Not Nice

She tiptoed to where her room was, which was becoming a habit, and made sure she ventured inside her room as quietly as possible with a huge sigh of relief. She placed her cat on the floor to have his fun and went straight to shower and get ready to visit the other human in this big house.

Ebony brushed her teeth, showered and dried her hair first with a towel before blow-drying it. She changed into a pair of sponge bob shorts and putting on one of her oversized T-shirts. She pushed her hair up in a high pony-tail, grabbed her phone and charger, told her cat she would be right back, heading towards the door.

She yanked it open, then immediately slammed it shut and quickly backed away several steps.

Rayven tilted his head a bit to the left at her behavior.

Ebony retreated to where her bed was and sat at the edge of it. Her left leg restless as she waited while trying not to lose it.

He would leave.