little thing about her while you remained unknown to the world. Hiding

The mask on his face did little to reveal how he felt, but his eyes showed how much he disliked everything that represented him.

''I have,'' He said so calmly even if there was a storm brewing in him. ''The real her wouldn't have said no at a chance to redeem me like she has always desired from the beginning. You ruined it all when you made yourself known to her. But I don't blame you, I blame my brother.''

Hale has never been so confused like this before. How could he be the reason she said no?

''Or maybe she sat one day to reorientate herself and found other things she would wish to accomplish with her life. It's not everyone who finds being the heartbeat to a demon intruging every time.''

The smile disappeared from his face as his golden eyes dimmed to his demonic ones. Dark gold and slit shaped.

''If she is interested she would say yes and if she says no, It's smart to respect her wishes and leave her to herself. She has every right to do whatever she wants since it is her life.''

The smile seemed to return to his lips, this time darker and slightly amused. ''Interesting. Well said, young demon. Now I see why she is not herself. You brainwashed her with silly inspirational talks, and now she is confused and moving on the wrong path. What am I to do now?''

Hale took a protective stand forward. It triggered a smile more insane than the former.

''Leave her be. That is what she wants, and it is smart to comply.''

''But I am not smart and I don't want to leave her be,'' He said innocently.

Hale gasped, shocked at his utterances.

''She said no, and I have devised several ways and methods to make her take back her words.''

Hale watched as he descends down the stairs like he owned the whole world and nothing will come in his way of getting whatever he wants.

''Then I saw you and the best and easiest method occurred to me.'' He stopped, four steps towards him. Hale felt disgusted by the smile on his face. He couldn't believe this was the demon he shared every single thing about Ebony with. He then felt very guilty for saying yes when Damon reached out to him some weeks ago.

''I heard she is a good girl who takes her education too seriously. She is a hardworking librarian in a local book store and has a cat that means the whole world to her.''

Hale shook his head, knowing what he is about to do. Those three things summarizes her whole life. And he would let a car run over him if anything happens to it. Rayven was satisfied by the look of fear he easily gave out.

''What's going to happen if I take that all away from her?''

No…'' Please don't…''

''I will.''

Hale climbed the stairs between them and shook his head, begging. It would crush her beyond repair. He really has no idea how all those things mean everything to her. And the guilt of it being all his fault would linger until it slow kills him.

''But you can stop me and that from happening.''

Hale's eyes moved, wondering how he could stop him. ''I would do anything…''

Rayven smiled again, ''Of course, you will.'' He ate up what was left between them and whispered softly in his right ear. ''Have her agree to be my heartbeat in three days and bring her to me yourself and I won't have to put her in a situation we both wouldn't like to see her in.''