Chapter 5

Amelia and Izuku's friendship blossomed. Walking home together, their conversations grew deeper, and their mutual support strengthened. Amelia was taller than Izuku, with her blonde hair glistening in the sunlight and her blue eyes reflecting a quiet determination, sometimes she reminded Izuku of All Might. Her presence was a comforting contrast to the chaotic world of junior high.

Izuku, although initially intimidated by her height and striking appearance, quickly realized that Amelia's heart was as warm as her gaze. 

One crisp afternoon, after their usual run, they sat on their favorite bench in the park. The golden leaves crunched beneath their feet as they caught their breath, their conversation turning to the future.

"So, Amelia," Izuku began, looking thoughtful as he wiped sweat from his brow, "have you thought about what you want to do after we graduate?"

Amelia nodded, glancing at him with a determined smile. "Yeah, I have. I'm aiming for U.A. High School, the Hero Department."

Izuku's eyes widened with admiration. "That's amazing! U.A. is the best school for heroes. You'll be great there."

"Thanks," she replied, warmth spreading through her at his encouragement. "What about you, Izuku? Do you still want to go to U.A.?"

Izuku hesitated, his gaze dropping to the ground. "I do," he said quietly. "But, you know, without a Quirk, it's going to be tough."

"You can do it," Amelia said firmly. "Remember what we talked about? You've got the heart of a hero. And there's more than one way to be a hero. Have you considered the Department of Support?"

Izuku looked up, curiosity lighting his eyes. "Support? I thought about it, but I wasn't sure if I could make a difference there."

"You absolutely can," she insisted. "Think about it. You're already so knowledgeable about heroes and Quirks. The Support Department could help you design gadgets or support gear. And who knows? Maybe if you do well enough, you could transfer to the Hero Course later."

Izuku's face lit up with a newfound sense of possibility. "I never thought about it that way. You're right, Amelia. The Support Department could be a way for me to start. I can still work towards my dream from there."

Amelia smiled, feeling a surge of pride at having encouraged him. "Exactly. And you're already getting stronger. Our runs are paying off."

Izuku's gaze turned earnest as he looked at her. "What about you, Amelia? I know you're aiming for the Hero Department, but… can I ask about your Quirk? You've never mentioned it."

Amelia took a deep breath. She had kept her powers a secret, even from Izuku, but she trusted him. His insights and his genuine desire to help others were qualities she deeply admired. If there was anyone she could confide in, it was him.

"Izuku," she began slowly, "I do have a Quirk. Or, well, something like it. My powers are similar to Superman's from the comics. I have super strength, flight, enhanced senses, and energy projection."

Izuku's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow, that's incredible! From what I gathered in the comics it was hard for Clarke to control it in the beginning but as he grew so did his mastery of his powers, he was strong."

"It's a lot to handle," she admitted, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders as she shared her secret. "I've been training in secret because I don't want to draw too much attention. But I'm still learning how to control everything."

Izuku nodded, his expression thoughtful. "That's really smart. And it explains why you're so strong and fast during our runs. Have you thought about how you'll use your powers at U.A.?"

"I have," she said, a determined glint in her eyes. "I want to be a hero who can protect others and make a real difference. But I know I have to be careful. My powers are… a bit overwhelming at times."

"I understand," Izuku said, his tone serious. "You're already doing great by practising and staying focused. And you've got a good heart, Amelia. That's what makes a real hero."

"Thanks, Izuku," she replied, feeling a swell of gratitude. "That means a lot coming from you."

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, watching the sun dip below the horizon. The future felt daunting but exciting, a canvas filled with possibilities they were both eager to explore.

Over the following weeks, their conversations about U.A. High School became a staple of their runs and walks home. Izuku threw himself into his studies and training with renewed vigour, driven by the possibility of joining the Support Department and eventually transferring to the Hero Course.

Amelia continued to train her powers in secret, with her parents offering advice and support whenever they could. Her father's experience as a sidekick and her mother's insights as a police officer were invaluable, helping her understand the responsibilities and challenges that came with being a hero.

Despite their busy lives, the Griffins made time to support Amelia's ambitions. Thomas would often join her for late-night flights from the top of a building, offering tips on manoeuvrability and control. Viola, with her knowledge from her police work, would discuss scenarios and moral dilemmas, helping Amelia develop a strong ethical foundation.

As her friendship with Izuku deepened, Amelia felt a growing sense of responsibility. She wanted to support him, just as he supported her. Together, they were forging a path toward their shared dream of becoming heroes, each step bringing them closer to the day they would enter U.A. High School.

One afternoon, after a particularly gruelling run, Amelia and Izuku collapsed onto their bench, panting and laughing. They had pushed themselves harder than usual, each eager to outdo the other in a friendly competition.

"You're getting really fast, Izuku," Amelia said between breaths, grinning at him.

"And you're still beating me every time," he replied, shaking his head with a smile. "But it's good motivation."

Amelia leaned back, looking up at the sky. "You know, I think we're both going to make it. To U.A., I mean. We just have to keep working hard and believe in ourselves."

Izuku nodded, his expression filled with determination. "Yeah. We will. And we'll make a difference, just like we've always dreamed."

As they parted ways, Amelia felt a renewed sense of purpose. The future was uncertain, but she and Izuku were ready to face it together. Their dreams were within reach, and they were determined to seize them.