
The best feeling in the world is to be reconnected with your favorite person you have missed so much. Even though the time they were apart was not yet up to seventy-two hours, Ebony was so overjoyed to be with him today. Hale brought out a set of fancy cards as they rejoined at his private area of the club and began to mess around with it.

''Oh my god, are you cheating?'' Her hazel eyes went wide when he won again in their fifth round. Hale just smirked, re-arranged the cards for their next time. ''You better not be cheating. I don't care if you are a half demon…but I will tear you into pieces if you are.''

He smiled at her threats, finished that round and moved to another game of monopoly. Which was surprisingly a game Ebony was a god at and beat Hale several times until the point of him whining. They proceed to a more private bar, drinking on something far from being alcoholic, gisting and laughing at random things they discussed.