Chapter 7

The city buzzed with its usual vibrancy as Amelia Griffin navigated the bustling streets. Today, she had a specific mission: to keep a close eye on the unfolding events of the day—the day that would mark the true beginning of Izuku Midoriya's journey to becoming a hero.

Having memorized the timeline from the anime, Amelia knew that this was no ordinary day. As she approached a small shop near a construction site, she scanned her surroundings. Her blonde hair, pulled back in a simple ponytail, glistened under the sunlight, and her blue eyes darted around, looking for any sign of trouble. She wore a casual outfit, blending in seamlessly with the crowd.

Just then, she heard a commotion in the distance. Citizens were gathering, pointing towards a confrontation between a hero and a gigantic villain. Amelia's heart raced as she recognized the scene. Kamui Woods was battling a large criminal, his wooden tendrils wrapping around the villain in an attempt to subdue him.

Amelia moved closer, standing at a safe distance along with other onlookers. She watched as Kamui Woods announced the villain's arrest for using his Quirk illegally. He activated his Lacquered Chain Prison, hoping to immobilize the behemoth. However, before he could fully execute his plan, a new figure burst onto the scene.

"Today is my debut!" Mt. Lady proclaimed, her voice resonating with confidence as she used her Gigantification Quirk to tower over the villain. With a powerful Canyon Cannon, she sent the criminal crashing to the ground.

People around Amelia pulled out their phones, snapping photos of the new heroine. A few feet away, Amelia spotted a familiar figure—Izuku Midoriya—excitedly taking notes in his ever-present notebook. His eyes sparkled with admiration and curiosity as he jotted down observations about Mt. Lady's Quirk.

A man standing nearby noticed Izuku's enthusiasm and offered some words of encouragement. "Aiming to be a hero, kid? Good luck!"

Izuku's face lit up with a bright smile. "Yes, sir! I'll do my best!"

Amelia's heart swelled as she realized she was now witnessing the anime right before her eyes. She knew how much this meant to him, and she silently cheered him on from a distance. She made sure to stay in the background, not wanting to draw attention to herself or disrupt the natural flow of events.

Back at Aldera Junior High, the atmosphere in the classroom was a mix of anticipation and boredom as the teacher discussed the students' futures. Amelia sat beside Izuku, her notebook open but her mind focused on the events she knew were about to unfold.

The teacher droned on, holding a stack of printouts. "You all need to start thinking about your future careers. I have the forms here for your desired life courses, though I'm aware most of you are aiming to become heroes."

The room erupted with excitement as students began using their Quirks in playful displays. The teacher quickly reminded them to stop, but the air was still charged with energy.

Katsuki Bakugo, seated a few rows ahead, stood up, his voice cutting through the chatter. "Don't lump me in with the rest of these losers. I'm going to U.A. High School and surpass All Might. I'm the only one here with a shot at the top hero course."

His classmates grumbled, but none dared to challenge him. The teacher, glancing at his roster, smiled wryly. "Ah, right. Midoriya also wants to go to U.A."

All heads turned towards Izuku, and laughter erupted. Amelia's eyes narrowed, but she kept her composure, knowing she couldn't intervene directly.

Izuku's face flushed as he stammered, "I-I'm not trying to compete with Kacchan. I just want to follow my dream."

Katsuki sneered, his hand igniting with a small explosion. "A dream you'll never achieve, Deku. You're Quirkless. You don't belong in the hero course."

Izuku's shoulders tensed, but Amelia noticed a flicker of determination in his eyes. He was standing his ground, even if his voice shook. She admired his courage, knowing how hard it was for him to face Bakugo's relentless bullying.

Katsuki's taunts continued, culminating in him snatching Izuku's notebook and igniting it with his Quirk. "You're wasting your time, Deku. Why don't you just give up?"

Amelia's fists clenched under the desk, but she forced herself to stay calm. Izuku needed to navigate this on his own for now. She knew he would grow stronger from these experiences, even if they were painful to watch.

After class, Amelia walked with Izuku towards their usual spot—the small park near their homes. Izuku's face was a mix of frustration and sadness as he clutched his charred notebook.

Katsuki's voice echoed in the background, dripping with disdain. "Why don't you take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a Quirk in your next life?"

Amelia's eyes flashed with anger, but she kept her focus on Izuku. As Katsuki's words faded, she turned to him. "Don't let Bakugo get to you," she said softly, her voice steady and reassuring. "He doesn't understand your potential. You'll prove him wrong one day."

Izuku nodded, though his eyes remained downcast. "It's just hard. I want to be a hero so badly, but sometimes it feels impossible."

Amelia placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Nothing worth achieving is easy, Izuku. You've got the heart of a hero. That's what matters."

A strange, unsettling noise echoed from beneath a nearby bridge. She instinctively moved closer to Izuku, her senses alert.

"Did you hear that?" Amelia asked, her voice low, trying to mask her unease.

The bridge loomed ahead, casting long shadows over the road. Beneath it, a grotesque, slime-like figure writhed, its greenish mass twisting and churning. Amelia's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the villain from the anime: the Sludge Villain.

Before she could react, the Sludge Villain lunged toward them, its gelatinous form stretching out with malevolent intent. Its voice gurgled menacingly, eyes filled with hunger. "Two more hosts! Perfect!"

Amelia instinctively stepped forward, her body tense with the urge to protect Izuku. But before she could act, Izuku placed himself between her and the villain, his face pale but resolute.

"Amelia, get back! I don't want you to get hurt!" Izuku shouted, his voice shaking but determined.

"No, Izuku! We need to get out of here together, we can just run!" Amelia retorted, fear and frustration mingling in her voice.

But the villain was too quick. Its slimy appendages wrapped around Izuku, pulling him into its viscous form. Izuku struggled, his eyes wide with terror as the slime began to suffocate him.

"No!" Amelia screamed, her heart pounding in her chest. She reached out, trying to grab Izuku's arm, but the slime was too strong, its grip tightening.

As desperation threatened to overwhelm her, a powerful wind roared through the tunnel. The force was so intense it knocked Amelia off her feet, sending her sprawling to the ground. She looked up in astonishment to see a towering figure standing at the entrance of the bridge, the setting sun casting a dramatic silhouette behind him.

"All Might..." Amelia breathed, her voice barely audible over the rushing wind.

The Symbol of Peace, All Might, stood with his trademark smile, his presence radiating confidence and strength. His eyes locked onto the villain, and without hesitation, he delivered a devastating punch.

"Texas Smash!" All Might's voice boomed, his fist creating a vortex of wind that blasted the Sludge Villain apart, freeing Izuku from its grip.

The villain's remnants splattered across the tunnel, and Izuku collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath. Amelia scrambled to his side, her hands shaking as she checked him over. "Izuku, are you okay?"

Izuku coughed, his voice weak but grateful. "Amelia... I'm okay, thanks to All Might."

All Might approached them, his smile broadening as he saw Izuku's resilience. "Fear not, young man. You're safe now."

Izuku's eyes widened as he gazed up at his idol, his face a mix of awe and disbelief. "All Might... I can't believe it's really you..."

All Might chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "Indeed, it is I! And you were quite brave to stand up to that villain."

Izuku's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and pride. "I... I just didn't want anyone to get hurt."

All Might nodded approvingly, but his expression turned serious as he prepared to leave. "Well, I must take this villain into custody. But remember, young man, true heroes act even when they're afraid."

As All Might gathered the scattered remains of the villain into a bottle, Izuku scrambled to his feet, his eyes pleading. "Wait! All Might, I have so many questions... Please, don't go yet!"

In a burst of impulsive courage, Izuku grabbed onto All Might's leg just as the hero leapt into the air. Amelia gasped, her heart racing as she watched them soar into the sky, leaving her behind. She stood beneath the bridge, her blonde hair whipping in the wind from All Might's leap. Knowing this was a pivotal moment for Izuku, and though she could have followed them, she chose to stay back. She understood that Izuku needed this experience, this first step toward becoming a hero, on his own. 

The day had been emotionally exhausting for our protagonist, yet she felt happy. As the sky darkened, Amelia found herself near a small shop, her eyes scanning the horizon thoughtfully. She waited for her friend knowing he'd show up due to what was to come. 

 A strange, unsettling noise came from outside the shop. Then there was an explosion.