
Rayven pulled her hands from him to face her. She tried to touch him but he stopped her. Her teary eyes searching his confused. He swore he heard her heart beating faster than a galloping horse. Her hands drawn to herself and she looked truly vulnerable. He moved closer with a hard look that frightened her the more. Maybe she was now taking him seriously and ready to stop all her nonsense and start being honest with herself.

''I did not say you should hold me, Moonlight. I said kiss me if you are ready to start being truthful to yourself or walk away if you want things should remain as it is. You leave and there would never be a chance ever again in the future for us to happen. I won't even blink an eye if you should come crawling back to beg me. Whatever happens to you out there wouldn't move me to help even in the slightest. I would sit back and watch you destroy yourself like I never knew you.''