Chapter 3

Amelia Griffin had started to find her rhythm at Aldera Junior High. The initial wave of curiosity and questions from her classmates had subsided, and she was now just another student among many. She focused on her schoolwork and assignments, quickly adapting to the new curriculum and the cultural nuances of her new environment.

Yet, beneath the surface of her daily routine, Amelia noticed a disturbing trend. The school seemed to favor students with powerful Quirks, often overlooking or even marginalizing those without them. Quirkless students, like Izuku Midoriya, were treated with subtle disdain or outright bullying.

This favoritism became glaringly apparent during PE classes and practical exercises. Teachers paid more attention to the Quirked students, praising their abilities and encouraging their development, while the Quirkless were left to fend for themselves. Amelia's heart ached as she watched Izuku endure this treatment day after day. She knew the incredible hero he would become, and it pained her to see him so downtrodden.

Katsuki Bakugo, with his explosive Quirk and domineering personality, was at the center of this dynamic. His relentless bullying of Izuku was more intense than the anime had shown. The constant harassment and physical intimidation were a daily reality that Amelia found hard to stomach.

One afternoon, during lunch, Amelia saw Bakugo cornering Izuku in the courtyard. The familiar scene of Bakugo's aggressive stance and Izuku's desperate attempts to defuse the situation was unfolding before her eyes. She couldn't just stand by and watch.

"Hey, Bakugo, leave him alone," she called out, stepping between them. Her voice was calm but firm, a stark contrast to Bakugo's fiery temper.

Bakugo's eyes narrowed at her. "Stay out of this, Griffin. This is between me and Deku."

"Doesn't look like a fair fight to me," she shot back. "Just because you have a strong Quirk doesn't mean you can bully others."

For a moment, Bakugo seemed taken aback by her defiance, but he quickly regained his composure. "Tch, whatever." He walked off, leaving a relieved Izuku in his wake.

"Thank you, Amelia," Izuku said quietly, his gratitude evident in his eyes.

She smiled at him. "No problem, Izuku. Just remember, you're stronger than you think."

Despite her resolve not to interfere too much, Amelia couldn't bear to see such blatant cruelty. The anime hadn't fully captured the relentless bullying Izuku faced during middle school, and seeing it firsthand made it impossible for her to stay completely uninvolved.

At home, Amelia practiced her powers in secret. Her second wish had granted her abilities akin to Superman: super strength, flight, enhanced senses, and energy projection. Balancing these powers while maintaining her cover was a challenge, especially with her parents' demanding jobs.

Her father, Thomas Griffin, worked as a sidekick to a prominent hero, often leaving him exhausted after long patrols. Her mother, Viola Griffin, was a dedicated police officer, her duties keeping her busy and frequently putting her in dangerous situations. Despite their hectic schedules, they did their best to support Amelia's training whenever they could.

One evening, Amelia found a secluded spot in a nearby forest to practice. She focused on controlling her energy projection, aiming bursts of energy at a makeshift target. Her enhanced senses kept her alert for any potential intruders.

"You're doing great, Amelia," her father said, watching her from a distance. "Just remember to pace yourself. Your powers are incredible, but they require control."

"I know, Dad," she replied, wiping sweat from her brow. "I just need to be ready for anything."

Her mother joined them, a proud smile on her face. "We're here to support you, honey. Just keep working hard and stay focused."

With her parents' encouragement, Amelia continued to hone her abilities. She knew that her training was crucial, not just for her own safety, but for the role she hoped to play in the events to come. The future was fraught with challenges, and she needed to be prepared.

Through it all, she remained acutely aware of the timeline she was trying to preserve. Her actions, though small, could ripple outwards in unforeseen ways. Yet, her desire to help and protect those around her was unyielding. She couldn't change everything, but she could make a difference, one step at a time.

And so, Amelia Griffin continued her journey, determined to balance her new life, her powers, and the responsibilities that came with them.