Chapter 2

The morning sun cast a warm glow over Musutafu as Amelia Griffin stood in front of Aldera Junior High. The sight of the school was both thrilling and daunting. She had seen this place countless times on a screen, but now it was tangible, and she was about to step into its halls. Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness. This is where it all begins, she thought.

Class 3-A's door loomed ahead. Amelia paused, gathering her thoughts. Remember, she told herself, you're here to learn and to help, not to interfere. With a steadying breath, she slid the door open and stepped inside.

The classroom was already abuzz with activity. Students chatted and laughed, the hum of morning energy filling the air. Amelia's eyes instinctively sought out the familiar faces. Katsuki Bakugo was by the window, exuding his usual confidence and intensity. Izuku Midoriya sat a few rows ahead, scribbling furiously in his notebook, completely absorbed in his notes. Seeing them in person was surreal.

"Ah, you must be the new student," a voice interrupted her thoughts. It was their homeroom teacher, Mr. Hashimoto. He offered a kind smile and gestured for her to come to the front of the class. "Class, we have a new student joining us today. Please introduce yourself."

Amelia swallowed her nerves and stepped forward. "Hi, everyone. My name is Amelia Griffin. My family just moved here from America. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you."

"Welcome, Amelia," Mr. Hashimoto said. "Why don't you take that seat next to Midoriya?"

As she walked towards her new desk, she caught Izuku's wide-eyed gaze. He seemed a bit flustered but managed a shy wave and a timid smile. "Hi, Amelia. I'm Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Izuku," she replied, returning the smile. She could see the curiosity in his eyes, perhaps wondering about the new addition to their class.

As the day progressed, Amelia found herself absorbing the rhythm of Aldera Junior High. The teachers were engaging, and the students, though initially curious about the newcomer, were generally friendly. Yet, a part of her mind was always aware of the undercurrents of destiny swirling around her.

At lunchtime, she found herself eating alone in the courtyard, trying to process the whirlwind of emotions. The familiar figures of Izuku and Katsuki weren't far away, involved in their own lives, their own stories.

Suddenly, a shadow fell over her. She looked up to see Katsuki Bakugo standing there, his hands shoved into his pockets. "You're the new kid, right?"

"Yes, I'm Amelia," she replied, keeping her tone neutral.

"You know what Quirks are, don't you?" he asked, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What's yours?"

Amelia felt a pang of anxiety. Her powers were a blend of solar energy and superhuman abilities, akin to the legendary Superman. Revealing them might draw unwanted attention. "I, uh, haven't really figured it out yet," she said, opting for partial truth.

Katsuki seemed unimpressed but didn't press further. "Whatever. Just don't get in my way." With that, he turned and walked off, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

As the afternoon classes resumed, Amelia's mind drifted to the future she knew so well. The Paranormal Liberation War, the trials and tribulations ahead—it was all daunting. But as she looked around at the vibrant, energetic students, she felt a renewed sense of purpose.

I can't change everything, she reminded herself, but I can make a difference.

That evening, as she sat by her bedroom window, gazing at the setting sun, Amelia felt a surge of resolve. She still had one wish left. Her first had brought her here, to this world where heroes existed. The second had granted her powers akin to Superman. The final wish, she decided, would be used wisely, to protect and support those she had come to care about.