Chapter 1

"You're going to love Japan," her mother said with a bright smile. The words floated around young Amelia's head, her new name a small comfort in the sea of change. In her former life, she had been Avery Thompson, an ordinary girl with dreams and fears. Now, she was Amelia Griffin, a child reborn with the promise of a second chance.

The bustling Tokyo streets seemed to mirror her excitement and trepidation. Her family had moved from a quiet suburb in America to the heart of Japan, driven by her parents' new job opportunities. To Amelia, it felt like destiny's hand guiding them to a new life filled with possibilities.

As she looked out the window of their cozy two-story house her eyes caught sight of a hero soaring through the sky. His cape billowed behind him, a vibrant contrast against the modern skyline. Heroes were commonplace here, a fact that still filled her with awe. In this world, her first wish had come true: she was now part of the My Hero Academia universe, a place where heroism was a way of life.

Amelia's thoughts drifted back to her meeting with the deity, the moment that had changed everything.


"You stand before the Creator of all," the deity had said, his voice echoing in her soul. "Your time on Earth has ended, but you have been chosen for a unique destiny."

"A new life?" she had asked, her voice trembling with both fear and curiosity.

"Yes, my child. A life where you can make a difference. I grant you three wishes. Use them wisely."

Her first wish had been immediate and heartfelt: "I want to live in a world where heroes exist." And now, here she was.


The sound of her mother's voice pulled her back to the present. "Amelia, could you come help with these boxes?"

"Coming, Mom!" she called back, eager to throw herself into the task. Her parents had been ecstatic about the move, unaware of the deeper significance it held for her. They knew her as Amelia, their bright, determined daughter, not as Avery, the girl granted a second chance by a cosmic being.

As they unpacked, Amelia marveled at how different everything was. She couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. In her former life, such things were the stuff of comic books and dreams. Here, they were reality.

Her father entered the room, carrying another box labeled "Amelia's Books." He smiled at her and said, "You excited about starting school here?"

She nodded vigorously. "Yeah, it's going to be amazing."

"Remember," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder, "you're starting fresh. New school, new friends. It's a great opportunity."

"I know, Dad," she replied, feeling the weight of her second chance. "I'll make the most of it."

Later that evening, as she lay in bed, Amelia stared at the ceiling, thinking about the future. Her new life in Japan was just beginning, but the potential of what she could achieve here filled her with a determination she had never felt before. She had two wishes left, and a world of possibilities ahead of her.

With a deep breath, she whispered into the darkness, "I can't wait to announce to the world that I am here"