I'm A Nephilim

The appointment with the vet was brief with the doctor saying Mr. CuddleBubbles was in good health. He was just a cat trying to adjust with the stress and the new environment. He would be back to himself after some weeks. The diagnosis brought a massive relief to Ebony that her cat was fine.

Soon, she had Time drive her back to her library where she does part-time. He asked her why she wasn't going to school today, Ebony waved it off even if not going was a major deal to her. She was a bit…no, terrified of ever showing her face in school after what happened yesterday.

Violet did the worst to her this time. Making school the thing she values after her cat and life now hard to deal with. She woke up this morning with her phone bugging with hundreds of notifications and half of them were stories and talks about how and why she became a heartbeat with Violet at the frontline promoting her and her stories all night.