Chapter 9

Izuku's heart thudded with the excitement of All Might's encouraging words. He glanced at Amelia, a soft smile playing on his lips. Her presence had been a beacon of hope, grounding him in moments of doubt.

Amelia, however, couldn't ignore the glaring discrepancy she had witnessed. She took a deep breath, deciding to play her part convincingly. Raising her hand timidly, she fixed her gaze on All Might, who was now in his skeletal form.

"All Might," she began, her voice tinged with feigned confusion, "I don't mean to be rude, but… what happened to your muscles?"

The question hung in the air, creating a moment of stunned silence. All Might's eyes widened in realization, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. He glanced at Izuku, who looked equally alarmed, both recognizing their blunder.

Izuku stammered, trying to cover the slip. "Oh, um, well, you see—"

All Might quickly regained his composure, his face taking on a serious expression. "Ah, yes, well… this is not something I usually reveal to others," he said, his voice measured. "The form you typically see on television is a result of my Quirk, which allows me to enhance my physical abilities dramatically. However, due to a severe injury I sustained five years ago, I can only maintain that form for a limited time each day."

Amelia's eyes widened, maintaining her act of surprise. "That's… incredible and a little shocking," she said, doing her best to sound genuinely intrigued. "I had no idea there were Quirks that could do something like this."

All Might nodded solemnly. "Yes, it's a closely guarded secret. It's crucial that the public sees me as a symbol of peace and strength. Only a few people know about my true condition, and I trust you both will keep this information confidential."

Izuku, feeling the weight of All Might's words, nodded vigorously. "Of course, All Might! I would never tell anyone. Your secret is safe with us."

Amelia mirrored Izuku's nod. "Absolutely. We won't tell a soul."

All Might's stern expression softened into a grateful smile. "Thank you, both of you. It means a lot to have your trust and discretion."

As the tension eased, Amelia took a step closer, her eyes filled with genuine curiosity. "All Might, if it's okay to ask, how did you manage to keep being a hero despite this injury?"

All Might's gaze grew distant, reflecting on his past. "It hasn't been easy. I've had to learn how to manage my time and conserve my energy for the most critical moments. I've relied on my experience and instincts to make the most impact when it matters. And I've had to come to terms with my limitations while still striving to uphold my duty as a hero."

Izuku listened intently, absorbing every word. Amelia could see the admiration in his eyes, mixed with a newfound understanding of the complexities of being a hero. She felt a pang of guilt for knowing more than she should but resolved to use her knowledge wisely.

"All Might," Amelia said softly, her voice tinged with admiration, "I think it's incredible how you've managed to keep going despite everything. It shows just how strong you really are."

All Might's smile returned, warm and encouraging. "Thank you, young lady. Your words mean a lot. And I believe you both have the potential to become remarkable heroes in your own right."

"Izuku Midoriya," All Might said, his tone turned serious, "there's something important I need to discuss with you. And Amelia, as his trusted friend, I think you should hear this too."

Izuku's heart pounded in his chest. Amelia stepped closer, her anticipation gnawing at her.

"Before we go any further," All Might began, "I need you both to understand something about my Quirk. It's not just super strength. It's a Quirk that can be passed down from one person to another. The power I hold is called 'One For All.'"

Izuku's eyes widened. "One For All... it can be passed down?"

"Yes," All Might confirmed, his expression serious. "It's a power that accumulates strength and is transferred from one person to another, growing stronger with each generation. And I've chosen you, Izuku, to be my successor."

Amelia's breath caught in her throat as she glanced at Izuku, it was happening right before her eyes this is so much better than the anime. His eyes were wide with shock, a mixture of fear and excitement swirling within them.

"Me?" Izuku stammered. "Why me? Why would you give your Quirk to someone like me?"

All Might's gaze softened. "Because, young Midoriya, you have the heart of a true hero. During the Sludge Villain's attack, you acted without hesitation to save your friend, even though you had no Quirk of your own. You shined brighter than anyone else there, more than any of the so-called 'heroes' present. That's why I chose you."

Izuku's hands trembled as he absorbed All Might's words. The weight of the responsibility, the honour of being chosen, and the fear of the unknown pressed heavily on his shoulders. But deep within him, a spark of hope ignited—a chance to become the hero he had always dreamed of being.

"All Might," Izuku said, his voice shaking with emotion, "I... I accept. I'll do whatever it takes to become a hero like you."

Amelia's heart swelled. She placed a supportive hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "This is your chance Izuku."

All Might nodded a proud smile on his face. "You've made a brave decision, young Midoriya. This journey won't be easy, but with determination and hard work, you will become a hero worthy of One For All."

The evening air grew cooler, and All Might glanced at the sky, noting the time. "I should take my leave now. Remember, keep this secret close to your hearts. I shall meet you both at the Takoba Seaside starting tomorrow"

Both nodded as they watched as All Might's frail form walked away, his silhouette fading into the distance. A sense of resolve settled over them, a shared understanding that their hero journey was only just beginning.

As they walked home together, Izuku turned to Amelia, his eyes reflecting a mixture of excitement and concern. "Amelia, thank you for being there today. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Amelia smiled, her heart warming at his words. "You did amazing, Izuku. I'm really proud of you. And… I'm sorry I couldn't help more when the sludge villain attacked."

Izuku shook his head, a determined look on his face. "No, you were right to stay back. It was something I had to face. And because of you, I felt like I could do it. You believe in me, and that means everything."

Amelia's smile broadened, her own determination mirrored in Izuku's eyes. "We're in this together, Izuku. We'll make our dreams come true, no matter what. Let's get you home."

They had traversed these streets many times before, but tonight felt different. The revelations about All Might and Izuku's brave actions had shifted something fundamental in their relationship. Amelia stole a glance at Izuku, noting the newfound determination in his stride. Despite his small stature and typically timid demeanor, he exuded a quiet strength that she knew would grow over time.

As they approached the Midoriya household, Izuku turned to Amelia, his eyes shining with gratitude. "Thanks for walking me home, Amelia. I really appreciate it."

Amelia smiled warmly. "Of course, Izuku. Anytime you need a friend, I'm here."

Izuku fumbled with his words, a blush creeping up his cheeks. "And, um, thank you for today. For believing in me and… for understanding."

Before Amelia could respond, the door to the Midoriya home opened, and Inko Midoriya's cheerful face peeked out. Her eyes lit up as she saw the pair approaching.

"Oh, Amelia! Izuku! I'm so glad you're home safe," Inko exclaimed, her voice filled with maternal warmth. She stepped outside her threshold, her apron dusted with flour. "Amelia, it's so nice to see you. Would you like to come in for some tea?"

Amelia felt a wave of affection for Inko, who had always been kind and welcoming since she started visiting a few months ago. Inko's hospitality had made Amelia feel at home in this new country and school. However, knowing her parents might worry if she stayed out too late, Amelia politely declined.

"Thank you, Mrs. Midoriya, but I should get home. My parents might be expecting me," Amelia replied, her smile apologetic yet sincere.

Inko's expression was a mix of understanding and mild disappointment. "Of course, dear. But you're always welcome here. Please visit again soon."

Amelia nodded, her heart warmed by Inko's kindness. "I will, thank you. Goodnight, Mrs. Midoriya. Goodnight, Izuku."

"Goodnight, Amelia!" Izuku called out, waving as she turned to leave.

As she walked away, Amelia felt a sense of contentment mingled with the bittersweet longing for the family she missed back home. The Midoriya household's warmth had given her a glimpse of what it felt like to belong, having parents who were at home.

Once she was a safe distance from the house, Amelia glanced around to ensure no one was watching. The street was empty, and the shadows provided enough cover for her to do what she had become accustomed to doing in secret. Taking a deep breath, she focused her thoughts, feeling the familiar surge of power as she lifted off the ground, her body ascending gracefully into the air.

The sensation of flight was exhilarating, the night air rushing past her as she soared above the rooftops. She navigated through the city's skyline with practised ease, her keen eyes scanning for any sign of danger or trouble, also if any heroes would see her. This was her time to practice and hone her abilities, away from prying eyes and the responsibilities of her everyday life.

As Amelia approached her home, a modest two-story house nestled in a quiet neighbourhood, she descended quietly into the backyard. The familiar sight of her home brought a sense of comfort and routine. She slipped in through her window, her feet touching the floor softly. The house was dark, save for a single light in the kitchen.

On the kitchen table, a covered plate of food awaited her, along with a handwritten note from her mother, Viola:


Working late tonight with Detective Tsukauchi on a case. Dinner's on the table. Your father should be home soon, but knowing him, he might be late too. Be safe. We love you.


Amelia's heart warmed at her mother's thoughtfulness. Despite their busy schedules, her parents always found ways to show their love and care. She uncovered the plate, finding a neatly prepared meal, and sat down to eat, her thoughts drifting.

Her parents, Viola and Thomas Griffin, were dedicated to their jobs, she wanted to spend more time with them. Their work often kept them away from home, but Amelia understood and respected their commitment to justice and safety.

After finishing her meal, Amelia cleaned up and left the kitchen as she had found it. She made her way upstairs to her room, where she could finally unwind. She changed into comfortable clothes and sat by her window, looking out at the starry sky. The events of the day played over in her mind, the revelations about All Might, and the deepening bond she felt with Izuku.

Amelia knew that her journey was just beginning, and though the road ahead was uncertain, she felt ready to face whatever challenges awaited her. With a determined smile, she resolved to continue honing her powers and supporting her friends, knowing that together, they could achieve greatness.

As she settled into bed, her thoughts turned to the future—U.A. High School, the hero course, and the incredible adventures that lay ahead. She drifted off to sleep with a sense of purpose, ready to embrace the destiny she was shaping with each courageous step.

Wait, wait one minute. All Might didn't tell us what time we should meet him at the beach!?