Chapter 6

Aldera Junior High was abuzz with the usual excitement and tension as the school year began in earnest. For Amelia Griffin, the routine was becoming familiar—attending classes, training in secret, and spending time with her friend Izuku Midoriya.

As the bell rang, signalling the end of another day, Amelia and Izuku gathered their things. The halls echoed with the chatter of students, many boasting about their Quirks or discussing their future ambitions. Amelia noticed Izuku glancing nervously at his classmates, particularly Katsuki Bakugo, whose presence was as intimidating as ever.

Amelia's blue eyes flicked toward Bakugo. His fiery demeanour and explosive Quirk were well-known throughout the school, and he often targeted Izuku with his brash comments. Today was no different.

"Hey, Deku!" Bakugo sneered as they passed by. "Still clinging to your ridiculous dream? You'll never make it to U.A. with that quirkless body of yours. And Amelia," he added, turning his sharp gaze to her, "you're just as weak. No one even knows what your Quirk is. Probably because it's worthless."

Izuku's fists clenched at his sides, but to Amelia's surprise, he didn't back down. He stood his ground, his green eyes meeting Bakugo's with a newfound resolve. Amelia felt a surge of pride for her friend. Though he was still nervous, he was no longer running away.

Amelia, on the other hand, simply smiled at Bakugo, a knowing glint in her eyes. If only he knew the truth. Her powers were far from weak; she could flatten him in an instant if she wanted to. But revealing that was not part of her plan. She needed to stay under the radar, at least for now.

"Come on, Izuku," Amelia said calmly, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Let's go."

As they walked away, Bakugo's mocking laughter echoed behind them, but it no longer stung as sharply. Amelia's presence and her quiet strength were enough to fortify Izuku's resolve.


Later that afternoon, they sat together in a secluded corner of the library, their textbooks spread out before them. The usual chatter of students was muted in the background as they focused on their studies. Amelia noticed Izuku occasionally glancing at her with a thoughtful expression as if contemplating something.

"Amelia," he began hesitantly, his cheeks tinged with a slight blush, "I've been thinking about your Quirk and how you can use it more effectively."

"Oh?" Amelia said, intrigued. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well," he said, gathering his thoughts, "since your powers are similar to Superman's, you might need some support items to help you control and enhance them. For example, flight can be tricky to manage without proper training. Maybe some aerodynamic gear could help stabilize you. And for your energy projection, you might want gloves or some kind of focusing tool to channel your blasts more accurately."

Amelia nodded, impressed by his insight. "That's a great idea, Izuku. I've been practicing in secret, but having the right tools could make a difference. What about you? Have you thought about what your hero suit might look like?"

Izuku's eyes lit up with excitement, and he pulled out a sketchbook from his bag. He flipped through the pages, revealing detailed drawings of various hero suits and gadgets. "I've been thinking about a suit that could enhance my agility and strength. Since I don't have a Quirk, I'll need support gear that can help me keep up with the others. Something like grappling hooks for mobility, or reinforced armor for protection."

Amelia studied his drawings, a smile spreading across her face. "It's like Batman and Superman, isn't it? You with your gadgets and me with my powers. We'd make a great team."

Izuku's blush deepened, and he scratched the back of his head nervously. "Y-Yeah, I guess we would. And if you ever need a sidekick, I'd be honoured to help. I mean, if you don't mind, of course."

Amelia chuckled, touched by his earnestness. "Thanks, Izuku. I'll keep that in mind. You'd make an amazing sidekick, but I think you're destined for more than that. You've got the heart of a true hero."

Their conversation continued, filled with dreams and plans for the future. Izuku shared his ideas for gadgets and support items, while Amelia talked about her training and how she hoped to use her powers to protect others. They encouraged each other, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.


As they left the library and walked home together, Amelia couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. She knew that Izuku's journey was about to take a dramatic turn. According to what she remembered from the anime, he would soon meet All Might and receive the Quirk that would change his life. 

Thinking about it brought a smile to her face. The idea of Izuku gaining a Quirk like All Might's was both thrilling and amusing. She knew how much it would mean to him and how it would transform his future. But for now, she would keep that knowledge to herself and support him in any way she could.

As they approached the point where their paths diverged, Amelia turned to Izuku. "Thanks for today, Izuku. You've given me a lot to think about."

"Anytime, Amelia," he replied, his shy smile making her heart warm. "And if you ever need help with your training or anything, just let me know."

"I will," she promised. "See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

As they went their separate ways, Amelia felt a renewed sense of determination. The future was unfolding in unexpected ways, and she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With Izuku by her side, she knew they could achieve their dreams and become the heroes they aspired to be.