For My Sake

She knew he would still be standing there, and she did not have the guts to look back but sob quietly in her seats until the car screeched into a stop on the driveway. Ebony stared up at Time confused. He clenched and unclenched his hands on the steering wheels. Before she could speak up or say anything, the car was already speeding back to the house in reverse.


She shifted in her seat, trying to understand what he was trying to do.

''What are you doing?''

With a crazy turn, he sped down until he paused right where he picked her from. She sat there with her heart racing with tears falling down her cheeks. The nephilim stepped out of the car by slamming the car door shut. She saw his form circled the car until he got to her side and opened the door, causing her to move as far back as she could be away from him. The nephilim didn't care that he was scaring her with his acts, but he felt like it was time he should interfere in this matter.